Show Review: Bear In Heaven @ The Parish (8/29)

Bear In HeavenI anticipated this show not just because Bear In Heaven has never failed to impress, but also because the openers showed so much promise. I was only disappointed in one thing; Austin. Yes you, Austin. Would you please start supporting the openers? Less pre-drink, more music. You paid for that ticket, get your dollar’s worth. Check what time doors are and show up to support the bands and the venues. BiN made two incredibly solid picks for the road this time around in Weeknight and Young Magic and if you missed them, it is your own damn fault. #rant

So there you go. The best show review I have ever done? Maybe.

OK, just a few more notes after the break. …and pics. Lot of them.

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Have A Nice Weekend

The Juan MacleanLadies and Gentlemen, you may dance.

The Juan Maclean has been known to elicit party. DFA has this latest track up for your ears and feets. Use it. Add it to your Soundcloud mix for the weekend. This track again features Nancy Whang on vocals and I think it is John’s best stuff since “The Simple Life”. Big DFA-style beat, somewhat brooding at times, but always ready to break out.

Turn it up, enjoy the three day weekend if you dare.

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Brand New Tune from The Stevens

steveIn case you were one of those unfortunate souls who missed out on the glory that was The History of Hygiene, then first listen to this delightful new song from The Stevens.  We got glimpses of this sort of pop on their debut, but this track shows such growth and perfection that it’s hard to even really see them as the same group. When the world looks back in 20 years on the history of Australian pop music, they’ll start to look at Chapter Music as the purveyors of all great things; they’re the label releasing this delectable single. Perfect way to wrap up your Friday afternoon.  Then you can also go pick up their LP; you deserve it.

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Sorry I Missed This: New Neighborhood Brats

bratmobileMy first experience with Neighborhood Brats was that one-off 7″ they did with Dirtnap Records last year, so it’s been a short wee bit since I’ve heard from the group.  But, I just got their new album in the mail, so I’m bummed I must have missed this driving new tune.  It’s a pretty straight shooting number; there’s not any frills, just pure substance. The lyrics offer up a “fuck the kids, fuck the new,” giving us a glimpse at that bratty attitude from which the group derives their name.  You can catch their new LP on September 29th by way of Deranged Records; it’s titled Recovery.

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More New Tunes from The History of Apple Pie

pecanisbetterThere’s just something about this band that exudes good times.  Earlier in the month I tossed out “Tame,” the first single from the new History of Apple Pie record, but this new one kicks off with even more of a shake to it.  There’s a shimmy for listeners, induced by the progression of the chords, while singer Samantha Min coos gently in your ears.  But, there’s a nice explosion of pop when you get to the chorus, which is a nice little touch I wasn’t expecting on this track.  I feel like you can also hear them channeling Lush a bit, but I guess we’ll all know better when we pick up their new LP, Feel Something, which is out on September 29th via Marshall Teller (no relation to Jacks Teller).

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Austin Spotlight: Alex Napping Get Playful

AlexNapping_VineetGordhandas-1This is the version of Austin’s Alex Napping that I like the most.  There’s still depth to the craftsmanship of the track, and the vocals are, as always, performed well.  But, my love for this number comes from the guitar tones; they’re light-hearted in their angular movement.  The rolling drums that fade out with the vocal after the 3 minute mark are also a nice touch…it’s definitely a strong way to finish off the tune.  You can grab their record This Is Not a Bedroom from our friends over at Punctum Records on September 23rd.

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I’m Stuck on School

swedefishschoolSure. I went back to teaching this week, so technically, yes, I’m stuck on school.  But for this purpose, I’m talking about the delightful Swedish quartet, School (not to be confused with the School).  There’s just something super enchanting about the bounce kicked off by the snare work in conjunction with those surf-style guitar licks; or, maybe I’m also stuck on singer Alice’s wonderful voice.  Regardless, this is a band I’m rather excited about at the moment, which probably isn’t that great a feat considering I’m a sucker for a nice melody.  You can also check a cool little performance video the band tossed out for this single HERE.

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Wand – Ganglion Reef

wandRating: ★★★½☆

Just when I think I’ve reached a point where I seem to be teeming with enough lo-fi garage rock, Wand comes around with their debut album Ganglion Reef  to let me know that you can never have enough. Cory Thomas Hanson and company from L.A have won me over with their simmering and psychedelic rock music that they’ve crafted on their impressive ten track album.

Though admittedly Ganglion Reef took me a little bit of time to wrap my head around; it didn’t immediately catch my attention, but faded into the background of my multitasking. It wasn’t until the last two tracks that I somehow caught on that this group had something special they were giving out. The second to last track, “Growing Up Boys” is a subtle song, reminiscent of Dr. Dog via the vocals. A soft combination of vocals, acoustic strumming and a brooding bass line carries the song while these lines of what sounds like high-pitched synthesizer strike through, cutting the track with the psych elements. It’s a gorgeous song, with Hanson’s vocals soaked in reverb giving it a hazy glow and you just have to let it hit you with its waves of sound.

This mellow take on the garage rock genre works well for Wand, but then again so does the straight up rock and roll. Last, but certainly not least in value track, “Generator Larping” has buzzing guitars to the max and Hanson dropping into a falsetto voice that is somehow even hazier than the proceeding track. The result is great ending to the record, and these two back-to-back tracks will surely spark your interest and send you back to the start if you hadn’t already been hooked on the way, which is easy to get when you give this record your full attention or a second spin. Tracks like “Broken Candle” have catchy choruses that will get you moving, but also full on guitar solos that follow them with garage rock goodness.

Ganglion Reef is a psychedelic trip into another world from start to finish, but takes a bit warming up to if you don’t fully fall into the hazy waters the first time around. Keep falling for and with Wand… I sure will.

Crunchy Tune from Prince Rupert’s Drops

purpleraindropsThe last time we heard from Prince Rupert’s Drops the band were dropping in with some classical spins on modern psychedelia.  But, it seems as if they’ve taken those tendencies and moved in a more rock specific direction.  Don’t be alarmed, there’s still a great bit of fuzz spinning out of your speakers, including a nice blistering solo.  That being said, the group opens the track in a manner that might possibly lend itself towards a greater accessibility.  Personally, I dig the delivery of the vocals; it’s almost playful within the grand sphere of the track.  Look for their second LP, Climbing Light, via Beyond Beyond is Beyond on November 11th.

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Buke and Gase Bring New Song

bukakkeThere’s some experiment going on within the Buke and Gase camp, and while I don’t completely understand the process of it all, I know that it’s led to this interesting new tune.  Apparently they’ve challenged themselves to creative improv marathons, then fleshing out recordings as they learn new instruments; it would seem that pushing themselves fit them well. This song has a pulse to it that pulls you into the track, not to mention the distinctive qualities of Arone. No word on whether this tune will appear later in their recording career or they just wanted to toss you out of a taste of their continued progression, but here’s the tune nonetheless.

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