Austin Spotlight: Hundred Visions

1904201_852240114800323_1497954134438975919_nPunk rock with a pop twist is on a major rise here in Austin and Hundred Visions is a band leading the charge.  Today we’re happy to share with you this new track from the group called “You’re Gonna Cut Me Loose”.  My prior description fits here as the band bring a loud and proud punk rock themed tune completed by some pop tendencies and chant along lyrics.  Keep it up boys.

Pick up new album, Spite, due out October 28th via Pau Wau Records.


Download: Hundred Visions – You’re Gonna Cut Me Loose [MP3]

Sea Pinks – Dreaming Tracks

SPRating: ★★★★½

Sea Pinks are a group from Belfast, whose Bandcamp page touts that they got their start by being “inspired by sea glass, bleached grass and ghost guitars.” That being said, their catalogue, including their incredible most recent full length Freak Waves, adheres to these stimuli. This time around, the band has come out and said it— it’s no coincidence that Dreaming Tracks is called just that.

“Dream Happening” is a killer way to open the album, let alone an album called Dreaming Tracks. There’s this moment of suspense before the band starts with a long drawn out note, and in this brief space that somehow seems like it lasts forever, you are dying, waiting for the band to kick off and get going. When they begin, its like a bath of warmth and light- the guitars are springy and bounce through the tune, while the vocals mirror this effect. The drums are easy, popping along in the background, giving you the perfect head bobbing little rock jam. Here is a wonderful way to begin.

There are some noticeable differences from last go round, mostly in the production of the sound. It seems like there is a clearer quality in this recording—they’ve cut the little bit of fuzz on the guitars and vocals, which makes this album lean more towards the outright jangly rock genre and less so in the camp of garage rock. However, it’s not completely gone from the fuzz, but rather Dreaming Tracks takes things to the detached garage level of jangly rock. This shift is apparent on “Waiting For You (To Go),” in which the guitars cleanly flit and flirt in and out of the percussion, vocals and more cello (who doesn’t love any kind of strings in indie rock?). There’s a certain clean tightness to the guitar work, especially in the breakdown at the end of the track and the freshness does the band good on this album to prevent a replica of their past record.

It’s also very important that the presence of the cello in a lot of the tracks gets noted—simply put that cello pulls me right back in each time I start to wander in the guitar riffs. Take beauty and end track “Invisible Lines” for example, in which the breaks for the string work gives the track an elegance that is totally unexpected for this genre. And yet, it works so well, not only with the jingle jangle, but with deep cutting lyrics as well; the last line of the song is “You’re in the prime of your life/you’re in the dreamtime between worlds.” It’s these little touches that remind you that you’re listening to damn well crafted music here.

Honestly, Sea Pinks can do no wrong by my ears—these last two albums have been spectacular collections of deeply interesting, as well as enjoyable songs. What are you doing still reading this review when you could be jamming? Go listen! GO!


ACL Interview: My Brightest Diamond


We are merely a skip and a hop away from ACL Festival 2k14, and so to get you properly hyped (as if you weren’t already) we’ve got yet another artist interview to tantalize you from your office chair or couch and get those feet itching to touch ground at Zilker Park already. Today’s interview features Shara Worden, the lady behind the moniker My Brightest Diamond, who released This is My Hand earlier this year.

ATH: Now, this is an ACL interview, but we’ve got to ask, which would you rather play: a club show or a festival?

SharaWhen I was conceiving the album, I imagined an outdoor festival where a marching band approached the stage from behind the audience and surrounded them, creating a 3D affect. Then I imagined that on the stage the rock band would have a micro version of a marching band with flute, clarinet, trumpet, alto sax, and trombone, so that there could be this kind of call and response between the big macro marching band in the crowd and the mini but microphoned group on stage. Dreams come true! So sometimes when I get lucky, this situation actually happens and we are lucky enough to have a marching band in Austin!!!

ATH: You’re slated to play on the Sculpture/Zilker Stage from 4:30-5:30 on Saturday for both weekends, if you could pick any bands from the lineup to play before and after you, who would it be?

Shara: Whoever is playing before and after us!

ATH: Would you rather play to a crowd that knows all the words to your songs, or get the chance to win over a crowd who has never heard of you before?

Shara: My ideal engagement with an audience is when we can have it all, every emotion. I love us singing together, laughing together, dancing with abandon, and also being able to be silent and cry in certain moments. That’s my goal in every show, to create an environment for release, for oblivion, for anger, for joy and if that happens with those who know all the lyrics or with people who have never heard the music, then I’m happy.

ATH: This Is My Hand, your latest full length, has received a fairly large amount of praise… does this make you more inclined to play more songs from it, or can we expect a mix of new and old?

Shara: This show is a mix, weighing heavily on the new material but jamming some oldies too. Some of the songs on This Is My Hand are too difficult for me to play with a trio formation, so not all of them are ready for the stage.  With some more work I will be able to play a song like “Shape”,  but it’s in 5/4 and I sing in 4/4, then when the drums move to 4/4, I play my guitar solo in 5, so it’s tricky. I need to practice more. I recorded myself improvising and singing as I was writing, and then I often kept the exact improv, but formalizing it by notating it for other people to play, especially with “Shape” and the title track “This Is My Hand”, so it’s very hard for me to repeat exactly what I did. Possible ultimately,  but I need more practice.

ATH:  Best food you’ve had on tour so far?

Shara: Vietnamese noodles in New York.

ATH: Favorite song to play live?

Shara: “Pressure” !  I like the loud parts best!

ATH: Of the new songs, which have you enjoyed breaking in so far on the tour?

Shara: “Resonance” is fun because it feels like just pushing up against a wall and banging on it until the wall comes down.  You never really know what it is going to be each night, so it’s a risk and that feels good to just take a chance.

You can catch My Brightest Diamond and her macro and micro marching bands on the Sculpture (Weekend 1) and Zilker (Weekend 2) Stages on Saturday at 4:30.

Chilled Groove from Dirt Dress

dirtydressingI honestly don’t really know how to pigeonhole Dirt Dress (I know you’re probably thankful for that); they definitely have this groovy vibe with those sunny Cali vocal recordings, but I don’t feel like the music they’ve crafted on this latest single really has a lot of compatriots. It’s actually kind of refreshing, and I love the fact that the guitar seemingly wobbles out of key, though clearly its done with purpose. You’ll enjoy the mini-pop explosion near the end with its touch of horns and keyboards.  Look for their new Revelations EP on November 4th via Future Gods.

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Another Holy Youth Ditty

holyierJust last week I wrote about the pop tunes of Holy Youth, and this time they’ve got an even softer approach to their songwriting that might win over listeners.  It’s interesting, as there’s multiple textures working together, though they seem to approach a point of cacophony…you know distorted guitars working against bright angular tones and such.  Personally, the vocal touch on this song is immediately more appealing (though I grew to like the vocals on the previous single), which I think will go along way for listeners. Don’t forget that Happenin Records will be releasing the group’s self-titled album on October 14th.

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New Indiepop Gem from The Popguns

091jacketIt seems like it’s been far too long since our friends at Matinee Recordings have unleashed something new on the masses, but they’re now ready with the much anticipated return of The Popguns.  The Brighton act had largely been quiet until the last few years, tweaking their line-up a tad, and writing their first new material in 18 years.  This single below is the feature on the group’s Lovejunky EP; the shimmering guitar work has this attraction you can’t deny and Wendy’s voice has this matured innocence to it that’s inescapable.  You’ll be able to get your hands on one of the rare cherry red 7″, numbered by hand, but you better act quick because songs like this get a lot of love.


Download: The Popguns – Lovejunky [MP3]

Show Preview: Dark Blue @ Beerland (10.2)

ceremonyThe town is about to be billowing over with traffic; you know you’re going to be filled with angst, especially if you live near Barton Springs Rd, so why not get that anger out with a really rad rock n’ roll show at Beerland on Thursday.  I’ve covered a lot of the tunes from Dark Blue, who are sort of a lesser-known super group of sorts (Paint it Black, Strand of Oaks, Ceremony); their music is this darkened rock n’ roll that’s had me hooked for weeks.  But, if that’s not enough to get you out, then just look at the incredible line-up featuring great local acts Total Abuse, Video and Xetas; there’s not a better bill in town, I promise.  Check out Pure Reality below, the new LP from Dark Blue.

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Beauty From Communions

10646748_695315667227066_7770546735906319449_nCopenhagen based Communions are wooing me today with this beautiful number called “So Long Sun”.  The track starts out with some atmosphere to ease you into things, but then builds and builds into some loud, hazy pop moments of shear beauty.  All in all, this is a track worthy of a few spins today.

This song appears on a new 7″ due out from the band on November 10th via Tough Love Records.

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