Top 15 Austin Albums of 2014

Top LocalsIt’s that time of year when we all toss up our arbitrary lists of what we think is best, and seeing as we’re based here in Austin, we opted to go with our Top 15 Austin Albums first.  Why 15? Well, there were a lot of great releases all over the place, covering different styles, and appealing to our different writers. Sure, the list isn’t perfect, and it doesn’t reflect singles and EPs, as that could get entirely too crazy.  I included links to the labels so you can buy these albums from the hard-working folks in our town.  Also…there are two releases on our label, but I have no qualms about that; I didn’t set out to put out a bad LP, so obviously, they’re going to be in here.  And without further meaningless words…here’s the best records from Austin that you should already own!

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Have A Nice Weekend

10712570_10152332665407611_4852166616909513652_oHope you all had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends. We trust you told them all about our super cool website, right?

For your weekend of Black Friday injury recovery, family oddities, college football gambling stress and Premier League drama, take a listen to this fantastic EP from Beacon. Ghostly posted L1 over on their Soundcloud a few days ago and it is a gem. Due 12/2, Preorder the plastic with download over at the Ghostly store.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Twin Peaks Share New Video

twin peaks

If you’re still stuck at work, or you’ve already taken off for Turkey Day, rejoice, for your favorite gang of lovable dudes, Twin Peaks, have a new video for you. Start your day off with this short video for the song “Mind Frame,” which features the band taking turns, riding on some sweet hogs. We’ve loved this band long time, and this little video reminds me of the same kind of chill vibes that we enjoyed from them at their FFF Fest set.  It’s a carefree laid back kind of video– perfect for the band and a perfect way to start your day. Enjoy.


Introducing Cats of Transnistria

kittiesYou know my adoration for our Finnish friends over at Soliti Music; that’s going to continue as they’ve just signed an incredibly interesting new act, Cats of Transnistria.  The group is essentially a duo, crafting this really ornate soundscape music, weaving vocals in and out, and creating this aesthetic that’s extremely hard to ignore.  This video the band created to accompany their single captures that approach, as it’s merely just a bit more than a gentle breeze that whispers through the flowers and the video’s protagonist; it fits in perfectly with the vocals.  Look for their EP in January.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Have Some Fun With Concord America

10731016_858499357527385_8808650579103540784_nConcord America has earned a lot of positive praise on this here website over the last year or so.  Since the release of their awesome Suns Out Guns Out EP back in May, we haven’t heard much from the band, but today all that changes with this brand new single “Put Your Money Down”.  Once again, the group treats us to nothing but good times with their own brand of punk rock themed pop music.  It’s a real treat.


Download: Concord America – Put Your Money Down [MP3]

Show Review: Foo Fighters ACL Taping (11/20)

Photo by Scott Newton“We’re gonna keep on playing until they kick us the f**k out, so here’s a song you might know,” announced Foo Fighters lead singer/guitarist/documentarian/nicest mother**ker you’ll ever meet, Dave Grohl, before launching into “My Hero,” from the 1997 album The Colour and the Shape.  It was one of countless surreal moments from the final episode of the 40th season of Austin City Limits on Thursday night.

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Another Alex Calder Tune

alMan, this track would have been perfect this last weekend full of rain, but it’s still a great little tune.  Alex Calder‘s new tune has him slowly moving forward with some densely coated vocals, while the guitar beneath struggles to stay in tune.  It’s a dreamy track, which offers you a glimpse at the softer side of Calder’s writing, with the lyrical content taking less of a focus than the emotional appeal of the instrumentation.  His new LP, Strange Dreams, will be released on January 20th via Captured Tracks…starting off the year in what he hope is an excellent way.

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Austin Spotlight: The Villas

villasPRESSphotoAustin band The Villas have been doing their thing in Austin now for probably as long, or longer, than we’ve been around as ATH.  We have of course been doing our best over that time to promote the band and get more people paying attention to great music in our city.  Today I’m excited to share with you not one, but two new tracks from the locals.  The first one called “Evil Ways” is a brand new single and the second entitled “Congress” was previously recorded but never formally released.  Both are stellar additions to the bands repertoire.  This is easily one of the best indie rock bands currently making music in town.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Pics: Caribou @ The Mohawk (11/23)

CaribouYou ever notice how a bunch of tours either kick off or finish up in Austin? In the case of Caribou, they were finishing up a successful run out in support of the latest effort Our Love. The bummer about being the last stop, no vinyl at the merch table. The best part, whoa hooollly shit is the band tight. Let me get this out of the way, this was one of the best live performances of “electronic” music I have ever seen. Dan Snaith and his team of musicians have found a way to make those key elements, the live drum and overlayed organic pieces of the recorded material, present in the live show. Flutes to extra percussion to ringing guitar licks, the material comes to life that then absorbs the crowd into a hypnotic tunnel.

I feel so jealous of the people in Toronto that get that homecoming show.

Click through for a couple more notes including some words on opener Jessy Lanza , bonus coverage of aftershow locals Silk Rodeo and plenty of pics…

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Get Eclectic With Pepa Knight


Pepa Knight is a musician from Long Jetty, Australia, who set off on his solo career at the beginning of this year and has been enjoying a fair amount of buzz around this beginning. Later this week on November 28th, he’s dropping Hypnotized Volume 1, which contains not only this track below, but  five other tracks that will get you dancing to the far-out grooves that he’s crafted. The track below, “Clams,” is reminding me a lot of early Animal Collective mixed with some folksier elements.  You can pick up the EP either via cassette, vinyl, digital, or a combination of all three over at his website. Have a listen to the bubbling eclectic tune below and get excited to listen to the rest of the tracks soon.[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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