Sorry I Missed This: Slight

slightSlight is a band from Montreal that make psychedelic art rock jams. While they don’t have an extensive discography for you to delve into, they do have a few solid tracks to jam to thus far in their musical careers, including their debut mini-cd/EP that they released about a year and a half ago. However, they also recently put out two more songs that further delve into the swirling psychedelic pop genre that they started with. There’s this great dynamic present in these two songs of softness in the vocals balanced out with a sort of sinister undercurrent of those electric guitar riffs. Of these two, I’m really digging “Spirit School,” but both are pretty tasty tracks. Go back a month or so to add these great singles into your listening catalogue and look out for more from this group in the future.
Spirit School / Tasting by Slight

New Music from Matthew Melton

140110-warm-sodaMatthew Melton of Bare Wires and Warm Soda fame, and currently of Austin, Tx, has made great power pop records, no matter what band he’s using.  But, he’s got a pile of recordings that couldn’t quite fit into those acts, so he’s releasing another solo record with Southpaw Records.  Our first listen to this work shows Melton displaying much of the same style he’s come to be known for, wrapping up his vocals in a guitar sound that walks the line between bedroom and garage rock.  This new effort is titled Outside of Paradise, and you can only grab it from the label or from Matthew himself.

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Austin Spotlight: Quiet Company

quietOk, I know it’s been a while since local darlings, Quiet Company, released their last record, We Are All Where We Belong, but if you live in Austin and still don’t know these gentlemen and their indie-rock jams, now is the time to change that. The locals are back with a new album announcement and a new tune for you to taste. Their new album, titled Transgressor, is slated to come out on February 24th, on Modern Outsider and it’s supposedly guitar driven and the band’s most mature record yet. Have a listen to the track below, “Seven Hells,” and see what you think. It’s certainly a darker direction musically, with a deep bass line charging through and a lot of buzz effects on the guitar, but once they launch into the chorus, Muse’s endearingly spastic vocals takeover and you’re reminded of classic Quiet Company.

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Stream the New LP from Native America

grownupsFriday’s are always good for folks to stream a good record, but there are other places to get your everyday fare of tunes.  I dug a little deeper to bring you the new LP from Native America, an act I’ve written about on these pages before.  They’ve got a little bit of garage rock, a hint of swagger and a nice dose of psychedelia, all adding up to some tunes worthy of your Friday listening pleasure.  Their new LP is titled Grown Up Wrong, and you can grab it from Inflated Records; enjoy your Friday folks.

Have Some Fun with Yetis

yeddiI wanna keep you energized and looking towards a great relaxing, so I’ve got to keep our energy levels up around here, which is why I bring you yet another pop tune; this time we’ll be listening to Yetis.  The Pennsylvania group has employed their understanding of pop songwriting to grab you by the seat of your pants and get you up dancing with friends.  There’s hints of sunny Cali, which is implied by the lyrics, but those harmonies had to originate somewhere, right?  This is just a fun track to spin when the coffee (or tea) runs dry.

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It’s Been Awhile, Elvis Perkins

elvezHas it really been five years since we last heard new music from Elvis Perkins?  I’ll excuse the writer, as he’s not been graced with the easiest of lives, but I definitely missed his songwriting.  I love the stripped down effect that initially carries this song through, though I could easily do without some of the extemporaneous noises that fill its final seconds.  Still, there’s a familiarity and warmth in voice that’s always made his songs rewarding for listeners. He’s got a new effort called I Aubade, which comes out on February 24th via MIR Records.

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Weekend Show Preview

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetYup, it’s everyone’s favorite time of the week once more: the freakin’ weekend. Time once again to rejoice that regardless of the time of year, you still live in a rad city that has a plethora of options for ways to spend your free evenings. So before you totally check out for the eminent feasting that awaits you in Turkey Day, figure out what shows you’ll be checking out this weekend. Lot’s of local options, so get your butt out there and support your city and the bands that make it one of the raddest ones around!

Saturday (11.22):

Xetas, Fea, Prince, New China @ Beerland // Doors: 9pm

Major Major Major @ Holy Mountain // Doors: 9pm

Sunday (11.23):

Caribou, Jessy Lanza @ The Mohawk // Doors: 6:30pm

The Halfways, Corey Cross @ Hole in the Wall // Doors: 9pm


Nerd Pop from Quarterbacks

qbsThis song’s been all over the Internet the last few days, so why not let your week get wrapped up with this undeniably catchy little bit of pop from Quarterbacks.  At first listen, the vocals imply that the track prescribes to modern jangle-pop touches, but the guitars aren’t quite that clean and angular, allowing for the band to create their own little musical space.  Honestly, the tune reminds me of the music I listened to during my early college years when I was a young uber twee fan, though the band still has tricks up their sleeve with the slow drawn closing. Look for their debut LP on February 10th via Team Love Records.


Download: Quarterbacks – Center [MP3]

New Split from Joyce Manor and Toys That Kill

borsSome bands just get a bad rap, and you know what, shame on me.  I always lumped Joyce Manor, and Toys That Kill for that matter, in that late-wave emo punk genre.  I was a second wave emo kid, so I really just discarded it by and large, but I just got in their new split for Recess Records, and these are just some really good rocking tunes.  Honestly, I don’t even know if I’d got so far as to call them punk rock; the TTK tune almost sounds like a bar band approach to the garage stylings of Jay Reatard.  Enough about me and my half-ass assumptions; stream these two jams.

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Touch of the Gaze from The Black Ryder

blackieThere are a ton of artists that have been able to rehash the shoegaze efforts, and some have done it quite well, though my ear thinks that this tune from The Black Ryder is precisely what I think of when I recall the genre.  Guitars craft this huge wall of sound that wraps itself tightly around the dense haze of Aimee Nash’s vocals.  That wall of noise echoes and rings while a deep drum beat pounds in the far off world the band created.  Look for them to release their new effort, The Door Behind the Door, on The Anti Machine Machine on February 24th.


Download: The Black Ryder – Santaria [MP3]

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