Stream This NO/NO EP


NO/NO are a group from Milwaukee that has apparently risen from the ashes of former band The Delphines and are now all about making new wave shoegaze pop music. A few months ago, they released their debut EP, Drag, and are already back again with this EP, X.O. These four songs combine all the things you love about the aforementioned genres, and each one seems more infectious than the one before it. I’m really digging this whole EP, but especially the third track, “Red Flag,” which has not just the twee synth riff that carries the song, but a cutting and matching guitar part. The vocals combine both high and low, and that chorus should get those toes tapping away. If you don’t listen to this EP you’ll be sorry when this band is huge. Shoot, their sound is already pretty huge to me.

Get Grunge With Evans The Death

evans Evans The Death, if you haven’t heard of them, are a group of indie rockers currently from London who are at the cusp of putting out their sophomore record. Expect Delays is expected to come out March 10th of next year on Slumberland Records, but you can have a listen to the track below right this instant. “Don’t Laugh At My Angry Face” starts with a ton of feedback and continues this trend with guttural guitars and precision pauses before the song really hits its stride. Then the percussion just hits with waves of cymbals as the band takes you through with their stop-and-go tune. This song will melt your face off. In the best way. Listen.


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Hear The New Kath Bloom Track

Hamblin (SE) - 4Connecticut Folk icon, Kath Bloom is back at it again, further continuing her 35 year long career. She’s got a new album for the first time in five years that’s set to be released in February of 2015, and we’re lucky enough to have a track from that record to share with you below. “Criminal Side,” off the forthcoming record, Pass Through Here, has this sort of patchwork feeling to it, where the emotive quality of Bloom’s warbling vocals come together with the acoustic guitar and the gentle oohs in the background to form a folksy, yet powerful track. Enjoy the track below and get ready for the new album out soon on Chapter Music. 

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Driftwood Tune from Grand Lake Islands

grandioseI guess as the faux-Winter sinks in, it’s time to regress into sad-bastard tunes, and nothing is as fitting as this song from Grand Lake Islands.  It’s this dense piece of folk-pop that carries your mind down lonely roads.  But, there are some little touches where they subtly go in directions that I didn’t expect.  For instance, the chorus has the opportunity to erupt, and no one would blame them, but instead they just carry into a darker tone.  It’s songs like this one that have me anticipating their new effort, Song From Far, which will be released on Janury 20th via Good Mountain Records.

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Go to Andrew Fest (12.19 & 12.20)

andrewAndrew Collins has been a musician in the Austin scene for some time, most recently playing with LAX.  Unfortunately, tragedy struck Andrew earlier this year, leaving him with some expensive  bills to pay.  But, like Austin does, the community has banded together to throw Andrew Fest, a two-day benefit featuring great acts like Sip Sip, Wild Child and BLXPLTN.  They’re even bringing some of Andrew’s old friends out of the woodworks to reunite for the cause, namely Visitors and The Rise.  You can grab tickets HERE, and all the funds go to support the cause.  Plus, there will be lots of prizes and raffles courtesy of tons of great local folks.  If you can’t make it, consider helping out by donating HERE.


Download: The Rise – The Fallacy Of Retrospective Determinism [MP3]

Have You Listened to Buxton?

buxtonBuxton seems like it’s been one of Houston’s best-kept secrets; I know tons of folks who’ve caught wind of the band, yet they never seem to get that one would expect.  But, they’ve just completed their third record, and this appears to be the one that’s going to reach the masses and gain the following they deserve.  This tune starts off with a stuttering guitar line before taking it’s stride with a nice little bopping drum beat. You’ll hear the musicianship that’s present on this new LP, Half a Native, as the song unfolds, with nice little doses guitars twanging.  Look for their new LP this March via New West Records.

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Folksy Indie Rock From Twin Oaks


Twin Oaks is currently a four piece band from LA who specialize in combining folk, ambient and sometimes electronic elements to craft their sound. At the beginning of this year, they released a mini-cd called Lion’s Den, and so it’s only fitting that they round the year out with the release of two new tracks in anticipation of their debut LP, which they are currently recording. The first track, “Animals,” has a very Daughter-esque vibe to it in the elegant female vocals that glide over the minimalist instrumentation. However, this song gets a little bit of build to it near its end, and the drums really start to kick up the dust and delicacy of things to give you something a little more spicy. “Clarity” is soft all the way through, but by no way any less endearing.  Ease into Monday with these two songs.

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Milk! Records Free Sampler

milk!Milk! Records is a record company based out of Melbourne, Australia, which is growing to be a hub of indie rock these days. They’ve specialize in signing their own and among those include Courtney Bartnett and The Finks and many more. Anyways, they have a free sampler of their heralded favorites of 2014 that I stumbled on. Each song on this little sampler is pretty great, so hit play and catch up on what’s been happening over in Australia this past year and then head over to Milk! Records website to pick up these releases. Enjoy!


Sorry I Missed This: Luke Saxton

lukeOk, so while surfing the interwebs for sweet tunes to share with you, I came across this artist, Luke Saxon, who has apparently made a large number of albums already in his bedroom, including Sunny Sadness, which came out a few weeks ago at the end of November. Now, normally we try to keep you fresh with the latest tunes, but after listening to this track I realized it was necessary to do a little backtracking. The song below, “Anything I Can Do” has this old school 60’s nostalgia and melancholy to it that I’m really enjoying: it starts with some simple piano and acoustic guitar, but slowly and surely Luke Saxton adds in elements (including handclaps) to his faded rock that has me playing this track over and over. If you’re interested, head on over here and pick up this album and look for big things from this guy in the future…after all, he is only 19.

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Introducing The Artificial Flower Company

a0345362907_10I’m all over the place musically today, so it only makes sense that I take you down the path of the weird and quirky with The Artificial Flower Company. This group, despite releasing an album just a month ago, are back with another two songs of glam/experimental rock that should have you shaking it along with every eclectic beat. The song below, “A Lil Closer Now” brings a little bit of funk, but the other track on this two song release as well as their previous work reminds me a little of Ariel Pink. Head on over to their bandcamp page and have a listen to the rad sounds they’ve got brewing. Or just lose yourself in the track below. That’s what I’m gonna do.

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