Sara Bethe Nelson Brings Back Slowcore

saraOne of my favorite little genres of the past was the quieted pop music that got dubbed slowcore. I realize a lot of music has been created of that ilk for some time, but I’ve recently taken a liking to Sara Bethe Nelson.  There’s that slow moving emotional pull to this track, with Nelson’s sultry swoon bringing in more melancholy (at least in tone).  She’s readying her debut album, Fast-Moving Clouds, which is going to really wow a lot of folks out there, so it’s necessary for you slow music fans to add her to your list.  Look for the LP on March 10th via Burger Records.

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Viet Cong – s/t

0004053794_10Rating: ★★★½☆

Viet Cong is a group formed from the ashes of Women, with two members from that lineup going forward and adding two members to create something new. The result is a similar darkwave sound that you might have heard from that past band, but with some nuances that keep things distinctive.

The band starts their debut full-length record out with “Newspaper Spoons,” a crunchy and buzzing staccato track that immerses you in the blackness that this record holds. The vocals are distanced and monotone, chanting single words or short phrases in bursts of lyrics while the extra fuzzy guitars meander and strike in the background. Little riffs of synthesizer join the mix toward the end, cutting through the static wall of noise the band has created with a sleek and clean electronic sound. This track is a good introduction for this record, as it shows you Viet Cong at their bleakest; as the album moves on, the sound gets a little warmer than this number, but for the majority of time, the group lives in this kind of stark musical environment.

“If we’re lucky, we’ll get old and die” buzzily resurfaces as a refrain on the second track of the album, “Pointless Experience:” even when they are at their warmest Viet Cong is still icy and dark. This second track is a departure from the first in that it has some kind of instrumental and vocal variation: the song is fluid as opposed to static. The fuzz is still there, but intermittently as the vocals of Matt Flegel sink into their yelping norm.

Later on you get some more stars song on this album with “Continental Shelf,” and “Silhouettes,” which really pull your ears back to attention near the end and crack the mechanized atmosphere that has been building over each song. “Continental Shelf” is a dramatic tune and the guitar riffs that open the track bring you in from the moment it begins. The vocals are emotive, both when they shrieking along with the instrumentation or mumbling to the simmering beat. “Silhouettes” is the closest that Viet Cong gets to a dance track, as the electric guitars and synth fight to the death for the spotlight and the darkness seems to hang above the music instead of weighing it down.

While Viet Cong as a whole listens quite easily, some tracks are much more enticing than others, which becomes apparent on your third or fourth trip around the album. I find myself gravitating towards the more accessible tracks that are trimmed down: concision works for the darkness that this band brings, and I look forward to see what the future holds for them and their post-punk style.



Smooth Song From Aphex Twin

10629809_10152385483439952_4360575686812864847_nIf you don’t own Selected Ambient Works 85-92, get thee to a nunnery.

I put an Aphex Twin song on my end of year playlist. The new EP lands tomorrow courtesy of Bleep, Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments Pt. 2, but you can get a freebie today.

This song is “Diskhat” blah blah blah and can be downloaded. It is also a very accessible version of Aphex Twin. Pleasing.

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Summer Vibes From Turtle Giant

1525645_10152353028994482_7978244114243177931_nIt’s cold and wet and rainy and gross here in Austin today, which is fine for staying in and doing nothing, but makes it a little difficult to do anything else. However, this track I’ve got from Brazilian trio Turtle Giant will hopefully bring you some warmer Southern Hemisphere vibes for this dreary day. “Golden Summer” is drenched in a sleepy warmth of surf rock and laid back summer days, and makes it easy to pretend you’re laying somewhere on a beach, letting the waves crash around you and feeling the sun’s radiance. That’s where I’d rather be, so I’m going to put this song on repeat and fake it till I make it. Turtle Giant are working on a new album, Many Mansions (Part 1)  that’s due out in May, so keep an eye out for that.

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Celebrate the Life of Mikey Hodges with the Memories Latest

memorySadly, Mikey Hodges, the man behind Pop Zeus, as well as on-again off-again drummer for the Memories, was killed in a tragic accident in December.  But, the Memories are offering a glimpse at his work with a 7″ they recorded with Mikey back in 2013.  It’s a short 7″ being released by Wharf Cat Records, and both the songs are a great look at what the band accomplished during their time working with Mikey.  If you love the song, you should pick it up soon, as all proceeds will be going directly to his family during their time of need.

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Let’s Welcome Back Yonatan Gat

jonatanOkay, so Yonatan Gat hasn’t left us just yet, but it appears his old project Monotonix is dead and gone; they’ll be sorely missed, especially considering their riotous live shows, so we’ve got to look to Yonatan to pick up where the band left off.  This instrumental tune should give you a good view at what he’s been working on, providing listeners with strong guitar play and what seems like a perceived restraint; I know that Gat will unleash this song as entirely different beast live.  Those of you interested in his work will be excited to know he’s working on a pretty extensive tour of the States, including a date here in Austin at Hotel Vegas on January 31st…along with a return in March for SXSW. Look for his new album, Director, on March 3rd via Joyful Noise Recordings.

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Did You Buy the Jack Name LP?

jackieboyThere were tons of releases this week, whether you wanted orchestrally-aligned pop like Belle and Sebastian or something along the psych vein, like Amen Dunes.  But, I hope you looked into picking up the Jack Name album, as it’s one of the more diverse listens we’re likely to hear all year (I know that’s bold considering it’s January).  There are marks of various influences from glam to funk and beyond, so why not take another listen to the latest single from the album. Be sure to pick up Weird Moons from Castle Face today!



Simon Joyner Offers Simple Solemnity

joynerSimon Joyner‘s unique career has seen him travel all over the singer-songwriter map, sonically, but I think this newest single is precisely what will bring hordes to his doorstep.  It’s a tune with little more than guitar, some accompaniment, and Joyner’s soulful croon.  There’s a Western flavor, which I’m glad to see is reinserting itself into the indie realm.  At first listen, this tune sort of exhibits an old Wilco vibe…when Tweedy was just working out the kinks.  Look for Grass, Branch & Bone to come out on Woodsist on March 17th.

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Country Spook from Chief Ghoul

ghoolUntil I get my face kicked in by some great rock n’ roll, I think I’m going to get stuck in this whole folk-inspired stomp on the soul of sad bastard genre.  Chief Ghoul is one such songwriter, creating this deep throated country tune.  I’m sort of obsessed with him right now; he’s got this great gift in storytelling, but there’s also a huge sound coming through your speakers.  That’s impressive seeing as there’s little more than an electric guitar and some distant percussive touches. Look for his album III this Spring in your local shops.

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SxSW Wristbands Tomorrow!

sxsw-music-logoYou can get your SxSW Music wristbands tomorrow. Same rules as usual – Austin area billing zip code for your plastic, you can buy two wristbands but have to provide the names, you’ll need photo IDs to pick up your wristband which will get snapped on at the start of the conference.

For your $169, you will get access to any venue not at capacity aside from the few showcases that are badge only. I used a wristband last year to get away from FOMO and it was bliss. Go check out someone you have never seen instead of getting barraged by Dorito Taco Loco.

On sale January 22nd at 10am (ATX time), Click here.

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