New Track From Toro y Moi

1622061_10152296031457502_57870544_n What is there to say about Toro Y Moi? The man behind the band, Chazwick Bundick has been making indie soul for a little while now, and has put out some pretty decent records. Now he’s back with the song below, “Empty Nesters.” This is the first single from his new record, What For? that is set to come out April 7th on Carpark Records. It’s got a good funky psychedelic pop vibe to it, complete with plenty of synths raging through the whole thing as well as Bundick’s faded vocals. Take a listen.

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I’ve Been Enjoying This Pelican Movement

kevI probably don’t consume music the way I used to; I don’t thumb through the liner notes as often as I once did.  So it should come as no surprise that I had no idea who Kevin McMahon was, though I own albums with his production all over them (Swans, Titus Andronicus, The Walkmen).  He’s working on his own project, Pelican Movement, and it’s an interesting bit of work; the core of the song rests on airy vocals and a strummed acoustic guitar, but he fills the empty space with atmospherics, both discordant and harmonious, creating this huge wall of sound that’s sure to capture your attention.  Look for his split 7″ with Battle Ave. today!

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Yak Give us Something Special

unnamedI know very little about London based rockers Yak, but this matters little when a band can pump out a debut single as memorable as this one.  Is it psych rock?  Is it punk rock?  I’ll let you call it whatever you like if you just hit play and enjoy.  I’m sure we will be hearing more from this trio as the buzz grows.

This track will appear on a new 7″ single coming out on February 24th via Fat Possum.

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More Delightful Tunes from Tigercats

kittiesJust a bit ago I brought you a new jam from Tigercats, and at the time, I thought it was going to be something glorious, or at least I hoped.  Now that I’ve heard the latest single from the band, I can pretty much guarantee it’s going to be something special.  The careful interplay between male and female vocalists is always endearing, and it’s done exceptionally well here, with keyboardist Laura stepping into her own with the lead role.  You’ll hear some nice doses of keyboards working beneath the harmonies here, all making this indiepop fan swoon.  Look for their album, Mysteries, to come soon via Fortuna Pop.

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Introducing Tim Campbell

timmayTim Campbell and I go way way back.  We met long ago; fans of early emo and post-punk, but we both had a history of country and folk in our families, which is perhaps why we bonded so closely (that and a love for Sonic). So Tim’s just put up an EP of good times bedroom folk tunes, bolstered by his friends in the Fayetteville music scene (that he’s long been part of).  I’ve quite enjoyed listening to this self-titled EP…and I hope you’ll spend a little time in your day to listen to his mini-album.  And…if you feel so inclined please feel free to donate or pay what you want…we all need help from our friends to make music come true.

Gentle Folk from Santiparro

santiGOLDI’ve felt rather contemplative lately (I just turned 35), and with such moods one must have the perfect soundtrack for wandering.  This track from Santiparro, featuring Will Oldham, has really hit home; I particularly love the way the strummed guitar comes across in the recording, not to mention the “whoo ooh” that accompanies every vocal phrasing.  He’s just a few weeks away from releasing his album, True Prayer, which should really be something to behold; look for it on February 24th via Gnome Life Records.

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Fun Rocker From Gal Pals

UntitledThis new jam entitled “Punisher”, from former Austin based lady rock group Gal Pals, is an easy one to get into.  At its core the song is a punk rocker with some pop elements thrown in to keep things catchy.  We will forgive you for moving to L.A. and confess that we still think you are great.  Stay out of the sun.

Pick up the Gal Pals debut album, Velvet Rut, on February 24th via Papercup Music.

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ATH Interview & Show Pics: Midge Ure

Midge UreMidge Ure came to Austin to do one of his rather rare solo acoustic shows. With his first release in twelve years finally out to the public, the pioneer in electronically tinged pop had new material to revitalize a fan base that is still in love with the classics from previous solo efforts, Visage and, most importantly, Ultravox. I took advantage of the trip in to get a quick email interview done before the show at Cactus Cafe.

Head on past the break to read a Q&A covering the many projects, life as a solo artist and even a little bit on being the guy behind Band-Aid along with coverage of the show and plenty of pics. Ladies and Gentlemen, Midge Ure…

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Belle and Sebastian – Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance

yoRating: ★★★★☆

“If I had a camera I’d snap you now cause there’s beauty in every stumble—” our wise sage Stuart Murdoch recounts in the heart of opener “Nobody’s Empire,” both easing and stirring our antsy minds as we ask the question: will our favorite Glaswegians knock it out of the park once again or will we be forced to find the beauty in the stumble?

The album opens with the track from which I just quoted from, and this opener has everything to appease your Belle and Sebastian pop sensibilities. From the beginning, the band doles out the whimsy you’ve come to expect: the whole song revolves around the sing-songy melody as Stuart spins you a nostalgic tale of looking back and you just want to sing along. It seems as though he is revisiting those gloomy times that served as the setting for albums like If You’re Feeling Sinister. Now, far away from that darkness he is able to look back with wise eyes and celebrate them—which seems to be the spirit of this album from the very start.

Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance is long and sprawling, stretching farther than an hour in length, and in this time you’ll find there are a wide variety of tracks that Belle and Sebastian add to their vast catalogue. The band goes down the synth pop road with songs like “The Party Line” and “Enter Sylvia Plath,” both of which see the band at their most electronic and straying from soft-spoken whimsical pop and their bluesy rock and into something new. However, through these numbers you still have the finesse that this band brings always: the songs are orchestrations far from strewn together haphazardly.

Where this album really shines, though, is on the subtler numbers that you don’t even reach until after the midpoint of the album: I’m looking at you “The Everlasting Muse.” This band is the best at storytelling, and so naturally “The Everlasting Muse” is a winding tale of an elusive and mysterious lady. Instrumentally, this track is one of the most interesting tracks this band has crafted, and they utilize all their skills with such ease and control. The song begins quietly with a grooving bass line, small drumbeats, Stuart’s soft vocals, little nuanced piano and synth parts, and electric guitar all simmering together in harmony. Then the whole thing flips on itself into the chorus, which is a bombastic and swaying, polka-esque spin, complete with handclaps and violin. But then the band switches back to a kicked up version of the verse, and now Stuart is complimented with Sarah Martin’s breathy vocals and Stevie Jackson’s electric guitar licks intensify. They try to tell you that “beauty crumbles with the years,” right before they jump into a glorious instrumental bridge/segue with horns before launching into the masterful end of the song where everyone comes together to sing and contribute and you have a little trouble believing what they tell you.

Somehow, Belle and Sebastian haven’t stumbled or lost any of their beauty. Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance marks their ninth studio album and yet another graceful step in their dance of a career. These Glaswegian heroes make music that glides through genres, but still remains quintessentially the wistful pop we fell in love with almost twenty years ago: “The music is for us.”


Folksy Finesse From Packwood

Australi10911457_826203390751247_4054243619094900500_oa just must be the place to be these days, as a lot of up-and-coming artists seem to be coming from down under, including Packwood, the project of Bayden Packwood Hine based out of Melbourne. The song is a blend of folk elements such as the simplicity of a man with his acoustic guitar, but then builds and grows with the addition of tinkling piano and other group vocals. This reminds me vaguely of something that the indie folk god Sufjan Stevens would be behind, and with each listen I find something else to focus on. This track is apart of a project from this artist called Vertumnus, which is a seasonal release of the tracks of an EP individually that you can read more about and preorder here

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