Damn This Keath Mead Tune is Sweet

unnamed-2Ah, those old innocent days when a great pop tune made everything seem perfect.  This Keath Mead track is just such a tune, erasing the doldrums of every day life.  There’s some slick production that gives it a straight pop feeling, though I think Mead’s vocals have a nice touch to them that really brings this new single home.  It’s interesting that Keith’s imploring the song’s intended audience to “act your age,” which is completely the opposite of how this makes me feel.  I want to take off on a long sunny day walk with this song bouncing me along. His album Sunday Dinner comes out on February 24th via Company Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/189673357″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Premiere: Birds of Night Prep New Self-Titled LP

4212Just because we rep Austin doesn’t mean we don’t look around Texas for great tunes from our neighboring cities, which is where we ran into Denton’s Birds of Night.  The group’s new single has this guitar that cuts through the pounding rhythm section, tied in tightly with a great Southern vocal that wears a Texas drawl proudly.  It reminds me a lot of local band A. Sinclair, just offering up a heavy dosage of great no-frills rock n’ roll. Their album, Birds of Night, was recorded by Midlake‘s McKenzie Smith at his Redwood Studio, so you know they’ve already caught the ear of some Texas heavy-hitters.  Here’s to them reaching beyond our state line; look for the album on April 21st.


The Fireworks – Switch Me On

unnamed (1)Rating: ★★★★☆

The Fireworks are a self-proclaimed loud fuzzy pop band from London who have released a bunch of material thus far, but Switch Me On marks their first trip down full-length LP lane. And it is an exciting one, filled with gritty feedback, alluring pop hooks and dueling vocals coated in reverb to pull you into this groups infectious sound.

Switch Me On is an exhilarating chase at high speeds—you’re constantly trying to keep up with The Fireworks in their never-ending energy, but its one that you’re willing, and wanting, to keep pace with, as the lo-fi fuzz rock is as good as it gets. The band bursts through the door with their squalling feedback, utterly distorted guitars, popping percussion and the trading off of vocals between Emma Hall and Matthew Rimmell. “With My Heart,” is just the beginning, breaking the ice so that you can jam along with the band. The chorus is infectious, as Hall and Rimmell share the hook; their voices collide to add to the collected messiness of the sound. It’s not clean and it’s not delicate, but the ferocity gives the band the right amount of grit they need to push forward to other places. For example, “Let You Know” is the least fuzzy track on the record, and it pushes on the jangly nature of the guitars and the smooth vocals rather than the intensity of the feedback. The Fireworks aren’t a one trick pony.

Halfway through, you’re refreshed with “On and On,” which is championed by Emma Hall’s vocals and a killer guitar solo at the end. Like the other songs on this album, this one is also fast and furious, streaming by in a blaze of buzzing guitars and pop hooks and its one of the best tracks on the album. As Hall chants “on and on and on…” as the title suggests, you wish her and the band would just keep on. And they do; later on you get “Corner of My Mind,” which is as close to shoe-gaze as this band gets, and the guitar riffs that cut through the feedback are sharp and crisp, grabbing you with their clarity in the fuzzy cloud of noise. It’s the little nuances such as these that vary from song to song that keep the tracks from getting too redundant or falling down the well of sound.

So you reach the end of the album, and you realize just what’s happened to you: your hair has been blown back a bit, and your socks have been knocked clean off your feet, and you find it a little hard to stop shaking your hips. You’ve been switched on by The Fireworks, and the only cure is to spin Switch Me On again and accept your grunge-y, fuzz pop fate. As far as this genre goes, this is some of the best music you’ll find. Turn it up loud and get down.

Distorted Tune from Happyness

unnamedSurely Happyness has hit your radar, as they’ve had an incredible run the last year or so.  They maintain their balance between huge walls of guitar noise and pop sensibility that really harkens back to the late 90s when bands like Grandaddy and The Comas were gods in my listening rotation.  You’ll hear a screeching guitar in the middle here before they bring back the power hook that comes with every vocal.  If you love pop, but still love to rock a bit, then there’s not going to be a better band for you in 2015.  Look for their new effort, Weird Little Birthday, on March 24th via Bar None.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/187313653″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Wake Up with Karl Kling

karlklingI’m typically not the one on the site that runs the electronic side of things, but I needed an extra pick me up after hitting up five shows in the last week, so I thought I’d toss out this new tune from Karl Kling.  It’s a track that’s rather infectious, and it’s got just enough bouncing bass to really get you moving about your place, or your office if you’re so inclined.  Airy vocals and heavy beats will get you dancing if you know what’s good for you. Look for his self-titled album to hit on March 3rd via Crazy Heart Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/189187259″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Relax With A Sudden Burst Of Colour

1658505_757755130914754_1292556940_oSo you’re struggling to get through your Friday, the week and the work day is just dragging on and on. You need something to pick you up and refresh your energy. Well, I’ve got just the thing for you and its in the form of this music video from Motherwell, Scotland’s A Sudden Burst of Colour. These lads are great at crafting instrumental tunes that may be lacking vocals, but are far from lacking depth and beauty. This video for the lead single off their forthcoming Waves Will Rise On Silent Water EP “Riptide,” has some stunning footage of, you guessed it, waves. The calming nature of this video aside, the song is a jam; it’s got the glittery percussion and hooky guitars you would expect from a band like Foals. Get through your day with this track and make sure you stick it out through the end for the build.


Huge Wall of Noise from Makthaverskan

Makrhaverskan fotograferad av Jessica LundWell hello Sweden! Feel like you’ve been quiet for too long.  But, now I feel like Makthaverskan makes up for it the absence. Aside from the nod to Pussy Riot in the artwork, they take that Swedish sound of jangling guitar ring and fill it with a bit more noise; it sounds like a sloppier (albeit intentional) version of Love Is All.  The vocals have this siren quality, haunting the track and the listener while the rest of the band works furiously to provide a more rocking element.  Still, there’s a harmony to the voice that’s utterly intoxicating.  Definitely a track to keep in your rotation this weekend. This tune will appear on a Tour 7″ they’ll be bringing to the States for their huge Spring tour.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/188147656″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Enjoy This New Nic Hessler Tune

unnamed-4A few weeks ago I hit up a Nic Hessler tune, and I wasn’t entirely sold on it.  That’s until I got hooked on this new single, which made me realize how great Nic’s work could potentially be going forward.  It’s an example of perfect recording, starting the song off a bit slow, then waiting to explode in this huge swell of pop magic.  It’s surprising that more music ins’t being crafted in precisely this manner; it seems so simple (though I’m sure it’s not) and so easy, yet that’s precisely why I give Hessler credit, as I don’t think everyone can perfect it in such a manner. Look for Soft Connections in stories on March 17th via Captured Tracks.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/179675555″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Introducing Dogheart

unnamed-5It’s always good to hear from your friends and discover their new discoveries.  Seems like Portland’s Dogheart have something going, despite only being a fairly new band (formed in 2014).  They’ve got this catchy hook they rock right away in this song, and the sound of the vocals is pretty appealing.  It’s a casual song in a sense, honing in on the group’s ability to ply their trade at great pop songwriting. This song is definitely promising, so I’ll be interested to hear their debut What Burns the Best when it’s release in a few weeks (Feb 17th).

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/187409463″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATX Weekend Show Spotlight

austiniloveyouI’ve already tossed a nod towards Knifight playing over at Cheer Up Charlies tonight, but there’s definitely some other shows that should pop up on your local Austin show radar.  There’s actually a lot going on on Friday, but I’m going to highlight the places you should probably end up…then I’ll take a quick look at Saturday’s events too.  These are just one man’s recommendations.  Read more

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