Can’t Get Enough Leon Bridges

1012600_643753272386398_1913935258904776815_nIt’s no secret that we’re smitten with Fort Worth act, Leon Bridges, whose career seems to be just at the cusp of really taking off; each song he’s put out so far has me a little bit more in love. He’s got a new track to share with you about his mother, titled “Lisa Sawyer” which has enough smoothness to maybe last you the rest of the year. It’s a slow jam that combines glorious storytelling with Leon’s soulful vocals as well some killer saxophone. Take a listen and get swept away by this easy groove.

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Another Catchy Kuzin Track

cuzOf all the press “quotes” that get my attention, I really only care about one: “recommended by Big Takeover.” It’s one of the few publications I actually still pay for, and typically I thumb through every page, ads and all.  They didn’t have to offer up this Kuzin tune in all reality, as I had already been turned onto the group, but that extra push encouraged me to post this little gem for you all on Friday.  In a world where pop music has to walk a fine line between saccharine and lo-fi aesthetics, I feel like Jessica Maros has gotten it all right.  Her songs have hooks, style and they have a knack for staying with you all day long. This here is the title track for her self-titled album, Cavity, which she’s releasing on March 3rd.

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I Love You But I’ve Chosen Juan Wauters

juanHow many more times can I tell the world about Juan Wauters? He just announced a new album, including this great new single, which has already won me over.  And, it doesn’t hurt that a few of the “press” folks have been given access to the same song in Spanish; it’s just as great.  Based on this track, his poetic nuances continue, and I like the distinctive quality in his voice…there’s nothing that sounds quite like Juan.  His new effort is titled Who Me and will be released by Captured Tracks on May 12th.

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Show Pics: Corners @ Hi-Dive (2/18)

CornersWhen I have to travel for the day job (international super-conglomerate type thing), I try to find shows going on to get out in the foreign scene and see some bands in a way I might not have a chance to otherwise; like seeing Temples and Warpaint in 300 person venues and catching Merchandise in Richmond after missing their show in Austin. Last time I was in Denver, it was a dead week, but not so this time around and since I had seen Hi-Dive show up on the tour stops for several of my favorite bands so Corners at Hi-Dive on a Wednesday night it was.

Usually, I am guarded about my enthusiasm for Wednesday night local openers, but Best Creeps and Hair Cult were both outstanding. Click for a few words and plenty of pics…

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New Music from Auxes (sort of)

auxI used to jam to Milemarker quite a bit back in the day, so it’s good to see Dave Laney writing new tunes, though he’s been working on his Auxes project for some time.  I dig the band’s newest single; it’s got a blend of post-rock surrounded by some more melodic guitar playing.  Lacey’s vocals still have a slightly harsh sound, but it’s not an off-putting one, just rather a touch that gives an extra punch to the band. Their latest album Boys in My Head is getting a release stateside via Lovitt Records, so whether you’ve heard it or not, it’s a jam for you to enjoy this afternoon.

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Brand New Music from The Bankees

bankyThere are some band’s you really root for; the Bankees is that band for me.  I’ve been a huge fan of the group, as this site can attest, and I’ll continue to support their consistently solid musical endeavors.  They’re prepping for the release of their new EP, Gizmo, and the first single is definitely a relaxing tune; it’s actually the first time I really feel like there’s a bit of a French inflection on the vocals (which makes sense seeing as they’re from France).  There’s a smooth little guitar cut that gives some swagger, while the rest of the song takes on a groove that warms the soul.  Look for their new EP on March 21st.

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Salsa Punk From Crocodiles


Southern California Duo Crocodiles have been rather prolific since their 2008 origins, putting out three full length albums and a slew of EPs. “Crybaby Demon,” is the first single from their April-slated forthcoming fourth LP, Boys, which will be released via Zoo Music. And if you listen, it’s impossible to miss the influence of Mexico City, where they ventured to record the track and the album. This track is bomb, giving you both the fuzzy-lo garage guitars that you love from Crocodiles as well as this infectious beat underneath it all that makes it impossible to not dance to this song. Get behind this track and get ready for the new album; sounds like we’re in for a treat.

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Fresh Aussie Pop from Crepes

creepsSome point last year, I got word of this rad little act growing in popularity in Australia: Crepes.  I wrote about them then, and I’ve just gotten word of a new single that’s going to delight all our listeners. “Stages of Fear” offers a bit of that traditional Aussie sound, but I think they definitely added a punch; the drums are harder and the energy has a bit more energy in the way the track glides along cooly.  This tune will be found on the band’s soon to be released debut EP; I’ll provide more details as those come my way.



SXSW Interviews: Genevieve

10639607_839848039361113_7622898341869492041_nYou better believe we have even more SXSW interviews coming your way this week!  Today we’ve gone just a little bit left of our normal coverage with solo artist (though she travels with a band) Genevieve.  Many of you may remember her from time spent as the leading lady of Chicago based indie rock group Company of Thieves.  Well now she’s out on her own and ready to catch Austin by storm.  Follow the jump for her answers.

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