SXSW 2015 Hip-Hop: Berner

video-berner-drugstore-cowboy-mixtape-trailer-672x378Taylor Gang’s self-proclaimed Drug Store Cowboy, Berner, is returning to Austin for SXSW 2015. Berner performed several times throughout the week at last year’s SXSW, including a free Taylor Gang showcase that featured an impromptu one and done performance by label head Wiz Khalifa. This past year Berner put out a free mixtape with Cypress Hill frontman B-Real entitled Prohibition, continuing Berner’s history of excellent taste in beats and stoner-friendly lyrics. No specific shows have been set but Berner is officially set to perform at this year’s SXSW.



Show Review: Springtime Carnivore/The Dodos @ The Parish (02.18)

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What’s better than a great show in the middle of the workweek to get you through to the weekend? Nothing. Wednesday night’s lineup had me geared up for a high-energy evening of sunny dream pop and rambunctious percussive pop music. Both bands did not fail to bring a large supply of that energy and each doled it out in very different directions. Read about the refreshing evening after the jump and see some HQ super wonderful iPhone shots from yours truly.

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Grave Pool – Mnemonics

grave poolRating: ★★★★☆

Lately, it feels like the dream pop/shoegaze genre is really taking off and spinning in several different wonderful directions. Nashville’s Grave Pool is no exception to this—the work of this gentleman takes a trip down shoegaze lane, but adds a whole new level of sheerness to the mix. Mnemonics may be Grave Pool’s debut album, but it feels like a seasoned work, one that delights as much as it resonates.

“Cast/Off” opens up the album with its brief taste of instrumental interlude that pulls you in from wherever you’re coming from. The synths wind their way in, gentle guitar strums along, and the soft yet substantial percussion creates a kind of drama that builds the short intro track into something more than just a throwaway instrumental song. Instead, it provides the perfect introduction to the sound that Grave Pool has elegantly crafted, akin to a sweeping overture of a stage production. Before you know it this track is over, and Devan Köchersperger has launched into the thick of it with “National Forest.” Angular guitars glide in white hot, while the vocals are muted and deep, juxtaposing the airiness of the instrumentation to give you an 80’s feel in a modern context; something about the synth in this song has me thinking about The Cure. Later on you get fiery tracks like “Burnt” or “I’ll Tell You Later,” both of which will get you grooving pretty intensely. Needless to say, I could go track by track enumerating each one’s lushness, but then you’d be reading this review for hours instead of just listening to it and finding out for yourself.

I will say that this album stands out because it feels so cohesive. It moves subtly to different places without becoming redundant or tired, coating you in its coolness layer by layer until you’re completely submerged. Sometimes, this kind of music can feel rushed or urgent and the instruments crowd each other, but that’s not the case with Grave Pool, each instrument feels precisely placed and has its own room to flourish and play, all within its streamlined sleekness. It’s synth pop delicately placed into a dreamwave/shoegaze setting, and somehow it feels so right.

When Mnemonics is all over and done, you don’t feel wrong at all starting it right back over again. The nuance to this album is killer, and will have you listening to it all day, all week, and maybe all year. See for yourself.


Subvert Genre With Le Volume Courbe


Le Volume Courbe are a London based band with French influence that make music that’s kind of difficult to describe, as you’ll soon discover with “The House,” if you hadn’t already discovered that in the long time that this band’s been around. This track is a mix of a lot of different kinds of music; you have the percussion that just won’t quit, the straight jangly indie pop in the guitars, the delicate orchestration of the strings, the bursts of synthesizer all the way through. These all combine with Charlotte Marionneau’s vocals to create a subtly powerful jam that will have you dancing with this song on repeat. Le Volume Courbe release this single physically next week, which you can preorder here. 

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Please Chill in the Cloud

zenThis week has been really trying, for no real reason, so I need something to “call me down,” which is oddly mentioned in the first minute of this new Cloud single.  Imagine Animal Collective actually working to create some real music, something that’s less laptop-laden.  There is a loop, and that’s definitely got my head spinning; is that the Harp you hear when you go to Heaven?  But, I’m not sure how the live set would look, as the band is primarily the work of Tyler Taormina…so maybe more loops than I wanted.  Anyways, he’s got me hooked with this single, and its part of his album, Zen Summer, which comes out via Paper Trail Records.

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Get On Board the Jacco Gardner Train

jackoI’m pretty sure I’ve implored you get behind the music of Jacco Gardner already, but in case you haven’t jumped aboard this train, take a listen to his newest tune below.  There’s hints of psychedelia, but I like the light-hearted soulfulness that comes from his vocal display.  The guitar continues in the track, taking on a fuzzier note as a high vocal jumps from the distance for accentuation.  This should be enough info to get you excited for his new album, Hypnophobia, which is slated for a May 5th release via Polyvinyl.

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Shoegaze Craze With Star Tropics

1554348_588335547943054_2733155565290083228_nStar Tropics, who hail from Chicago, have been somewhat quiet since they first emerged in 2013, but now now they’re back and you should be jumping for joy. Why, you may ask? Because this band is creating killer shoegaze music that is bound to be big. Below, you have the infectious duo of this band’s first studio tracks in two years, and they certainly do not disappoint. First up is “Summer Rain,” which has infectious dream pop hooks all throughout, accompanied with bombastic percussion and dueling male/female vocals that will crush you with sunshine. “Swept Away,” is pretty special as well, allowing for the addition of jingly-jangly percussion and those glossy guitars that don’t quit. I’m telling you, this band is special, and they should be at the top of your watch list of up-and-comers.

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Dreamy Pop from Beach Baby

beachbaby-SONG_ARTThis tune flew into my inbox yesterday and definitely added a dosage of chilling out that I greatly needed.  It’s the work of Beach Baby, a recently new arrival on the UK scene.  Their music lives somewhere in that spectrum between bedroom dream pop and indiepop goodness; there are soft vocals in a relaxed presentation.  That being said, I definitely see some room for the band to unleash a bit of live fury, should they choose to do so.  Look for their single to get more love as the band moves forward, with the single slated for a March release date.

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Gateway Drugs Are On My SXSW Radar

gatesI’ve been neglecting my SXSW homework as of late, but as the RSVPs roll in, I reckon it’s time to really dig into the goods, right? Lately I’ve been jamming to Gateway Drugs, the LA act who are set to tour with Swervedriver.  That alone would be enough to warrant my attention, but the group has grabbed my attention with their sludgy smooth style.  There’s a sultry element via the established mood; it lurks behind the darkness that’s embedded in the tune and enforced by Liv’s vocals.  This is their latest single, just released, which is prepping you for their visit, as well as their new album, Magick Spells via Cobraside on March 3rd.

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