SXSW 2015 Hip-Hop: Snow Tha Product

Snow-Tha-Product-Press-Photo1Snow Tha Product is one of the most slept on rappers today and at the very least deserves a mention in the best active female rappers conversation. After her 2010 debut album Unorthodox put her on the map, Snow Tha Product has remained relevant ever since. 2014 was her biggest year yet, which included a verse on one of the 2014 BET Awards cyphers, a guest host spot on an episode of the Brilliant Idiots podcast, and her own “Fuck Your Plans” 34-city tour that kicked-off in Austin. Last year’s tour made her unable to be a part of SXSW 2014 but she is officially set to perform this year, though no dates or locations have been set. Snow Tha Product has a lengthy catalog of songs and videos that are worth listening to and watching on her YouTube channel and Soundcloud page. Her most recent mixtape Good Nights & Bad Mornings can be downloaded for free from DJ Booth.

Super Excited About Legs

psgBrian Gray is on a work field trip, so he’s asked me to look into his IT world.  And honestly, I thought that Legs was the Cali band who released Pass the Ringo.  But, this is a club hit waiting to happen, though it’s one of those where you can respect the smooth R&B approach because you can tell the band are pulling it all off with actual instruments. It’s got an inherent energy, and those of you who are willing to let go of your pretensions will find yourself sliding across the floor with an extra hop in your step. Look for their album, Altitud, to come your way soon.

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ATX Spotlight: Lowin Kick Out Another Jam

LowinWe gotta support the ATX this time of year, and what better way to do it than tossing out this new tune from Lowin.  On their latest tune, there’s really two sides to offer up, both equally engaging for audiences.  Sara Houser builds a driving rhythm with the rest of the band, her voice just below a powerful wail.  Carry on beyond the 2.5 minute mark and you’ll see the band switch things, offering up a more swollen version of indie rock, building with chords that wait to crash down on the listener. It’s just another reason to keep an eye out for their Royal Jelly EP, which hits on April 7th.

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Shimmering Psychedelic Pop From Attic Fowler

atticfowlerAttic Fowler is the solo effort of Milwaukee’s Chris Rutledge, who makes psych pop music. The track below, “Bradford Beach” is ruled by the cutting electric guitar riffs that abundantly weave in and out of the easy melody. Overall, the song is overwhelmingly delightful in its subtleties; if you listen, there’s quite a lot going on musically, but it never feels crowded or unbecoming. Instead, those guitar riffs wash over you like easy waves of Psychedelia. Look out for Attic Fowler‘s second LP coming in April on Fall Break Records.  

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ATX Spotlight/Show Preview: Chicon (02.19)

chiconI’m always down for more shoegazey/dream pop to love, but even more so down for shoegazey/dream pop that comes from our sweet sweet city. So I’m quite pleased to introduce you to some locals to love, Chicon, a four piece who’ve been putting out music since the summer of 2013, according to their Bandcamp page. Their sound is a mix of wistful noise pop and jangly rock, with dueling male and female vocals from Jeremy Diaz and Lila Paillon. The song I’ve got for you below is from their sophomore record, Sin Ti, which came out last summer digitally, but is being released physically this Thursday(02.19) at Hole In the Wall (doors @9:00pm). “Crush” gives you just a little taste of what this band has to offer you, so listen to the rest of Sin Ti here and head out this Thursday to throw some love towards these folks.

Melancholy Storytelling from Tom Brosseau

tommyboyI can’t say that I’ve been too familiar with Tom Brosseau up until this point, but after listening to a great deal of his new work, I think I’m going to join in with the applause.  He’s got a classic style to songwriting; it’s one that puts him next to old work of Kelley Stoltz and M. Ward.  There’s a transparency in his narratives, but there’s also a sound that I recall hearing around my house as a young kid….later in my smoke-filled one-bedroom apartment.  His new effort Perfect Abandon will find it’s way into the traditional American cannon when it’s released on March 3rd via Crossbill Records.

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A Place To Bury Strangers – Transfixiation

placeRating: ★★★☆☆

The noise, the noise, the noise! For more than a decade now, these New Yorkers have been dishing out a steady supply of loud and rambunctious rock music. But you already knew that, or you should, as they’ve become somewhat of a staple band when it comes to experimental post-punk revival noise rock. Transfixiation is far from short on the loud and punch-you-in-the-face rock and roll, but does it push A Place To Bury Strangers past where they’ve already been?

They open up with simmering “Supermaster,” which has the band’s dark post-punk grit toned down to a pop level, giving it a newfound accessibility that was missing before. This song plays with the concept of bursting forth into the explosive rock that we know the band to be capable of, but instead, they stay treading water just below of the surface. Oliver Ackermann’s vocals stay low in the mix, and the whole song crawls along forebodingly, building up the suspense as squalls of electric guitar slice through the mix. Alluringly, this song piques your interest and sucks you in before APTBS ever really launch in.

But not to worry, “Straight,” the second track up has the band taking this newfound pop accessibility to a different level. This song is a great middle ground for the band; neither too hot nor too dull in terms of gritty noise rock or a watered down version of their original sound. Instead, it takes the band to a different level, combining the grit with the streamlined to make for quite an enjoyable track. There are other tracks on Transfixiation that fit this mold in the best way, like late burners “We’ve Come So Far,” or “Fill The Void.” Both of these songs combine a newfound pop sensibility to the mix while maintaining the band’s core sound, and open up the band to a new hybridity we had scarcely seen before. Other times, you get the band holding on to their loud roots unabashedly. Take songs like “Love High” or “Deeper,” in which the grungey elements are in full force.

So, the answer to the question I posed at the beginning of this review is both a yes and a no. There are some tracks on Transfixiation that clearly stick out and sail above the classic noise they’ve come to be infamous for. However, part of the album feels so steeped in feedback and coated in grit that you’ve already gotten to know; a half step in a different direction rather than a full step. It’s up to you to decide if that’s a good or a bad thing.


Can Metz Live Up to the Hype

metzHonestly, Metz was a hot commodity a few years back, and I feel like their resurgence is perfectly timed.  I’m weaning myself off (a little) from the mild folky tunes of Winter doldrums, and looking forward to getting my rock on, so this is fitting.  Musically, the band’s as dangerous as they’ve been before, though there’s a bit of a change in the vocals that’s slightly new.  To me, this track feels like a post-hardcore blast of rock, which is perfectly fine, but I’m interested to see what the rest of Metz II sounds like; it’s being released by Sub Pop on May 5th…and for the record, I’m buying into the hype.

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ATX Spotlight: Decisions Decions Are Ready to Rock

228747_1088522405580_3663907_nDisclaimer.  I’m friends with Stuart from Decisions Decisions. Disclaimer. Stuart was also in the Rise, who I think any old-school Austin music fans fawned over.  His new band has that same tenacity, living somewhere between the realm of post-punk and hardcore. The vocals border on angsty scream, though they have a bit more control, allowing the actual lyrics to shine through the track.  The band have just uploaded 8 new songs to their Bandcamp page…and they’re worthy of your time, if rocking out real loud is your style.  Check it…and I’ll keep you posted on upcoming shows.

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