Introducing: Mumrunner

mumsthewordThought I was pretty in with the Finnish scene, but Soliti always has to keep me on my toes.  They just tossed out this excellent single from Mumrunner today.  Honestly, this might be one of my favorite new things from the label in recent months; it’s got that swirling jangling guitar I love so well, but the vocals bring in a smoky male vocal, touched up by a nice female counterpart, and I’m in love. They’re polishing up the final touches on their newest EP, and I dare you not to immediately fall in love with this track.  I’ll keep you posted on the new EP…hopefully with a new song!

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SXSW Interview: In Tall Buildings

tallbMan. The In Tall Buildings record is good; did you check out Nicole’s review? Well, in case you wanted to know a little bit about the story behind the album, Diver, we’ve got the inside scoop courtesy of Erik himself. This will also give you a good heads up as to why you should check out ITB during SXSW; it’s one of the shows I’m really anticipating, and I really appreciate Erik’s thoughtful answers, so read on to hear what he has to say.  Read more

Heart Beach

tumblr_njjyzkZXey1tq4r3mo1_500I just heard about Australian based indie band Heart Beach today and I’m already stricken with their music.  This song, “Away”, is what started it all for me and I’m hoping you feel the same way when you hit play.  It’s a song that is seemingly always waiting for the beat to drop, it never really does, and I find myself loving every second of that.  Loving the guitar sounds created here too.  Check out more of their tuneage over on bandcamp.

Heart Beach have their debut LP coming out on March 20th this year.[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: The Dodos/Springtime Carnivore (02.18)


Date 02.18
Location The Parish
Doors 9:00pm
Tickets 15$ Here

Now this is a show I am super excited for as both of these bands are on the heels of releasing killer albums, so you really can’t afford to miss out on this night of music. Up first will be Springtime Carnivore, the psychedelic pop project of Greta Morgan, whose debut album is filled with classic pop hooks and effortlessly reverb soaked vocals that will set your feet to dancing and your head bobbing in approval. If you’re having doubts check out “Name on a Matchbook” below and get hooked.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

And of course, who can forget the main act of the night, The Dodos, whose recent fifth studio LP felt like a trip back to their high energy sound. They’ll surely bring a setlist of new and old tracks, both of which are bound to delight. If you haven’t already, listen to “Competition,” so you’ll be refreshed and reminded of how infectiously good these guys are at making rustic pop music.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Sonny & The Sunsets – Talent Night At The Ashram

sonnyRating: ★★★★☆

For years, Sonny Smith, with and without the Sunsets, has been turning out a ton of youthful and light tunes, incorporating aspects of whimsy into his odd indie rock music to create a genre all its own. Talent Night At The Ashram marks yet another album for Sonny and company, but this time around, a running thread of melancholy and seriousness runs through with the whimsy, creating an album exploring the relativity of normalcy.

The overall sound on Talent Night At The Ashram continues in classic Sonny & The Sunsets style: soft indie rock with a touch of whimsy, but elements on this album make it feel slightly like a stripped down approach to glam rock, a-la Ariel Pink, but with more subtlety and nuance. The guitars are twangy and distorted, there’s a heavy reliance on piano or synth riffs that runs through and under everything, and Sonny’s vocals seem as distant as ever. Opening “The Application,” gives you a brief insight into this transition, as the song meanders along, with Sonny opening with the lyrics “I filled out the application to be a human being,” underscored by a twee synth riff, creating a rosy sound that’s juxtaposed by the solemn lyrics Sonny spins. This is where the gravity of album lies, and it works well for the band.

Sonny continues his tradition of storytelling, as most of these tracks tell the tale of some, often titled woman and her thrills and spills in daily life. You get the obvious ones, like “Alice Leaves For The Mountains,” and “Icelene’s Loss,” in which the title characters are the main focus of the songs. As you delve deeper into the album, it seems that each song talks about matters of daily life. Take centerpiece and main attraction track “Happy Carrot Health Food Store,” which listens more like a multi-act play, with its distinctive movements. The first of which gives you classic Sonny, setting up the stage with exposition of this imaginary, or perhaps real, natural health food store that you enter “through a mystical door.” This opening brings the eclectic glam rock, with clip-clopping percussion and Sonny’s faded vocals. Then you transition to the next act, where the band really kicks in and you’re greeted with vast and detailed imagery of the characters that work there, and when the band launches into its wirey guitar chorus and following instrumental break down, you’re completely hooked into this weird little play. The ending acts gives you Sonny talking with a barking dog, which, oddly enough, feels like the only natural end to this exercise in the sometimes mundane, yet meaningful nature of daily life.

Talent Night At The Ashram walks the line of sincerity and irony with a smirk and a wink, and sometimes an outright grin. Admittedly, this album takes a little work to enjoy: the music is subtle and not overtly becoming on first listen, and I found myself needing a few spins around before I could really sink my teeth into the tracks. However, once I got on board, the album really opened up and revealed that Sonny & The Sunsets somehow still have a bit more up their sleeves to give to you. Spend some time with this record and get lost in its subtleties.


Los Angeles Police Department Return with Soft Pop

551494_904732099561401_6340773065914297492_nWe’re just about a week away from the February 24th release date of the new Los Angeles Police Department 7″, and so they’ve offered up another tune to get you in the mood for their dreamy pop tunes.  This tune has this great restraint, never pushing the envelope beyond the song’s capabilities, which in the end really allows for the group to hone in the track’s underlying melody.  Vocals are soft, and the drums never overwhelm, ending in this sprawling track of perfect pop blissfulness. Look for their release next week via Fat Possum Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATX Spotlight: Abram Shook Announces New Album

Abram ShookWe’ve been behind Abram Shook since his early Great Nostalgic days, and we were especially happy to see his progression with Sun Marquee last year.  It seems that he’s not long to stay in one place, as his newest single continues to show is continually evolving sound; he includes little bits of drum samples in this track, as well as some funky guitar chops.  His ability to operate within varying genres and styles is one of the many reasons his music’s always been so enticing, which makes us even happier he’ll have another album, Landscape Dream, coming our way this year; it’ll see a release via Western Vinyl on May 12th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Stream the New 7″ from Autumns

blondeAutumns find their home on one of my favorite micro-labels, CF Records; it’s home to Sea Pinks, if that says anything.  The Derry band have this dark post-punk, though they don’t seem entirely infatuated with your typical swirl of reverb and atmospherics. The vocals do seem to be hidden beneath the mix, in an intoxicating manner that creates a brooding sensation; it gives several of the tunes an old-school feeling you’re like to enjoy.  If I had to pick a favorite from the 4 songs presented below, I think the opening number “Je Vous Etre” is definitely the stunner, though the rest all has something to offer.

In Tall Buildings – Driver

in tall buildinsRating: ★★★½☆

In Tall Buildings is the project of multi-talented musician Erik Hall, of Wild Belle and Saturday Looks Good To Me, amongst other bands. Driver is his sophomore record under this moniker, following up the 2010 self-titled debut. Hall has come quite a long way since that initial release, fleshing out his folksy sound with electronic elements and focusing on creating a dichotomy between these two distinct sounds. The result is an exercise in precision and creativity, as Driver carves out its own space and flourishes there.

What works really well on this album is the constant battle between the balance of warm and cold sounds within the music. Aesthetically, Hall’s vocals are cold and distant, barely audible at points as he mutters his lyrics. In this way, they work almost as another instrument amidst the synthesizers, sheer percussion and elegant guitar riffs that are scattered in the mix, but as an instrument of juxtaposition. While his voice may be static, cool and calm, the music transitions between aligning with this chill and opposing it with growing warmth. The sound of the guitars play a large part in this—when acoustic they fill the emptiness of the track, and when electric, often the riffs are distorted warmly to give out that surfy heat of hotter days. There’s a soft blending of the elements here that feels like the sonic accompaniment to a visually smooth and subtle gradient of color.

On a track-to-track basis, this album doesn’t have a bad song, as each one feels artfully crafted, however, I have found highlights that are all over the map. First track, “Bawl Cry Wail,” is as sonically emotive as Hall’s voice gets, and the instrumentation is rustic and stripped. Later on you get the sleek and practically dance floor ready “Flare Gun,” with simmering synths and a catchy pop chorus that you’ll be singing along to in no time. Then you get “When You See Me Fall” which is a halfway point between these two songs, mixing the minimalist sound you got early on with the electronically dominated threads that have percolated in to the album.

Driver, with its sheer quiet melancholy pop veneer, feels like an excellent record for a transition from winter to spring; from finally shaking off the cold, shedding those coats, and emerging into the sunlight. There are some tracks that have definitely made my listening catalogue and perhaps you can make the delicate de-thawing process with In Tall Buildings as well.


PYAITK: New Chromatics

ChromaticsI didn’t miss it, but I didn’t post it. I am sorry. I was sidetracked and found a buried tab.

Chromatics will release their latest album called Dear Tommy in March on Italians Do It Better (of course) and to celebrate, they are sharing a track every week (allegedly) and we start the sharing with “JUST LIKE YOU”. It is a slowly evolving tune that never loses its way. I tend to like anything Chromatics and this is no exception. Download via the soundcloud thingy down there.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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