Did You Miss This Talbot Adams?

talbotsMississippi’s Talbot Adams is a secret gem for many, and I owe a debt of thanks to Finest Kiss for first turning me on to his work awhile back.  He just released this incredible new 7″ via Market Square Recordings, and if you trust International mail-order, then you’ll have to have this in your collection.  It’s the perfect piece of pop music, filling in the negative space with a little buzz in your ear, while Talbot carefully plods along with his incredibly casual vocal performance.  The B-Side has an even dreamier aspect to it, harkening back to an era when pop music felt more innocent.  Just stream this 7″ and be happy to be alive.

Good Things From Tica Douglas


So, this may not be the newest of tracks to hit internetland, but just because it took me a week to get to this Tica Douglas track doesn’t mean you have to wait that long. Click play on the track below to hear “I Didn’t” off of her new album Joey, which is a simplified track featuring the smokey vocals of Tica, some garagey guitar, and bare essentials percussion. Somehow, this song is reminding me of a mix between Tegan and Sara and an acoustic Metric. Regardless, it’s a growing number, and one that I want to put on repeat all day. Joey comes out on February 24th, and you can preorder it here. 

Premiere: Pistachio Prep You for Springtime

pissedachioWe’re turning the corner on that Winter weather here, and we’ve got to have a soundtrack for those breezy days and warm afternoons.  I’m thinking you’re all going to want to put on quite a bit of Pistachio as that time nears; they’re offering you up this infectious new single…it’s equal parts Local Natives and early Vampy Weeks. You’ll hear tight guitar chords cutting at an angle, filled with some infectious bits of percussion and a hook that’s naturally built into the delivery of the vocals. I appreciate the fact that these guys rock it out for just over five minutes, cheering you on with a nice rhythm all the way until the end. These Berkeley boys release their Tehuantepec EP at the end of February, but get your sample on right here.

New Music from Jeff Zagers

jzIt constantly amazes me what depth and texture can be created in the home studio nowadays, such as this new single from Jeff Zagers.  His latest single has the feeling of a full-on band working at their best, yet it’s interesting to note that he recorded all parts (drums, keys, bass, guitar, saxophone) all on his own.  In the end, you get this well-crafted dense pop tune, which also offers a bit of introspection through the lyrical and emotional content.  It’s all part of Jeff’s new album, Still/Alive LP, which is going to be released on March 17th via Wharf Cat Records, so keep a lookout.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/185891319″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Dreamy Pop from Horsebeach

horsesAs a Manchester United fan, and a fan of the city’s musical production over the last few decades, I always like to take a gander at what’s going on in the fair city.  It seems that the hip new thing is quite incredible; Horsebeach is the work of Ryan Kennedy, and he’s crafting glorious bedroom pop.  You’ll hear the typical wash of atmospherics in his work, but if you listen closely there’s these intricate little guitar parts beneath the mix, akin to Mac DeMarco, only a wee bit more depressing.  This is the B-Side to his newest 7″ that also features “Disappear,” so grab it if you’re so inclined.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/190909991″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Review: Taft Album Release @ Cheer Up Charlies (2.12)

TaftWe hit up good ol’ Cheer Up Charlies Thursday night to support our friends at Punctum Records as they released Taft‘s Groove Redundant…they were joined by Isaiah the Mosaic, Lomelda and Sweet Spirit helped them close out in style.  I’d have to say it was a pretty impressive line-up, and a rather impressive crowd.

Read on for our thoughts on the show and some photos from B. Gray.

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Discover Pizza Hangover

pizzaWhile I can’t speak of the nuances of a hangover purely generated from pizza consumption, although I’m sure it’s definitely possible, I can speak to you about the music of Pizza Hangover. Eric Griffin Jr. is the man behind this project based out of Kansas City, and he’s creating bedroom/lo-fi/doom-wop rock music that will sneak up on you and worm its way into your heart. While it seems that February has been a busy month for this gentleman, he just released a new (mini) album called Pick Ur Sinking Ship, which features six tracks of this kind of rock that you can pick up here and enjoy the fact that you discovered this guy before his inevitable take off. But for now, jam to “Cherry Coke+Weed” because if this isn’t a perfect Friday song to kick your weekend off, I don’t know what is.

Top 10 Movies of 2014


With the Oscars just around the corner, it seems like a perfect time to provide our own take on the best movies of 2014.  Now I’m not really one to base my film tastes on the Oscars, so though I’m posting this around Oscar season, it’s really coming so late into 2015 because I haven’t had the time to write it and I needed to get caught up.  After spending a big part of my Winter holiday sitting through hours upon hours of film, I think I’m finally ready to get this thing out there.  Before we get started it’s worth noting that I am typically partial to unique horror/thriller films and shy away from the “made for the Oscars” films.  Don’t even get me started on The Lego Movie snub…. Haters gonna hate.  Let’s go after the jump.

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Check Out Great Outdoors

greatThis new song from Great Outdoors just popped up yesterday, and I’m going to spend the next few weeks fawning over it.  There’s such a careful touch to everything the band does in this track, from the pacing to the guitar chords to the tribal percussive elements that open the tune.  You’ll find this song as one of the featured tunes on the band’s new album, Dads Oasis, which was just wrapped up in their native Australia. If you’ve got good things going on in life, they’re only going to get better with this 4.5 minute gem of a pop song.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/190682444″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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