More From Beach Baby


Earlier this year, Nathan introduced you to UK outfit Beach Baby, and gave you a slice of their delightful dream pop with “Ladybird.” Today, I’m happy to give you some more of that pop with “Bruise,” a b-side of that aforementioned song that’s just as enticing, but in a completely different way. This track is filled with groovy guitar licks that swirl around the track, while the vocals remind me somewhat of Hamilton Leithauser with a hint more whimsy that suits the sultry guitars and subtle synths. If Beach Baby hadn’t already made your radar, “Bruise” should change that rather quickly; I’ll be jamming this track all day.

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Blackest Ever Black Prep Compilation

blackBlackest Ever Black are prepping the release of I Cant Give You the Life You Want, a compilation that’s served by Los Angeles as the background to the songs.  Perhaps it’s the environment of the city, or rather the response to the perceptions of the city that’s led the artists on this album (Cut Hands, Tropic of Cancer, Dalhous) to carefully craft their music, cloaked by the shadows beneath the city’s glam image.  I chose this track from Tarcar, which is broods beautifully, offering a softness that I’m really enjoying as I deliver into today.

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Charles Hamilton is back?

Five years ago Charles Hamilton was on the verge of being the next big thing; magazine covers, an XXL freshman list that also included B.o.B, Wale, and Kid Cudi, and an undeniably catchy lead single. But after a series of self-admitted “bloopers”–including a video of Hamilton being socked in the face by a girl he was battle rapping–made the rounds on the internet, Hamilton disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. After a lengthy absence from the public eye, Hamilton appears to be ready for his come back. His new single “New York Raining” is below.

Careful Folk from H

hH is the project name from Hector Andres Silva, though his music is quite a bit more intimate than the word “project” might lead one to believe.  There’s a gentle touch to his work, with a fragile vocal rising atop a carefully picked guitar line.  There are two singles here, but they’re actually meant to be listened to as one piece, though in two separate movements, all influenced by Silva’s repeated listening to Nick Drake.  Overall, the piece is titled The Night She Fell, and I suggest you take some time to string it below; it’s the perfect sedative for early Monday listening.

Garage Swing from Chick Quest

cqIt’s not too often that a band makes its sounds board the seas from Vienna to our little town here in Texas, but I was caught enjoying this new track from the Austrian group, Chick Quest.  Their new single takes off in a rather garage direction, with a rapid delivery of lyrics.  But, immediately beneath the sound is the band’s spaghetti western influences, which provide a nice little bit of swing to the track, especially as the song unfolds further in the latter half.  The band are set to release their LP, Vs. Galore, on April 21st, so I wanted to give you an advance warning of something that might not have made your radar just yet.

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ATX Premiere: Yuma Release New Single

10614068_754453231278506_2042911533_nYuma have been around for a bit, but they’re here with their first hint that 2015 could be a big year for the band, graciously allowing us to premiere their first single.  “The Fire” really has two sides two it; it opens with this grandiose pop structure, careful layering crisp vocals over a slow chord progression.  But, then the song takes a turn, blasting into a blissful version of shimmering dream pop.  Melodies soar and the band rolls towards a soft close of the track, having carried you on a journey through varying realms of pop music.  You should help the band record more great songs in 2015 by buying the single HERE.  Look for the band to have more new tunes coming your way very soon.

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I Dig This Acid Dad Track

acid da

Now I’m always about psychedelic rock music, so whenever I come across a super solid song that takes the genre to a whole new level you can bet I’m down to share it. This track “Brain Body” from NYC’s Acid Dad, starts in a fairly typical psych rock song– distorted guitars, distant vocals, and a laid back beat that lets the song mosey along at its own pace. However, as you keep listening, the band goes several different places than you would expect them to; around the halfway point the song gets knocked up to full volume and Acid Dad really punch you in the face, but in the best way possible.

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Something Playful from Craig Martinson

cragFeel like I went a little heavy on the rock side of things today, so I wanted to spin it around and offer something playful and captivating via Craig Martinson.  The songwriter has crafted a tune that’s akin to bands like White Rabbit or early Cold War Kids; the style brings with it huge hooks and a little bit of psychedelic funk to the mix.  It’s one of those songs that just makes you happy to be alive, so why not play it loud on this Friday afternoon.  You’ll find this tune on his latest EP, My Love Is True.

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SxSW 2015: Converse Rubber Tracks

Rubber TracksBrand. Branding. Brand awareness.

Forget all of that. SxSW has been a bastion of branding experiments. From giant Doritos to McDonald’s trying to be cool, we are inundated by branding and usually, it has been quite unsuccessful. Twitter campaigns hijacked in the name of comedy, new product as a punch line for your snarly friend’s quips. #flatizza

But one brand has been kind of quietly been doing something very cool for musicians. Converse set up Rubber Tracks four years ago giving Texas bands, mostly Austin locals, the chance to get some studio time on the brand’s dime. I was invited to take a tour of the studio compound taken over during SxSW and turned into Converse Rubber Tracks home base, Big Orange and Shine Studio.

A few thoughts, pics of Tele Novella and Hard Proof Afrobeat, and a little Q&A action with the bands after the jump…

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Louisville Hip-Hop: Jalin Roze

Up and coming rapper Jalin Roze (not Jalen Rose) from Louisville, KY has a smooth, bass heavy sound reminiscent of Celly Cel in his heyday. Roze has a great back catalog of music worth checking out and it’s all available to download for free from his Bandcamp page. His song “That’s It” can be streamed below.

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