Fresh Tune from Dot Dash

ddsOver the course of our blog career I’ve always had an ear for DC’s Dot Dash, so I’m happy to share this new power-pop tune that they’ve just released to celebrate their brand new album.  It’s a short track, featuring the band’s blend of punk elements (hear the vocals) with classic pop guitar chords.  There’s a bit of nostalgia here too, falling somewhere in the realm between old Weasel and late Jawbreaker. Look to pick up their brand new album Earthquakes & Tidal Waves from the Beautiful Music; it’s available for purchase now!


Download: Dot Dash – Rainclouds [MP3]

Please Listen to 23:23

ramIn all the SXSW recovery process, I must have listened to close to 200 songs, but none of those have stuck with me, or inspired me to write a few shoddy words more than this new track from 23:23.  There’s a lo-fidelity approach in the songwriting, but there’s this incredible pop sensibility that pervades, seeping through the cracks in the melodies, and the careful little touches like the repeated vocal after the 2 minute mark.  It’s just one of many songs that’s been written by Rami Vierula, who also plays in Delay Trees; he’s composed three albums in the band’s downtime, so Soliti Music will be releasing all three as the 23:23 Album Trilogy…available May 8th.

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Wand – Golem

wand_golem_coverart-14949Rating: ★★★☆☆

It wasn’t too long ago that the LA boys of Wand put out their debut album, Ganglion Reef. In fact, it was only August of last year that they first jumped on to the garage rock scene and started wowing audiences with their own take on the buzziest genre of the indiesphere. Now they’ve returned quickly with this sophomore release, moving to a more straightforward and all out rock approach than their first album, which adds to the overall energy of the music and creates for a loud and fun second effort.

Immediately on opening track “The Unexplored Map,” you can already hear the sonic differences that the band has made in the short time period of their first and second releases. There’s a newfound heaviness to those garage guitars, which put them more on the metal/grunge side of things versus the laid-back noise of those lighter sounding riffs found for the most part on Ganglion Reef. Of course there were signs of this band’s deeply rooted darkness on that first album; the dark approach isn’t out of nowhere. This first track lets you hear the change in pacing as well from Wand—the song sounds deeply grounded and involves a lot of stop and go percussion that points you again to the hardcore side of garage rock. Next up is “Self Hypnosis In Three Days,” a similarly loud and rambunctious number, but one that hedges on the psychedelic genre of rock. The vocals of Cory Hanson are all psychedelic, reverb drenched and wafting in and out of the ever-changing style of this song. One moment you have distorted guitars going hard, and then a little later the band cuts out to just vocals and some gentle strumming, giving you a reprieve of the hard trip before they launch right back in.

The sound gets changed up a little bit on “Reaper Invert,” which comes third up on the album and continue this into “Melted Rope.” The first of these two songs is on the edge the whole time, constantly threatening to switch from eerie to murderous at any second, but it doesn’t ever fully launch into the super hardcore sound that we’ve already encountered on the album, but lingers in the ominous zone. Don’t get me wrong, this song still brings the rock, but it’s more psychedelic than grunge. “Melted Rope” has this same psychedelic twist, but on a slower and calmer level. There are acoustic guitars on this tune, and the vocals take center stage, providing a softness that is unheard on the rest of the album.

But what Ganglion Reef had a little more of that Golem doesn’t is variety; yes, this album is more spirited and rocking this second time around, but in this transfer it sometimes feels like Wand has slightly lost a little bit of nuance in their music. This, however, may just be a matter of taste: if you’re inclined to like your garage rock on the more hardcore side, then Golem will surely win your heart.


Ancient River Prepare New Music

ariverWhen you read that an artist was present at the Austin Psych Fest, thoughts can be misleading, perhaps explaining the rebranding as Levitation Fest.  Ancient River remind me of how much that sound can influence, yet also expand beyond those boundaries, especially with their new six minute opus.  The songs hazy and plodding, quietly building on this barely audible little melody. It’s really something to experience, finding yourself weaving our ears in and out of this tune.  You can grab the Keeper of the Dawn on April 14th courtesy of Summer Moon.

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Friday Rock N’ Roll with Male Gaze

mailI’m really impressed with this new Male Gaze track.  There’s a furious pace kicking things off, using the guitars to knife and cut through the speakers.  But, what’s gotten me hooked are the slightly moaned vocals, full of studio tricks; it sets you on edge with it’s ability to counterbalance the ramshackle approach of the rest of the group. They even up the noise in a distorted manner as the track comes to a sprawling close.  Look for the group’s debut release on Castle Face Records on March 23rd; it’s title Gale Maze.

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Playful Surf from Peach Kelli Pop

pkpFriday’s should be all about fun, especially when, like me, you’re about to go on a nice little Spring Break.  So, with that in mind, why not prep for it with some great feel-good tunes, like the latest single from Peach Kelli Pop. It’s playful through and through, which has always been the vibe from the act, in my mind anyways.  You get a little bit of surf, little garage and a helluva good time.  I expect nothing less from the forthcoming album from the band, III; it’s getting a Burger Records release on April 21st.

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Active Child Give Us Something New

Active ChildActive Child has always had this weird place in my musical psyche, though I’m not sure where that place is, something about the music just hits a chord with me.   Today yet another tune just hit the internet called “1999” and I find myself entranced all over again.  The song is a hushed beauty, an ode to a loved one, that should evoke some major feeling in all of us.  Can’t say enough good things about this one.

Active Child has a new album in the works entitled Mercy due out in June on Vagrant.

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Another Reason to Enjoy Turn to Crime

ttcTurn to Crime are preparing for the release of their new album, Actions, by releasing a bunch of really varying singles.  Their first track had more of an upbeat vibe hiding behind the distorted sound.  On their new song, or new to us, they’ve got more of a playful stutter-step going on; the song pulses and vibes with just a hint of guitar lurking right beneath the front of the mix.  I dig the fact that I’m completely unable to pigeon-hole the band…that’s usually a good sign of things to come.  Look for their record on April 28th via Mugg and Bopp.

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Young Tongue – Death Rattle

youngRating: ★★★½☆

Still waters run deep. That colloquialism kept bouncing around in my head while listening to Young Tongue long overdue, much anticipated debut album. Why do I keep coming back to that phrase? Still waters run deep. Young Tongue isn’t a band that I would refer to as still in any kind of literal sense, going on short sprints with other great indie acts such as Mr. Gnome while maintaining a consistent gigging schedule in their hometown of Austin. This cliché has such resonance with me for this album because while most indie, local based artists seem to ebb and flow on a 1-3 year calendar, Young Tongue has been consistently plugging away for years and year Eight years to be exact – 5 of those in Austin. As a fan I’ve been following them just about all of those 8 years (they were one of the early pioneers of the musical flow from Asheville, NC to Austin, TX).

Musically Young Tongue leans heavily on the mid 2000s’ indie rock explosion – drawing inspiration from the likes of Interpol and Franz Ferdinand. Their sound relies heavily on the 8th note counterpoint between lead guitar lines and bass riffs. Daryl Schomberg’s intense, shifting drum patterns provide the backdrop while Stu and Liz Baker’s melodic and lyrical duets shimmer ontop. At it’s best all the parts fit into place like mechanical gears and seeing them perform live is like watching a well oiled steampunk machine. At it’s worst the gears don’t quite fit into place and the music can and machines lurches forward uncomfortably.

For a new listener of Young Tongue this album provides the truest and most exciting musical snapshot of Young Tongue. Young Tongue has long been a band plagued by the difficulty of capturing their live charisma and translating this to a record. Death Rattle unequivocally meets this challenge. Death Rattle provides more than enough fuel to continue the momentum Young Tongue has been gaining in recent years.

As a longtime fan and listener my only disappointment in this album is that feels like Young Tongue has been treading water. While the album only has one song – Matriarch – from their previous album as the Baker Family, a lot of these songs feel like a rewrite of old material and a lesson in habitual songwriting. The tunes that stuck out to me were the ones where I felt like they were reaching for new sounds, new styles. Heavy Metal Thunder – the 3rd track and the de facto single from the album – takes the best of their writing style and reaches for new terroritory. It keeps the driving rhythm of Nathan Ribner’s bass but the guitar lines and vocals refrain from getting sucked in the busy, insecure clutter that dominates other tracks like Sand Dance.  The song grows into a huge anthem, culminating in a vocal counterpoint that few bands can pull off.

For new fans, this album will be played over and over. For those of us familiar with the Young Tongue catalog, it provides us with a great touchtone but I know I will be waiting to see where the second album takes us.

Smooth Groove From Public Access TV

1534847_396504890529852_2833861622368402680_oI’m all about easing into the SXSW maelstrom with a light spirit, and this Public Access TV tune is doing the trick to alleviate anxiety.  It’s a track that hints at dance floor readiness, though it does so without beating you over the head with cliche beats; just picture the early work of Phoenix.  Later this Spring they’ll be releasing their Public Access EP via Terrible Records, but before then you can catch them on tour with Gang of Four, or at SXSW if you happen to be in town.

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