Dreamscape from Gacha

gotchaIf you’ve had an exhausting day then this new tune from Gacha is precisely the tool for your.  There’s a subtlety to the song, barely moving at times, allowing you to immerse yourself in the song’s tranquility. I like the fact that the man behind the music has admitted that’s he trying to do little than make a cohesive album, so I’m intrigued to see where the rest of his debut LP goes…especially if its as beautifully absorbed as this tune.  Send Two Sunsets will be out on May 5th via Apollo Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/195175064″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Jacco Gardner Video

jaccoSo we’ve already been hitting you fairly steadily with more and more tracks from Jacco Gardner as he preps to release his album Hypnophobia later this year on May 5th via Polyvinyl. Today, I’ve got a new music video from the gentleman for the song “Find Yourself,” which is filled with Gardner’s psychedelic style set to trippy visuals as well as a dramatic storyline. Take a listen and get lost in the perfect Wednesday music video.





Told You Guys Elvis Depressedly Was Legit

cothranA few years ago I got the Mat Cothran bug, consuming everything associated with the songwriter.  It first came with his solo project, Coma Cinema (reaching our Top 3 albums of the year).  In that mass consumption, I threw out some demos from his Elvis Depresedly project…it’s more of a full band affair; I raved about it after catching them open for Alex G this past summer.  Now, the world is following suit, with tons of people flocking to hear the band’s new project.  There’s a casual vibe to this tune, and it almost feels unfinished, but that’s what’s so intoxicating and intimate about anything Cothran pens.  The group titled their album New Alhambra, and it’s out in May on RFC Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/174400334″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATX Show Spotlight: Wildfires EP Release @ Cheer Ups (Tonight)

fireThere’s always a brief lull right before the storm, except this year, there isn’t.  There’s tons of shows with Austin band’s all over town, and tonight I encourage you to head to Cheer Up Charlies to catch the Wildfires EP release.  The band offers you pop music via a kaleidoscope of dreaminess and shoegaze elements.  I’m really excited to hear the band’s EP in full, but for now we’ll let you stream this brand new song they’ve got for you. Plus, there’s other local greats on the bill like The Sour Notes, The Zoltars (who just released their 3rd album recently) and Telepods. The weather’s been great, so why not enjoy your evening with great tunes.

Another Robot Princess Tune For Ya

robotThis new Robot Princess reminds me so much of Los Campesinos, and I’m totally loving it.  The tune opens up rather slowly, featuring a male/female vocal duet of sorts, but like all great pop stylings, the band pick up the pace, getting a little bit more anxious in their delivery.  It’s a fun tune, for sure, but I feel as if the construction does enough to keep things interesting…always a good sing.  Label this as another reason we here at ATH are really anticipating their Teen Vogue LP/Action Moves EP; it’s available on March 24th via Fleeting Youth Records.


Download: Robot Princess – Violent Shooting Stars [MP3]

Evans The Death – Expect Delays

etdRating: ★★★★½

90’s nostalgia is fairly easy to come by these days and one of the facets in which this longing for the past has manifested itself is in a renaissance of the alt-rock of this decade. Evans The Death, comprised of young Londoners barely out of their teens, combine this nostalgia with their own twist of the present to push them past mere imitation and into something creatively different.

Immediately when you embark on Expect Delays, it’s impossible to miss the influence of 90’s alt rock that this band’s sound is so deeply steeped in, especially that of The Cranberries. The juxtaposition of Katherine Whitaker’s impossibly high vocals with the grunge guitar produces the same transfixing quality of the past, but Evans The Death do it so well that you don’t really mind. Songs like “idiot Button,” fourth up on the album, is the closest you’ll get: the soaring vocals glide atop the grounded stop and go percussion and distorted guitars to create a dichotomy of light and dark sound that is as eerily beautiful as it is haunting. Same with ever sunny “Just 60,000 More Days Till I Die,” but here the acoustic guitar part fills in where the electric guitar fades out, and Whitaker’s lyrics are chilling: “Take me to a hospital, send me back to school, something’s wrong in my world.”

But the album never feels like a cheap imitation, or merely a copycat, as the band adds in several other genres to their mix to avoid this very phenomenon. You get the post-punk and jangly rock influence as well, which this band incorporate seamlessly as well. Early on they give you “Sledgehammer,” on which Whitaker’s vocals are another elements to the noisey rock they’ve got going, using their force with added echoes to make for a dark version of jangly guitar rock. “Bad Year,” still on the first half of the album also is one of the most pop-like tracks from this band, complete with catchy choral hook and infectious guitar riffs scattered throughout. Later on the band gets heavier and heavier, with deep cut “Don’t Laugh at My Angry Face,” which is the most metal track on the album while still maintaining the grace that inherently surrounds this band.

Expect Delays is an incredibly emotive album, as Evans The Death makes music around their survival through the humdrum of modern life. They’ve managed to lift the same deep resonance of past genres and transpose this to the present and the result is quite wonderful, even if it is dark and dreary. Isn’t that the world we’re living in?


BLXPLTN Hit It Hard Again

AFROPUNK Festival - Day 1Near the end of last year, things started to really take off for local afropunkers BLXPLTN with their release of their debut LP, Black Cop Down. It gives me great pleasure to share with you yet another track by this trio, one that has a whole lot of fire behind it. “No Fly List, ” is a brand spanking new song that continues to grow my love affair with this band. Have a listen and enjoy this new song from a local band you need to know about if you haven’t already so you can look to catch them around SXSW.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/188071120″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More with John Andrew & the Yawns

jayI’ve written before about John Andrews & the Yawns, the newest project from John (who also works in Quilt and Woods).  I’m really drawn into this track, which might just come from the dreary weather, as I feel like there’s a definite Grateful Dead or Neil Young approach here (only one which I’m willing to admit I accept).  The band explores a modern folk twist, which you’d likely expect, but the twang and the drawl of the song really goes into hippy harmony territory.  Dammit. I like it. Don’t tell my friends! Look for Bit By the Fang via Woodsist on April 14th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/194036785″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

SXSW Interview: Heaters

HeatersI am ready for SXSW.  I think.  Whatever mindset you are in, tons of bands are about to descend on our town next week who are all ready and willing to take us by storm.  Today I’m pumped to share yet another festival oriented interview with you from Grand Rapids based Heaters.  Now these guys are dropping a new 7″ single on April 28th via Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records and you should most definitely pre-order it right now.  Follow the jump for full interview.

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Single Premiere: Kings of the Brushwood Thicket

KOTBT King ImageKings of the Brushwood Thicket are a relatively new band to me, and to many I reckon, but please take some time today to listen to this track.  No, it’s not just because it’s a premiere, or any such hype I’m trying to create.  Rather, I’ve been impressed with this song, and others, offering an extremely pure glimpse at the nostalgic sounds of glam rock.  Strip it down a bit, remove modern context, and you have a generous pop tune that will reward listeners from all backgrounds and styles.  It’s the first single off the band’s debut, The Lies You Leave Behind, which comes out on May 5th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/195067999%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-lY8sb” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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