SXSW 2015 Hip-Hop: Rae Sremmurd

Rae Sremmurd (pronounced RAY SHREM-URD) are two young guys from Tupelo, Mississippi that seemingly came out of nowhere in 2014 with two hit songs (“No Flex Zone” and “No Type”). Rae Sremmurd makes feel good party music and they are clearly having fun doing it. While it seems like Rae Sremmurd might goof around a lot, there is definitely a method to the madness. An interesting side note is that they also have a safe sex party anthem called “Safe Sex and Pay Checks”. Rae Sremmurd has one of the more energetic record and stage presences around. They have already confirmed four shows during SXSW and will most likely be performing more than that.

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ATX Spotlight: Check the New Gentlemen Rogues Single

gnrMan. I’m really excited for this Gentlemen Rogues EP to come our way.  I’ve always felt that the band were one of the many under-appreciated gems rocking out in Austin.  Perhaps their pop-centric sound is hard to typify, so you can’t really lump them into an ordinary Austin trope.  They’ve always had a punk edge, though it’s rather clean in this new single, save for a few guttural turns on the vocals. Really, it’s just a great pop song, and you know how I love those ones.  Look for their EP, A History So Repeating on April 7th via End Sounds.

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New Music from the Comet Gain

cgiHonestly, I’m always going to throw out a new Comet Gain song; they’ve long been one of my most adored bands, so I see no reason to stop that nonsense now.  On their latest single, you get a glimpse at some of the more explorative approaches the band has taken over their career.  This tune is definitely more of a far out sound, and less pop-centric, but I think it portrays a band that continues to grown and shape their sound.  This tune comes off the Fingerprint Ritual EP, which was recorded at the same time as their last LP, Paperback Ghost. It’ll be released by Fortuna Pop on April 6th.

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DTCV – Uptime!

dtcvRating: ★★★☆☆

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the French American post-punk duo, DTCV (pronounced Detective) perhaps some of which is owed to the pseudonyms of the band members Vivarock and Fiat Lux. While they had their humble beginnings a mere three years ago in L.A., they’ve already managed to put out two full-length, and one collection of singles under three different labels. Uptime! is an adventure in gritty guitars, catchy pop hooks and shimmering percussion that should have you ready to smash along with these two.

The album opens strongly with the first four tracks all bringing the infectious rock. “Astros” gives you a brief stirring introduction to the band, and the female vocals chime in with haunting “ahhs,” before the guitar snarls in, and I’m reminded of the sleek music of the likes of Frankie Rose. They follow this with the delightful “X-Water,” that moves from sleek to outright rock, the vocals becoming the most striking element as it flourishes and shrieks with grace. This trend continues early on in the album, hitting you with track after track of post punk rock.

Once you reach roughly the middle of the album with “Miley Cyrus Wins The Race,” you can begin to see the direction DTCV are headed. This track listens like a power ballad of the post-punk persuasion; the sultry yet forceful vocals dominate the track, but not without contention from the distorted guitar parts and that throbbing bass that opens the song. What I like about this track is the subtle way that it builds to the very end and the way in which all the components of the song come together with ease and refinement. It’s a less spunky track than what we’ve heard thus far, but by no means less powerful. When you get to the end of the track, which culminates with those female vocals belting “burn it to the ground,” it’s hard not to take notice of the music the band has crafted.

Here, however, marks the point of the record in which the band moves towards a slower approach to the songs, and apart from a few of the tracks that introduce a novel sound for the band, (See “Invitation to a Beheading,” and “California Girl”) they start to lose me a little bit. It’s not that the songs aren’t enticing in their way, it’s that the pacing of the album doesn’t do them any favors: the first half of the album is stacked with the hits and the second half is dominated with slower moments.

While there are some solid numbers on Uptime!, the album falls a bit flat in its low moments, and could have benefitted from a trimming down of a few tracks; forty minutes drags on a little towards the end and the sound begins dull out from the spunky music that the band began with. Perhaps this album is a grower and simply requires more time for the songs to really set in, so I encourage you to find that out for yourself.


SXSW 2015 Interview: Happyness

HappynessWe’re so dang close folks. SXSW is only a week away, or a few days, depending on where you’re at.  We’re still trying to wrap up all our interviews, so we’re bringing you this one from England’s Happyness.  The group released their Weird Little Birthday last year in the UK, but they’re building some hype here in the States…and the record will be here soon.  Check out the quick interview we grabbed with Benji.   Read more

Travel Back in Time with the Bomb

bombaThere are certain sounds that all of us as music listeners associate with great times in our life.  No matter what happens in our life, we can always place certain sounds with certain parts of our life.  That’s precisely what happens when I listen to this new single from The Bomb; it’s got a little bit of that anthemic punk rock, yet it also has sort of a late-Jawbreaker feel to it (so 97-98 in my life). No Idea Records will release the band’s Axis of Awesome EP on a really special coke-bottle colored vinyl on March 17th…so pre-order it so that it’s at your doorstep when you get back from SXSW.

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Did You Check Out the Big Harp Single?

harpLast week, Big Harp released this great little single, and we got caught running behind the show, so I didn’t get a chance to toss it up.  But, better late than never, amiright? There’s really two things working for this tune…one is that the song revolves around this indifferent vocal approach akin to Rural Alberta Advantage; it’s like a little Southern drawl drawn out in its own fashion.  Also…there’s a delightfully bright chorus that’s perfectly juxtaposed to the verses, so that it grabs the listener.  It all wraps up in under 2 minutes, so you’ll be able to play it again and again before you get too tired.  Look for this track on their new 7″ via Fat Possum on March 10th.

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SXSW 2015 Hip-Hop: FREEWAY

FREEWAY came to prominence as a member of Rocafella Records during the label’s heyday. Since parting ways with the label FREEWAY has independently released a series of albums, mixtapes, and collaborative EPs, including an unexpected collaborative EP with Girl Talk in 2014. FREEWAY has an energetic stage presence that matches his well-known brand of aggressive lyrical delivery and is a show worth seeing. FREEWAY is confirmed to perform at Trinity Hall on Friday, March 20. FREEWAY’s collaborative EP with Girl Talk, Broken Ankles, can be streamed or downloaded for free via DJ Booth. The lead single from the EP can be viewed below.

Video Premiere: No/No Unleash “Red Flag”

noI’m always eager to help spread the word for really great bands that I enjoy, and if you’ve read these pages then you’ve already heard about how much I love the No/No…formerly the Delphines. They’ve released a couple of great EPs since rearranging their line-up, and I’m still hooked on the band.  Their most recent XO EP is definitely worthy of your time, and the band have allowed us to premiere their brand new video for “Red Flag,” the EP’s third track.  Check it out below, and enjoy great music on this Monday morning.    You can also stream the EP below!


Electro Pop Goodness from Pastel Ghost

pasteI’ve been jamming to a lot of this new album from Pastel Ghost.  The beats are really strong, creating a pounding sensation at almost every corner; it’s definitely a dance floor ready style (musically speaking).  But, what really sold me on the Vivian Moon’s project is the way she’s opted to record the vocals; they’re coated in this really hazy smoothness that provides a soft underbelly to her driving electro tracks.  If I took drugs, I would probably take them to this track…but don’t do drugs folks!  Look for the debut album, Abyss, this week via 80s Ladies Records.

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