ATX Spotlight: BOAN Readies Mentiras LP

boneIn case you’ve been hiding under a rock here in Austin, you’ve likely already heard BOAN, or at least I hope you have.  The duo is made up of Jose Cota (of Ssleeperhold) and Mariana Saldana, and they’ve been working to create their minimal electronic music for some time, and finally are ready to share their new album, Mentiras, with you.  While not all the group’s songs go this route, the usage of Spanish in the lyrics pays a bit of homage to the cultural heritage of the duo; it adds a bit of international flare to the budding electro pop they’ve carefully been crafting. Personally, I love the dark turn this track takes on in the second half.  Holodeck Records will be releasing Mentiras on June 9th.

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Death Valley Girls Give You Retro Garage

unnamedL.A’s Death Valley Girls really have a name that suits their style of music in that they sound like someone zombified some valley girls and then gave them guitars. This track, “Summertime,” has that retro-girl band sound combined with the fuzz and shred of today’s garage rock. The vocals are all kinds of catchy and beg you to scream along with the band through the track. The juxtaposition of the valley girl vocals and the gritty punk quality of the instrumentation give the song some allure that you certainly don’t want to miss out on.

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Show Review: The War On Drugs ACL Taping 04/06

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Last year’s Lost In The Dream took The War On Drugs’ claim to fame to a whole new level, landing them atop most year end lists as well as a longtime spot in my personal listening catalogue. So naturally the folks over at ACL TV wanted to catch Adam Granduciel and company at the height of their musical career so far and get them on for a taping, which resulted in a short night of tunes mostly from that newest album. Read on for more thoughts on the night.

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Hints of Darkness from Flesh World

fleshI love when a band describes their sound as a fusion of pent up punk aggression being spun in a pop spectrum, so it makes sense that I fawn over this latest Flesh World track.  There’s definitely some discordant noise going on in this track, but they playfully spin that around into a tight knit pop song during the chorus.  If you peeled away some of those distorted guitars, you might just have yourself a fancy little pop ditty. It’s the first single on the band’s debut, The Wild Animals in My Life, which is being released on June 2nd via Iron Lung Records.

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Another Great Tune from Spring King

kingsWhen I posted the first single from Spring King, I thought I was about as excited as one could get on hearing a completely new band.  Now, however, my interest has been piqued further…this tune is definitely a standout track if there ever was one.  There are elements of huge anthemic indie rock in here, but the casual style of the song’s delivery really gives it this hipper than thou swagger.  It’s the title tune on their They’re Coming After You EP, which will be delivered to stores on April 20th via Handsome Dad.

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New Track From The Muscadettes

Bthe-muscadetteseen digging this new track from Montreal based girl group The Muscadettes today.  It’s a girl rock track with some hints of pop thrown in there as well which offers up something really interesting.  I suggest you check it out now.

New EP, Side A, is due out April 21st on Papercup Music.

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Little Something Different from Moon Honey

mooneyIt gets pretty easy to get caught up in the traditional tropes of modern indie pop, or any modern pop genre for that matter.  But, when I caught this new single from Moon Honey, I thought things sounded a wee bit different.  For starters, they don’t really seem to go directly for the hook that’s apparent in a lot of tracks these days, pulling back and letting that magic come naturally via the song’s power.  It makes the tune much more durable, as opposed to tired. Nothing new on the recording front, just great tunes, so enjoy this note.

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The Debutantes Will Melt Your Face Off

277793_10150259046849577_7148748_oThe Debutantes are a group from Galway, Ireland who have been around since 2009, but are just about to burst off into the spotlight. I happened upon the track below, “Adams Apples,” and it’s teeming with raw energy that will send your Monday from boring to rock and roll. The song has a super lo-fi feel to it, bringing tons of distorted guitar, but also some dynamic male/female vocals that give it that old-timey feel to it. Listen to the track below and then head on over and pick up their 7″ from Emotional Response Records.

Did You Hear the New Total Babes Track?

babesThe new Total Babes track hit the airwaves on Friday, but in case you missed it, you’ll want to take a listen below.  The tune is probably the most well constructed song the band have comprised to date.  In the past, they’ve gone full-force, blasting through their songs, but this new one has something tangible to take in; the recording is probably the most legitimate piece they’ve offered their fans up until now, allowing listeners to really have fun with the track they’re offering. The newest tune comes from Heydays, which is their latest LP from Wichita Recordings, hitting  stores on May 19th.

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