Stream the Malcontents: the New Album from No Museums

nomuseWith all the varying genres out there, and their cohabitation, it’s hard to fin exactly what you’re looking for sometimes, except then it’s not.  Today I was just thinking about how I wanted a lo-fi bedroom folk record meshed with the shadows of shoegaze, so I’m fortunate that No Museums have put up their brand new album, The Malcontents for you to stream in its entirety. It’s a pretty stripped down affair, but there’s these little experimental elements that push the songs over the edge.  I hope this doesn’t turn out to be one of the best albums no one hears, so I’m encouraging you to grab it HERE (feel free to throw the band some dollars, Canadian ones).

Sultry Minimalism From Prinzhorn Dance School

1c97f28b-6f59-4eee-a5c2-5a0f38d8c15fPrinzhorn Dance School, if you didn’t know, are a duo from the U.K. that have been around for almost a decade now making indie pop songs that will make you dance; hence the name. I’m excited to share with you today a new gem from these two called “Reign,” which is taken from a new album on the near horizon. The second you press play on this song, you know you’ve got a hit on your hands, as the driving bass and snarling yet mild guitar parts don’t overwhelm you but subtly make you tap your toes and nod your head. Then the two play on the male/female shared vocal dynamic atop those slick guitars to create a minimalistic yet sleek pop tune. Home Economics is their recently announced upcoming album that’s due out June 9th from DFA Records.


New Track From The National????

TheNationalSingleEventThis is not a drill, nor a late April Fools joke as I first suspected. Everyone’s favorite broody sad dad rock band The National have dropped an out-of-left-field new track called “Sunshine On My Back,” which is probably the closest this band has ever been to an upbeat dance track, although the lyrics would have you believe otherwise. While the first part of this track sounds like the classic track from these gentlemen, as you progress the sound is a lighter kind of somber than we’re used to hearing with Matt Berninger’s vocals higher and airier than usual, but I’m digging it.  My day has been made by this surprise track, and I hope yours will be too.

Fresh Tune from Jeremy Jay

jeremy-jayI’m always one to rave about Jeremy Jay, and the more music he leaks out from his new projects, the more impressed I am with his growth as a songwriter.  There’s a really crisp quality about his vocal recordings on this new single; it’s something that wasn’t as present on his earliest work, though it’s much appreciated.  You’ll find that the song is this really careful little piece based around minimal guitar and piano lines, providing an intimacy to your listening experience that pulls you into the track emotionally. This single will be featured on Jeremy’s upcoming record, with more details on that boat to follow soon.

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Another Free Dot Dash Jam

ddsWhy not bring you another Dot Dash tune, courtesy of our favorite little DC band.  Why do I love the band so much, you ask? They blend all these elements that have become the core of my listening…fusing power pop, punk, post rock and even some doses of indie pop.  It’s quite a blend, and all those elements actually seem to be crammed tightly into this quick little jam they’ve offered up to their fans.  It’s one of the many special jams you’ll find endearing on their newest effort, Earthquakes & Tidal Waves, which is available now via The Beautiful Music.


Download: Dot Dash – The Winter of Discontent [MP3]

East Brunswick All Girls Choir Have a New Album

1891519_10152049806902986_814796828_oThese days it seems like every time I find a new track or band that they end up being from Australia. East Brunswick All Girls Choir are from Melbourne, and they’ve got a new album out called Seven Drummers, which you can purchase over on their Bandcamp Page on rad ‘beer colored vinyl.’ The track below, oddly enough titled “West Brunswick” is a song packed with emotion, which you can hear especially in the vocals. These vocals are accompanied by a bluesy kind of grunge sound in the instruments that I haven’t really heard elsewhere, but I think it’s nicely summed up in the band’s self-proclaimed “glum rock” genre distinction. Enjoy.

Never Too Cool For The School

560705_10150711888445875_1591671869_nCardiff’s The School are back with a new single and it is delightful! “All I Want From You Is Everything,” the track below, has this old-timey girl-band style, modernized with a lovely jangly guitar parts to it as well as a chorus that will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day as soon as you hear it’s infectious hook. I’m loving this track, so I’m excited to hear that the band will be releasing a new album in the near future, even if that’s the only real details we know about is thus far. The School will be releasing this song as well as a few other tracks on limited edition white vinyl on April 13th, so be sure to scoot your boot on over to order that while you can.

This Eskimeaux Tune is a Grower

ddwThe first few times I ran through this Eskimeaux track, I struggled a bit.  The opening to the tune is soft, almost too casual in its delivery.  Then I jumped forward, getting right to the rocking part of the track.  Sure, it’s not the most legit way to go about it, but it put the whole song in perspective, which eventually won me over.  You’ll especially want to wait until just after the 3 minute mark, where there’s a brief, yet explosive burst of musical joy.  This is just another sign of things looking up for the band as they prep the release of OK via Double Double Whammy on May 12th.

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ATX Spotlight (?): Warm Soda Ready New LP

warmNot quite sure if we can claim Warm Soda as one of our own, despite the band living in Austin, but seeing as we’ve always loved the band, I think we’ll take em.  They’re readying their 3rd LP, and it seems that Mr. Melton is slowing things down, perfecting his blend of power-pop for the masses.  He’s still got that warm fade on his vocals, the guitar lines are there, but it’s a calmer approach that’s most notable (I still love it).  Look for the band’s new LP, Symbolic Dream, to hit stores on May 4th via Castle Face Records.

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Do Tell: Folksy Springtime Ready Pop

dotellDo Tell is the project of Vancouver’s Jocelyn Price, who makes lo-fi indie pop. This track, “See-Through,” is the perfect song for these early spring days, as it combines Price’s airy and whimsical vocals with classic indie pop instrumentation: hooky electric guitar riffs, combined with filling acoustic strumming and the light pitter-patter of percussion. And just when you think you’ve gotten used to the track, Price changes it up slightly and the whole thing builds. If you like what you hear, go head over to Do Tell’s Bandcamp Page and order the Midseason EP.


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