Bright Indiepop from Azure Blue

Azure-BlueIt’s not been too long since we last heard from Azure Blue, but I welcome their return nonetheless.  The groove in their latest single has this vibe that seems like it was ready for college dance floors in the late 80s/early 90s.  Still, the echoed wash that coats the vocals provides a different view, turning the song from a dance tune into a powerful bit of dreamy indiepop.  You’ll even hear the song explore some darker EDM territory as it nears its close; I’m definitely glad I’ve got this song to jam to today. Look for Beneath the Hill I Smell the Sea to hit later this year via Fika Recordings.

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Float Away With Boats

10553931_887350651292275_9154658260453201051_oI don’t know what the weather is like where this post is finding you, but I do know that it’s a grey day here in Austin, but there’s no sign of rain in the forecast, which always leaves me in a weird place as to what I want to listen to. You see, I had that dilemma until I found this track “Shallows” by Melbourne artist Boats, which is turning out to be the perfect accompaniment for this kind of day. This song has faded and echoey vocals atop layers of acoustic guitar and synthesizer, which build as the tune progresses in addition to handclaps (who doesn’t love handclaps?) and other percussive builds. Reminds me a bit of something Justin Vernon would be responsible for. If you like this track, you’re in luck, as it’s part of an EP with the same title coming out April 17th, which you can check the details of here  

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