Synth Pop From Porcelain Raft

Resound_Porcelain-RaftThe internet is already abuzz with this track, but I thought it was a right jam and so I’ve decided to share it with you anyways. Porcelain Raft is the dreamy synth pop project of Mauro Remiddi, if you didn’t already know. Remiddi is back with this fresh single “All In My Head,” which oozes classic 80’s synth pop style, and the vocals border on falsetto, being pushed to their limits. This track is from a new EP called Half Awake, which is out June 2nd on Volcanic Field.

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Album of the Week: Fever Dream

11112865_874968955878246_5594096018965500004_oI figured I’d pick a record that came out this week and give some love to a deserving LP that might not otherwise be on your radar.  This tune from Fever Dream‘s been floating around for me for some time, and their album Moyamoya is every bit as enjoyable as the tune below.  There’s an earnestness to the songwriting, whilst still giving a nostalgic nod at the forebears of shoegaze movements.  Remember when the Pains of Being Pure at Heart was all you could listen to after their first album? Well, then meet your next love…it’ll be great this week and beyond.

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Riotous New Single from Total Babes

babesYou’re going to hear some soft vocals in this track from Total Babes, sitting back behind the mix, but the guitar work here is what’s really going to get a hold of you.  From the minute you press play on the link, the guitars have that discordant ring to them, driving the song forward forcefully.  That being said, I appreciate the quieted approach of the vocals; it sets the song up in a different manner than one might expect, allowing for fans to find moments where they sing-a-long euphorically. Look to hear all of the band’s Heydays on May 19th when it’s released by Wichita Recordings.

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Dance-ateria Types on Blast with Most People

Stay Forever CoverLooking to kick off your Tuesday with some frivolous synth pop tunes? Well, listen up, you’re not going to find a better one out there today than Most People‘s newest single.  The Toronto duo have crafted this tune, clearly intent on pushing you to the dance floor; they even pause for a touch of respite in the middle of the tune so you can run to the bar and grab a drink.  You’ll have a hard time denying the hooks here, and who would want to, after all.  Sometimes you just wanna say fuckall and go have some fun…this is the tune that leads you there.

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Missed This Tune from Fire/Works

firewerksFor the first minute and a half of this new single from Fire/Works, you’ll probably get lost in the wilderness of their intricate folk stylings, emphasizing the harmonies and the gentle quiet in the world.  But, for a brief moment, they bring in percussion, rolling the song into a folk-pop masterpiece, only to bring it back to the solemn ballad where it originated. They move back and forth between the two moments, which will leave listeners of the genre quite pleased.  You’ll find this song on the band’s Shenanigans album.

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ICYMI: Levitation Schedule Released

LEVITATION-2015-SQUAREWhat’s up, nerds?

Late last week, Austin Psych Fest announced the schedule for this year’s Levitation Festival. I love it. Even if you have a conflict, you will have an opportunity to meander in the fringes and bolster you festival band count. If you don’t want to meander, you’ll have nice breaks between bands to allow for extra-curricular activities like, ya know, eating and drinking and not dehydrating and shrivelling. It is not a sprint, it is a marathon.

Can’t wait to be miserably tired when The FLaming Lips take the stage on Sunday at 11:45pm…

Click here to start planning your weekend.

Show Pics: Dan Deacon @ The Mohawk (4/23)

Dan DeaconI think Austin may have skipped Spring.

I had never been a Dan Deacon fan, but recent tracks wooed me out last Thursday to The Mohawk to finally check out what many friends claimed to be an “event”, even chastising me for not having been. Indeed, I had a good time and, indeed, I enjoyed the live set musically along with the spectacle. Dan was joined on the lineup by Ben O’Brien and Prince Rama.

I have plenty of pics and a few thoughts after the break. Join me, won’t you?

Read more

Jigsaw Records to Release Plastic Bubble LP

bigI think you’re really going to enjoy spending some time with the latest Plastic Bubble LP. Jigsaw Records has just released the band’s Big Day Parade, which has 20 songs of hooks for pop lovers.  It reminds me of a less orchestrated version of Cats on Fire, bringing in ringing guitar sounds, some added flare and a heavy dose of warm melody.   You can press play and take yourself on a journey of great pop music, and that’s probably the best way to spend your Monday.  It’s available now, with the digital version also being offered up by the band. Get on it.

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Sam Cohen – Cool It

ES010_SamCohenCoolItRating: ★★★☆☆

2015, as its seen us so far, appears to be the year of the solo-artist; that member of the band who wasn’t the front man, or woman, striking out on their own to craft exactly their vision under their name, or perhaps just to create music that’s a little different from other projects. Sam Cohen is no exception to this phenomenon: a past member of Apollo Sunshine and the man behind Yellowbirds, he has put those other projects aside for now to focus on Cool It, a laid back psychedelic rock record, which he recorded completely on his own, save for a few guest appearances by other members of Yellowbirds. The mellow tone of the solo debut dominates the sound, but there are moments of sharpness in the mix that snap you from the smoky depths of this trance and into clarity.

The overall sound on Cool It, as I mentioned earlier is a blend between soft rock and psychedelic music, which seemingly is synth driven, but is, in fact, produced from heavily distorted guitars. Opener “Let The Mountain Come To You,” is about the most rambunctious and energized track you’ll hear from Cohen here, though still fairly even and relaxed. On this opening number, the guitars are fuzzed out to the max, growling along while some lighter and winding sounds join the mix. Cohen’s vocals are echoey, wafting in even-tempered and effortlessly. All the buzzing guitars and glazed vocals contribute to a gentle sound on the album, and the whole thing feels coated in a bit of warm glow.

Lyrically, the album mirrors the style of music: a mix between hazy and lucid, stark imagery mixed with colloquial and casual remarks on the mundane, both of which converge in philosophical musings. There are tracks like “The Garden” that describe a day in the life of a musician: “Went to your house on Friday, drank a few beers, we played the gig on Sunday for the past six years.” But then there are tracks like the obviously Hemingway-inspired “A Farewell To Arms,” on which Cohen appears to assume the role of the protagonist from that 20th century novel, calling after Catherine. It’s clear that there are both erudite and colloquial approaches to the lyrics on the album, which beg to be the center of attention on the album.

Cool It is easy listening, the kind of record that you spin on your day off and begs you to do little else but simply fade into it. The problem, or perhaps some would hear this as a solution, is that sometimes it’s a little too easy; the music is pleasurable but not challenging, allowing you to zone out entirely and lose focus on the songs. Whether you see this as a positive or negative is up to you.

Always Listen to Juan Wauters

jdubsI don’t know what it is about Juan Wauters that makes me come back time and time again.  Sometimes there’s the musical movements within his tracks, but other times, like this latest single, it’s his poetry and vocal delivery.  It’s quite distinct, and I don’t think there’s quite anyone making music precisely in his style, or with his approach.  This track raises the hairs on my arms each time I press play, similar to what happened when I first heard (or still listen to) Majical Cloudz.  I’m excited to hear his new LP, Who Me?, which comes out on May 12th via Captured Tracks.

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