Something Different from Language of Shapes

languageI was searching for something different today, something that wasn’t your typical indie blog track, so I’m happy I stumbled upon this tune from Language of Shapes.  The song has this pirate shanty folk aspect, similar to some of the early Cult of Youth albums.  But, the vocals have this odd recording effect in play, which creates a warble that resembles Dan from Destroyer; it all leaves you with a spectacular song begging to go back and discover exactly why you fell in love with it. You’ll be able to hear more such tunes when the band release their ThunderKryst EP, coming later this Spring.

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Impressive New Track From Mr. Gnome

TUpload_SxSW2012_Days_2012_03_14-12_29_32o put it bluntly, Mr. Gnome lost me a little bit with some of their new material after a promising beginning to their career.  That said, this new song “Sleepwalker” is yet again delivering on what I originally found interesting about the group.  It starts off a little slow, and then builds and grows into this impressively mesmerizing pop themed number.  Give it a whirl and treat yo self.

Mr. Gnome will be releasing this track on a new 7″ coming out June 16th.  Pre-order here.

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Even More New Music From LA Font

LA-FONT-4Our local friends Fleeting Youth Records continue to put out some really great music from a slew of promising young bands.   One of those bands full of promise is L.A. based pop rock group L.A. Font.  Now we already shared new song “Whisperer” just a few weeks ago and today I’m excited to be sharing with you a second new joint called “Outside”.  One again, the band gives us a rock n rollin number that no one could deny is a stellar tune.

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Why Not Post This Day Wave Tune

daysSome artists get all the love, which seems to be the case for Day Wave, the project of Jackson Phillips.  We posted on him earlier this year, probably way before anyone else because we’re that cool, so we’re delighted his new song is doing so well. It has all the bright moments we loved from his first single, with deep toned ringing guitars and precision programmed percussive moments; it reminds me of the frivolous joy we all got when we first started listening to the Drums.  We’re still waiting to hear news of a full-length album, but for now, this project is hitting all the right notes for us.

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New Song and Video From Django Django

unnamed (2)A few months ago I brought you a new track from Scottish four piece Django Django, but since then there’s been new developments as to the bands forthcoming album as well as another song to be shared with you. “Beginning to Fade” is the fresh track, and it’s a Shins-esque airy blend of indie rock that is heavy on the vocals and hooky guitars. Not only does the band have this new track for you, but they’ve also got a fairly trippy music video to go along with it, as well as the information that you can pick up their new album, Born Under Saturn on May 4th.


Summer Ready Fuzzy Pop From The Jungle Giants

thejunglegiantsThe Jungle Giants are a four piece band from Brisbane who’ve been making jangly indie rock since 2011. Today, I’ve got the newest single from this group, which is perfect for the rising temperatures around the city, or even if you’ve just got summer on the brain during your work week. “Every Kind Of Way” kicks into action right away with some effervescent percussion that immediately gets your toes tapping. Then the vocals join the track as the lead singer uttering a cross between singing and talking, coating the song in this darkness that the band didn’t really embody in previous tracks. Though this song is a little darker, with those squeals of electric guitar cutting in and out, it still packs that breezy feel in the chorus: go pre-order it here.

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I Saw Young Buffalo & Matt Pond PA @ Stubbs

Upload Pond Buffalo 03On Sunday I started my week off on a positive note by heading down to see one of my long time favorite bands Matt Pond PA.  Making the evening even better was an opening set by a more recent favorite of mine Young Buffalo.  Though both bands could feel the sleepiness of the crowd due to possible long weekends, everyone seemed to have quite the good time.  Follow the jump for some thoughts and recent music from both bands.

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Minimalist Post Punk From Editors

editorsIf there’s one thing I love most of all, it’s a front man with brooding vocals. When I heard this track from the Editors (U.K.), the first thing I noticed were the deep and commanding vocals from Tom Smith, and then I let the rest of the tune wash over me with its minimal subtleties and found myself engrossed in the slow moving track. “No Harm” is the newest track from this band, and it’s taken from their untitled forthcoming LP which will be out sometime in the near future. This song is largely based around the vocals, but if you listen, there’s a lot of nuance going on– layers of synth upon evenly serene percussion and later on some smooth electric guitar.

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_Linden Sets Up New LP with Slumberland Records

lindenSome labels get diagnosed with certain genres, and I’m sure I’m guilty when it comes to that sort of thought process with Slumberland Records.  However, some label owners, like the aforementioned, just want to give you great records, no matter the genre.  This is where _Linden fits into the catalog of Slumberland, providing listeners with the purest of pop.  The latest single from the band holds tight to a great melody, working around some spectacular guitar work; it doesn’t hurt that one Edwyn Collins handled some of the production duties here.  Great music supersedes genres and fans, permeating the ears and hearts of all, which is what I expect Rest and Be Thankful to do when it’s released on June 23rd.

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Washer Blasts Out a Hit

washedoutI was immediately hooked on this new Washer single; it’s got discordant guitars ringing in your ear, but the vocal is what really got me into the tune.  There’s a familiarity in it, almost like early Braid, but then it takes on a scratchy yell to add some emphasis towards the end.  In less than two-minutes the band packs a huge punch to your eardrums, but they don’t stick around long enough to wear you out.  This tune’s definitely winning me over, which encourages me to pick up the band’s Split EP with Flagland when it hits on May 5th.

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