Download This Gorgeous Bully Tune

11073436_867749073263478_1577676898116032283_oA few years ago I caught wind of Gorgeous Bully, a little Manchester act specializing in hook-laden pop tunes.  I had completely forgotten about them until the wonders of iTunes random shuffle put them back on my radar.  I hustled to their page and found that the band has recently released a new tune as part of the If There’s Hell Below Compilation; it came out right after they released their new LP, Dumb Ideals.  It’s precisely the sort of tune that begs you to play it again, using simple percussion and a big vocal grab to pull you into the song’s magical powers. It’s a pretty chilled out approach, but those of you in the vein of delicious pop music will want to jump on this download immediately.

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Here Comes a New LP from The Cairo Gang

cairoHaving been a fan of The Cairo Gang for a bit now, I think the most impacting thing I always carry with me is Emmet Kelly’s voice.  There’s something familiar about it, like a Pollard-Costello blend, yet there’s still something distinctive that makes it stand out to my ears. And, on the first single from the group’s new offering, it sounds like Kelly’s voice and a heavy dosage of power-pop are going to be the standard for Goes Missing, the newest LP.  It’s going to have a release date of June 23rd via God? Records, so be sure to add it to your summer listening list.

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No Joy Deliver Again

untitledNo Joy is a Montreal based band I’ve been into since the band first kicked off back in 2009.  A genre is difficult to come up with for the group as they mesh some of the best shoe gaze sounds with psych and pop elements.  Maybe you can come up with something better after you check out this new single “Hollywood Teeth”.  Labels or no labels, the band creates short yet memorable tunes.

Pick up new album, More Faithful, on June 9th via Mexican Summer.

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Quiet Balladry from Head Clouds

headyI wanted to continue with our Australian themed day by looking over at Head Clouds, which is the product of Jayke Maddison.  In listening to his latest single, there feels like there’s two separate movements happening, especially once the song takes a turn just before the 2 minute mark. The pop aspect is smoothed out, adding in a more pronounced bit of percussion to elevate Maddison’s voice into a loftier place. There’s a new EP in the works, with growth on the mind of Jayke, clearing making a push for the most pristine pop music coming out of Gold Coast.


Download: Head Clouds – New Light of the Equinox

Show Pics: Braids @ Stubb’s (5/23)

Braids didn’t know they were headlining a show at Stubb’s last Saturday. Fans of Purity Ring sat through buckets of rain to get up front for their fave, hoping to be rewarded for their steadfast weather-proofing to dance a bit. Braids, though, was my primary objective having seen Purity a Ring a few times in the past. We all know how bad the storms got late Saturday, and then on Sunday and Monday; Stubb’s made the right call to get people out of the venue when they did. I know Purity Ring fans were disappointed, but Braids did their best to entertain and the crowd was super happy to be seeing any show at all after all the weather they endured to get inside.

Click through for a few more thoughts and plenty of pics.

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Digging This New Mates of State

untitledMan I’ve really lost touch with Mates of State over the years.  Well, maybe not just lost touch so much as not being a huge fan of their material from the last few years.  Fair enough?  Today I’m excited to be posting about the band for the first time in almost 6 years(yes I had to search that) with this sweet little track “Beautiful Kids”.  For me, it’s a return to old form.  Combined with a darker pop beat are those all too familiar perfectly synced vocals and lyrics sure to make even the toughest guy swoon just a little bit.  Well done.

Mates have a new EP entitled You’re Going to Make It due out June 16th on Barsuk Records.

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Have You Heard Of O-Face?

o-faceNo? Well, let’s change that. O-Face are a five piece currently located in New York that make alternative music that will have you nostalgic for 90’s emo. The track I have for you today comes off of the band’s newest EP, Mint, which is due out quite soon on June 2nd. “740 Turbo” has the sleek guitars you’d expect from that aforementioned genre, as well as the cutting vocals, but the vocals have this lovely imperfect quality that show off raw emotion. Go on over to Father/Daughter Records and Preorder this EP.

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Teaser Pony Offer New 7″

teaserFelt like it’s been a wee bit since I checked in on the goings-on in Australia, so I was really pleased to come across this new EP from Melbourne’s Teaser Pony. It’s got this casual pop attitude, sometimes energetic, while other times completely relaxed.  Their debut EP has a lot of promise going forward, leaving room for the band to move in multiple directions; “Champion Fullback” has a power-pop feel, while “I.D.K.E.W.Y.S.F.N.” has a Spoon-ish stomp to them. You can grab your own copy from Cinnamon Records in the first few weeks of June.

J Fernandez Strikes Again!

10685392_562669460499749_4070348638879602533_nJ Fernandez caught my attention with his soft approach to psych rock a little while back, but when I heard this new single from the gentleman, I fell in love all over again. “Between The Channels” combines everything you love about psych rock with some string work to make a solid track that will have you marveling at how the two pair so nicely. Many Levels of Laughter is out June 9th via Joyful Noise Recordings. Preorder it here. 

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More To Love From Redspencer

11234063_971049419595087_4160870043313847555_oNathan beat me to the punch to share with you a track from Redspencer a few weeks back, but this time, the pleasure’s all mine. “Ride It Out” is a delightful pop track from these Australian gentlemen that is sure to ease you out of the long weekend, or at least ease the week woes a bit. The guitars on here are omnipresent and crisp, resounding with the most force in the track, yet are far from overpowering. Instead, they provide a blissful meandering feeling through the track, while the vocals and lyrics express the same kind of laid back, take-things-the-way-they come sentiment. With these two excellent tracks, you can bet I’ll have my eye out for the debut release from Redspencer sometime in June via Deaf Ambitions.

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