New To You: Flyying Colours

11146626_959869404063876_1559863188055516762_oAnytime I see a new band or song come on my radar from the folks over at Shelflife Records, I just know its bound to be a good one. Flyying Colours are a Melbourne shoegaze outfit who are on the brink of putting out their ROYGBIV EP, which is coming out next week. To get you excited to get your hands on that gem, I’ve got this perfect pop track from the band that will have you encircled in the male/female dual vocal dynamic, soft, yet omnipresent percussion, and hooks out the wazoo. “Running Late,” just made my day, so won’t you let it make yours?

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Are You Ready for Mammoth Penguins

mammothA few years ago I was introduced to Standard Fare, and shortly after they broke up.  So I kept an eye on Emma Kupa, and I’m really excited to hear what comes from her new group, Mammoth Penguins. This song’s been floating around in demo fashion, but it’s really impressive now that the noise has been amped up, pushing the pop envelope.  There’s a few moments when the song settles down, allowing Kupa’s enchanting vocals to lament her (or the narrator’s) lack of accomplishments in comparison to her elder.  It looks like Fortuna Pop will be releasing the band’s album, Hide and Seek, later on in this year, so listen to this nice first taste.

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Easy Indie Rock From Patrick James

10504830_794902187226478_1114988472452028262_oPaul Blart Mall Cop makes indie rock music? While I assume that would be a phenomenal radio ready hit, sadly the track I have for you today is from Patrick James, not Kevin. But really, there’s nothing sad about some straightforward indie rock, which is what “California Song” has neatly packaged for you in its four minutes. The song begins with a bit of acoustic guitar, and even percussion, and then James’ buttery vocals take over the tune and gives you the perfect folk inspired indie rock song you’ve been waiting for. Who doesn’t love some easy listening every now and then?

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Hella Jangly Tune From Family Friends

10493051_821909434513418_746030832071268715_oAre you struggling to make it through this week as much as I am? Never fear, Family Friends are here to put that spring back in your step with this song, “On Your Mind.” This five piece from London are fresh to the scene, but this song will come as a breath of fresh air; the guitar parts are crisp and cutting, but then also just distorted enough to put a level of surf on the already laid back/stoner pysch vibes that the song oozes. I’m also enjoying the male/female duo combination vocals that carry the track and the easy-going percussion that follows wherever the vocals take the song. Enjoy this track and keep an eye out for more from these guys.

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Public Access TV Has the Hits

patvThere’s been a lot of buzz around Public Access TV as of late, which is striking, considering there’s little to the band other than an unreleased EP for Terrible Records.  That being said, those looking for synth-influenced pop hits to toss on the record player late at night will surely have their interests piqued here. It’s got brightness in all the right places, and this really chilled out vibe that could either instigate a late night dance party or a casual nod off to sleep.  The juries out still on how far the group will go, but based on this, it sounds like they’re going to be offering us a lot of great hits; look for the release digitally next week.

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Not just another groupie ode

A Juicy J and Wiz Khalifa collaboration is nothing new, nor is an ode to groupies. But what I like about this newest song between the two, “For Everybody”, is the purposeful contradictions throughout the whole song. Also included is a very obvious entire verse dedicated to Wiz Khalifa’s ex-wife, exotic dancer turned video vixen Amber Rose: “I fell in love with a stripperrrr / funny thing is I fell back out of love quickerrrr”. This is not slut shaming. It’s far from it.

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This New Ducktails Joint Aint’ Half Bad

ducksThe last record that Ducktails put out really got ignored by me. I thoroughly enjoyed Ducktails III, but the Flower Lane just didn’t do it for me; there was too much focus on creating this over-the-head pop sensation.  But, on his latest single, it looks like Mondanile is finding that middle ground, smoothing out the edges on his chilled-pop songwriting.  I’m a little trepidatious to jump in with both feet, but it sounds as if St. Catherine will have a huge redeeming quality to it; we’ll find out on July 24th when Domino releases the album in full.

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Cinematic Shoegaze From Musique Le Pop

11160571_855657717837109_8403417751529844609_nAs I’m writing this post, the skies have opened up over Austin to release a massive quantity of water on our city and this track from Norway’s Musique Le Pop is providing the perfect soundtrack to this storm. The new single, “Same About You,” from this three piece is ethereal beyond belief; the soft female vocals glide over the low-key mix of synth and guitar. It’s a simple track, but as you listen, you begin to pick up on the nuances that make it sound like the score to a film that you want to watch over and over again. Wherever you may be, take a few minutes to listen to the song below and melt into the music.

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Jacco Gardner – Hypnophobia

jacco-gardner---hypnophobia (1)Rating: ★★★☆☆

If you were clued in to anything about this album based off its name, it should be the psychedelic genre that Jacco Gardner employs. Patch this together with the album artwork and just like that you can already begin to see where Gardner is leading you with this sophomore effort. What these two signifiers don’t inform you is that like a drug trip, Hypnophobia slips in and out of lucidity; there are times when the music completely engages you and others that encourage you to fall away from focusing on the tunes at hand.

The overall tone of this album is fairly one note, which is why the aforementioned phenomenon is able to occur over its course. That’s not to say that this one dimension sound—heavily mysterious/spooky 70’s synth matched with wandering guitar riffs and Gardner’s soulful yet wispy vocals—isn’t enjoyable. On the contrary, to say that any of the songs on this album aren’t good would be false, but there’s a loss of suspense in the repetitive nature of the sound here. By around the third or fourth track on the record you begin to feel that you’ve heard all there really is to hear from Hypnophobia. While that isn’t necessarily true (some of my favorite tracks come on the end of the record) the lack of variety in the twee psychedelic genre wears a little bit on your hopes.

There are definite numbers that will have your attention more than others. For me, among those are “Find Yourself,” and “Before The Dawn,” both of which are more upbeat and rambunctious numbers for Gardner. It is in this space where Gardner seems to shine the brightest: “Find Yourself” enters your headphones swiftly and with force: the tinny synth here bounces around almost violently, which pushes the song from meek to commanding. Surprisingly, Gardner’s vocals are heavily distorted on this song, but they too feel more forceful than on the other tracks of the album, and lead you to the catchy chorus that somehow ironically makes me want to lose myself in the track. “Before The Dawn” creates more of a swirling kaleidoscopic listening atmosphere, but then the electric guitar joins the mix to ground you with the vocals, akin to the feeling of walking through an optical illusion tunnel.

To me, this seems like the kind of album that you put on to comfort you in the background of studying, working, reading, etc. It’s easy to get lost in, but still occasionally pops in to pull you back to it. Perhaps you feel differently—the only way for you to find out is to have a listen for yourself to Hypnophobia.

Azure Blue Releases New Single

azure blueIt’s probably never a bad day, at least in my house, if Azure Blue is releasing something new.  We’ve known that the band were just around the corner from releasing their new album, Beneath the Hill I Smell the Sea, and they’ve added to that excitement with a teaser EP (and single). The EP is basically one great single (plus album track Baby You Are a Star) and a few remixes, but you’d miss out if you skipped over this delicious track they’re offering.  It’s got crisp guitar work, a driving beat and a coated vocal that, as always, brings the perfect harmony to the band’s sound.  Look for the album from Fika Recordings and Hybris on June 15th.

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