Small Feet Hook Up with Barsuk Records

simoneI make no excuses for my love of really powerful pop music, even if it comes in the simplest of forms.  That’s exactly why I like listening to the music of Small Feet…the project of Sweden’s Simon Stalhamre. When you listen, you’ll probably be most attracted to Simon’s voice…it creates the emotion that I remember when I first listened to James Mercer (before he got boring), and perhaps a touch of Fleet Foxes in there too. Also, if you listen closely around the 3 minute mark, I swear you can hear an homage to Third Eye Blind. Barsuk will release From Far Away Everything Sounds Like the Ocean on August 7th, so pencil in a date for some pop music.

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Weekend Show Preview: 5.1/2

Hotel VegasI don’t know about you, but the weekend really started for the ATH crew sometime around Wednesday, as this week has already graced us with some rad shows. If you were too lame to make it out the past two nights, never fear, our city never fails to give us some music to see. Find your weekend show preview and some hype-up tunes to get you ready after the jump.

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Fascinating New Daughn Gibson Tune

Daughn GibsonIt’s been interesting to watch the progression of Daughn Gibson‘s career.  He’s gone from a relatively unknown act we stumbled upon about five years ago to a powerful force to be reckoned with in the modern age.  His music this time around seemingly matches his intoxicating live performance; I love the noisy bust up that comes around the 2.5 minute mark of the track.  The song even closes with a softer approach that spins the tune in a different space as it comes to a close Press release says he’s worked a great deal on his lyrics for his new album Carnation, so I have a feeling you’re going to be in for a real treat when Sub Pop unleashes it on June 2nd.

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Hazy Psych From Talk In Tongues

10995681_829187820485028_5720237858771199899_nCan you believe we made it through another week? I can’t, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to use this Friday as excuse to turn up the jams loud, and L.A.’s Talk In Tongues have the perfect blend of hazy psychedelic rock to ease us into the weekend. This song, from the forthcoming album Alone With a Friend (Fairfax Recordings, May 19th), really lays the distortion and reverb on thickly, bathing all the elements in a smoky cloud that’s just enough to still let you hear the squalling synths and ever-tangy guitars.

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Give A Listen to Whitewash’s New Tune

whiteyA lot of acts get labeled with the slacker-pop genre tag, and I’m not really sure exactly what it means, although I think it means that the band doesn’t seem to be trying too hard. That’s kind of a dick thing to say about a musician I reckon, but fuck it, Whitewash are one of the coolest “slacker” pop acts around.  Just take a listen at how the vocals are traded back and forth here, seemingly with no effort. It matches perfectly with the relaxed composition of the song itself. If you like the tune, look for Shibboleth on May 19th.

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