Indiepop Delight from Seabirds

burdsThis song couldn’t have come at a better time; it’s been a frustrating week with our server being down and lost data and what not.  So, the perfect indiepop song is always going to make life grand, thus one of the many reasons I love this Seabirds tune.  From the excellent guitar work, including the casual solo in the middle of the tune, to the perfect melodic vocal touch, it just makes you feel warm all over, and I won’t complain about that. The band have just finished their debut Meet Me in the Silence, which is slated for a July release via the great people at Matinee Recordings. Make your day better and listen to this song.

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ATH Premiere: Paul Doffing Releases New Album

Paul DoffingThere’s been a lot of hubbub, especially in the Austin community about financial viability for musicians.  It’s a difficult task for most, if not all, so you’ve got to look to something new and personal that makes it successful…this is where we meet Paul Doffing. His mode of transportation across the States has and continues to be his bicycle; he’s doing it again this summer after cancelling his lease and letting go of many of his possessions.  That unique approach deserves accolades, but so does the quieted folk music he’s offering folks on his latest album Songs From the (quaking) Heart.  It just came out, and I can’t think of a better way for you to rest your soul in the middle of the week than by listening to this single.

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C Duncan Brings You Psych Folk

11071582_792938767442224_2465989073659043795_nPsych and Folk? What isn’t there to love in those two genres, not to mention when they’re juxtaposed nicely together. Well, C-Duncan from Glasgow is a gentleman who has these two genres nicely laid out for you in this song below called, “Garden.” The swirling blend of acoustic guitar and sweetly soft vocals give you the mix without overwhelming you with either style. Instead the song is clear and lush, both a little trippy and a little down to earth. Check it out.


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