First Annual Austin Record Label Flea Market

10479400_783936648390606_8423787667357574879_oThis Saturday is the First Annual Austin Record Label Flea Market; it’s at Mohawk, starting at 5 PM.  Entry is free, all ages welcome, and there will be 28 local Austin labels selling their wares, including some rare out-of-print pieces from a few of them.  There will be a great show following at 9 PM, which is also free. I’m one of the people responsible for this event, along with my friend Marcus at Transmission and Dan at Punctum Records.  So, with that in mind…here’s a few ideas on why I wanted to put this together…including a playlist with a sample from all the labels that are on Soundcloud. 

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ATX Spotlight: Fresh Good Field Track

goodyPaul Price is one busy guy, though most Austin musician’s are nowadays.  He’s been working on two projects and their releases, Reservations and Good Field, his baby…we’ll focus, for now, on the latter.  I’ve played this tune several times, and honestly, I’m really impressed with the growth of the band.  They’ve long been tossed in the realm of dream pop/indiepop here in Austin, but this takes on almost a Vile/Leithauser/Springsteen feel, though spun through the unique ears of Mr. Price.  If this song’s any indication, their new record, Future Me, is going to be on a lot of local year end lists…and hopefully beyond; look for it on July 28th.

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Another Friday Fun Jam from Seapony

poniesI swear just a few weeks ago I had a Friday tune from Seapony to share with you, and now the band are right back at it again. In listening to the band’s first few singles off their new album, it seems like they’ve upped the production, or the recording itself; the wall of gaze that lurked in earlier efforts has been pulled back for a more direct pop sensibility.  Still, that doesn’t mean the band’s wistful style is gone, just turned a little left is all.  Look for their new record, A Vision, which the band will be releasing themselves, on July 31st.

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Mild Indie Rock From Bronx Cheerleader

SONY DSCBronx Cheerleader are a four piece from St. Catharines, Ontario who are gaining attention for their indie rock. This new single, “Pell Mell,” is a dreamy swirl of of a track that begins with chimes and tinkling percussion before joined by the vocals that waft in slowly and gently. While the track never really bursts forth with a ton of force,  I’m enjoying the reserved and soft approach to indie rock that is at once pretty and intriguing in sound. Sometimes you need those delicate songs that please your ears with their well crafted nature. Take a listen below.

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Jangly Jam From Canyons

canyonsCanyons from Newcastle are an up-and-coming group who formed last summer and have been working on crafting their sound: which melds both nostalgic pop of yesteryear as well as angsty alternative rock. This song they’ve got for you called “ISO,” shows this merging of genres perfectly. I’m digging the dueling male and female vocals with just the right tinge of emotional power combined with the mix of jangly guitar and all out streamlined alternative slick electric guitar. Take a listen and hear for yourself while I’ll be keeping my ears pricked for more from this group.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Jigsaw Releases Lost Indiepop Gem from The Concubines

11350628_10152928935861705_3548933426775354126_nFeeling like today’s mostly going to be a playful sort of day around these part, so I’m stoked to have found a pretty new discovery for myself, The Concubines.  The band has been on a long hiatus while chief songwriter Jeff is abroad, but Jigsaw Records dug up the gem and have opted to release the band’s I’ve Tried Subtlety, which was recorded back in 2003.  It’s amazing to me how this band still fit into the modern landscape, despite having written this bunch of indiepop songs twelve years ago. It’s filled with a jangling bounce and storytelling lyrics, so pick it up now, if you so wish.

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Felt Like Posting This Radio Dept Song

occupiedA few days ago this Radio Dept song was birthed into the world, and while I’m a bit behind things, I had to get it up.  The band has long been one of those mysteries in the music world that begs your attention, yet declines to play by the normal rules.  They release on their own terms, like they did this week with their Occupied EP.  As per usual, they mix electronic music with varying arrangements, though this track relies more heavily on those beats.  It’s a smooth piece of electronic pop, embraced by casual vocal delivery that dares you to turn your ears away.  You can grab the EP from Labrador Records in stores now.

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Playful Single from Owl & Mouse

owlzImmediately, there’s a simplicity to this song from Owl & Mouse.  It’s just a little ukulele backed by a solemn piano chord, soon accompanied by Hannah Botting’s voice. Still, the basic approach wraps itself around your ears, drawing you close into the lyrics, discussing the emotions of saying goodbye.  As the song unfolds there’s some really lush accompaniment filling in the space that lays empty…there’s added strings and really light percussion.  It’s a remarkable start for the group’s debut, Departures, which is being released by Fika Recordings later this year.  Find yourself falling in love with this number today.

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Bright Pop from Waves of the Echo

wavesOur Finnish friends over in Soliti just turned 4 years old, and they aim to keep going strong with this huge pop hit from Waves of the Echo.  The band ready their new album, Fading Daylight, Bright Nights, and with it will come a huge sound of synth driven pop rock that’s filled to the brim with hooks.  If you’re looking to discard modern tropes completely, throw back with this jam, reminiscent of 80s dance clubs…only with a huge wall of sound.  Their debut is out now, so grab it if you’re into great pop music.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More Reason to Love EZTV

ezThose of you who’ve been following these pages the last few months have surely caught wind of my adoration for EZTV.  Admittedly, they’re touching on all sorts of musical touchstones, but this slow stomping single is perhaps my favorite off their new LP, Calling Out.  I can hear early moves between glam rock and punk, a melding that took a lot of care to pull of with such seamlessness. As if there weren’t enough singles to love this record, this is just another reason why EZTV are poised to win over everyone on July 10th via Captured Tracks.

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