Brand New Tune from Former Bullies

formerbulliesI’ve been fortunate the last few weeks, as tons of my favorite acts have released some really incredible tracks for the world to hear, but I’m not sure any single one makes me happier than this new Former Bullies tune. I first caught onto the Mancs back a few years when they had an excellent release on CF Records, but I hadn’t really heard anything about them until this last week.  They just tossed up this brilliant new single, which is a guaranteed hit for any of you fans of kiwi-tinged guitar pop…or maybe just really good jangling art pop acts.  They’ve got a new album called Strangers, which will be out on the esteemed CF Records sometime in the very near future; I’m thiniking (hoping) Fall.

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Have A Nice Weekend

Liz Caruana PhotographyOne of my favorite throwback jams is Spandau Ballet‘s “Long Story Short“. It is a timeless track for me that set a tone for the New Romanticism scene that inspired so many great bands, either to pick up a synth or to leave it behind. Stylish and warmer, the sound was a pillar for the 80’s British Invasion.

For whatever reason, the HANW track I am sharing today reminds me of a mix of that Spandau track run head on into the best of Bloc Party in a stripped down jam; a bass line that walks up and down and guitars that are jangly and layered. The band is a three-piece called Dirty Ghosts and they call San Francisco home. The track is called “Cataract” and is the first single and title track of an EP being released today on Burger Records, so look for it when you head out for record collecting after work. A full length is due in the fall on Last Gang.

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ATX Spotlight: New Ghetto Ghouls Album On the Way

11700543_915848105139667_5739135878276486396_oIf you’re an Austin fan, or really just a fan of good rock n’ roll, then surely you’ve heard the great work Austin’s Ghetto Ghouls have been putting out the last few years.  They’ve got several releases with some of the best labels in town (12XU and Monofonus Press), and they’re set to release Collisions, their new effort, on Monofonus next week. The first single we’ve heard perfectly encapsulates the band’s live sound, with tenacious swirling guitar chords wrapping themselves around the emphatic vocals of frontman Corey Anderson.  Not only does the band have an incredible new song, but they’ve got a great release show planned for August 1st at Hotel Vegas with Flesh Lights, US Weekly and Decider.

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Late To The Surprise Party: New EP

10404398_862426240474373_2442393073918271198_nSurprise Party are a four piece psych rock outfit currently pumping jams out of Winnipeg. Last month they released an EP called Circle of Death that’s recently caught my attention with its slow core heavy rock sound. Below you can listen to a track from that EP called, “If You Fall,” which is a perfect example of the grungey psych rock that this band does pretty well. If you go here, you can listen to the rest of that EP and hand the band some money for their hard work. Turn it up loud.

Fresh Music from Wax Idols

Wax IdolsIt’s shaping up to be a great Friday, at least in my book. New Ramesh tune, and now a new Wax Idols tune! The last we heard from Hether Fortune and her project was with the band’s second album, Discipline & Desire, so now they’re rearing up to release a new effort, American Tragic. I’ve been a fan of Fortune’s all along the way here, and it’s been interesting to watch her songwriting progress…moving beyond the group’s earlier garage tendencies into this brooding pop masterpiece.  It might be the group’s most accessible tune to date, but I love how you can still see the path that Fortune’s music took to get to this place.  Pretty excited for the new release, which comes out on October 16th via Collect Records.

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Phylums Put A Quirky Spin On Jangly Rock

1524796_664759073561135_329657744663829760_nThis track from Phylums is the perfect jam for your Friday– it starts off with some grit in the form of dirtied up jangly guitar riffs and then adds in some off kilter synths to throw a touch of weird into the mix. These Milwaukee gents are sure to worm their way into your heart with the song below, so get to listening to the indie rock track of, “Go Home,” and see if you can get it out of your head all day.


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ATX Spotlight: New Tune from Ramesh

RameshWe’ve made no secret of adoration for former Voxtrot frontman, Ramesh.  We even went so far as to help make sure you could grab his first solo LP on vinyl (it’s right HERE).  He’s one of my favorite songwriters, period, and he recently sent me a tune he worked on with his friend Emeen. There’s some great arrangement work on this track, highlighted with Ramesh’s careful vocal and a swelling sound pushed forth by the piano.  No word on if this is just a one off, or if Ramesh is going back in the studio to bring you his second album, but we’ll let you know as we do. Now you can enjoy your Friday with this great tune.

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Interesting Pop From Ms. John Soda

Andreas Staebler_2I’ve always been a fan of slightly weird or different sorts of pop music and this new track from German duo Ms. John Soda is right up my alley.  It’s electronic in nature I suppose with elements of great boy/girl duo Beach House, but with a brighter and almost sunny feel.  Check out interestingly titled “Hero Whale” below and let us know what you think.

Pick up new album Loom on October 2nd via Morr Music.

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More From Chelsea Wolfe

Chelsea-WolfeThough I haven’t seen near as much coverage for Chelsea Wolfe as I remember in the past, count this guy as one who is labeling the soon to be released Abyss as one of this year’s gems.  Since I can’t legally share the entire album with you, the best I can do is post another one of the stellar tracks from the album “Grey Days”.  Once again we are treated to some heavy, darker pop music sure to get you excited for the new release (if you weren’t already).

Abyss is out August 7th on Sargent House.

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Sorry I Missed You: Lylas

lylasLast week I was really into this new Lylas tune, but for some reason, I lost my way and forgot about it.  I suppose that’s precisely the way Lylas, the project of Kyle Hamlett, would want it; it’s a rather unassuming track, but one that has these tiny little movements that capture the ear of the listener.  It’s a journeyman’s song, carrying you along the way, which is perfect for a nice drive through the heated summer horizons.  It might not hurt that the group organized behind Hamlett features members of Natural Child, Lambchop and Stone Jack Jones…but no word on further releases other than this here track.

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