Fresh New Zig Zags Tune + EP News

zigzagsDidn’t want foks to think we’d gone soft today, so I dug up this recent single from Zig Zags, just to make sure we kept things rocking. Like all things from the Zags, it’s just a straight ahead rocker, with a little bit of flare on the noisy side of rock n’ roll; there’s no bullshit, no frills, no catch…just a good rocking jam. This just one of four new songs that’ll blast your speakers on the band’s Slime 7″ EP, which will come out on August 11th via Famous Class. Go ahead and turn it up.

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Jam This Breezy Rocker From Pony Time

pony timePony Time have broken the news that they are returning with what will be their fourth studio record, Rumours 2: The Rumours Are True, on September 11th and they’ve shared with us this first track from that upcoming record. Below is “Time Tells Me,” which is a blend of straight up rock with surfy influences like these light and airy drums. The guitar on the track is a little crunchy, blasting through subtly at the start of the song and then it slowly overcomes the smooth vocals to take center stage. Take a listen and get ready for that new album.

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Balanced Garage From Hinds

hindsMadrid’s Hinds have been making garagey tunes since their origin in 2011, but this new track “Chili Town” seems like a big step in the right direction for the group. The song has got that classic garage feeling; light guitar riffs wave though the background as the wild and imperfectly loud gang vocals hit hard. To me, this sounds like the perfect hybrid between the crispness of surf rock and the grit of garage. I’m really enjoying the number, which sounds perfect for this summer heat. Take a listen.

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Folk Pop From Monogold

monogoldYou know those hooks that are present in some of the later Woods records, like that track “Cali in a Cup?” Imagine a band writing a whole album like that, using lush arrangements, careful manipulation of vocals and instrumentation and filling all that space with great pop sensibility. That’s precisely what you’ll get when you listen to this new Monogold single, and presumably their forthcoming LP, Good Heavens. Some of the harmonies on this track even border the landscape where we find Grizzly Bear traversing, musically speaking, so that’s an added bonus for listeners. You’ll be able to grab your own copy of this delightful LP when the group release it on September 25th.

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The Color Waves Get Cloudberry Records Back on Track

colorwavesOkay, so it’s not like Cloudberry ever really fell off, but they definitely had slowed down the production of one of the greater indiepop labels out there, so it’s good to see that they’re getting back on their game…especially with this great new song from The Color Waves.  There’s a wayward jangle/ring to the guitars, but it’s well-paced, so things don’t seem forced into the genre.  Vocals warmly wrap themselves around every turn in the song, not quite soaring, but definitely with some lofty ambitions.  The 7″ with this single will be issued later on this summer, but for now you can just rejoice in another great slice of pop music.

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Festival Recap: Eaux Claires

oh clair bannerEau Claire, Wisconsin is a long ways a way from Austin, but not too far away in terms of mindset: here, we call our city the Live Music Capital of the world, and in the Eau Claire is the Music Capital of the North. Nestled in the Chippewa Valley and overlooking the the river, we were treated to three days in the woods with 22,000 of our newly formed friends celebrating music, arts, and the spirit of the river valley. At the center of it all was the man who dreamed up such a festival: Justin Vernon, who, alongside Aaron Dessner, brought all of us together in essentially his backyard to experience something greater.

Read on for our recap of the inaugural Eaux Claires Music and Arts Festival and see some pictures from the fest.

**Feature Photo Courtesy of Graham Tolbert

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Anyone Down for DRINKS?

drinksIf you paid attention to the release of the last Cate Le Bon album, you had to know it was only a matter of time before she and Tim Presley (White Fence) formed a songwriting tandem.  And indeed they have, working under the name of DRINKS, crafting paisley pop songs from an era long ago.  On this track, there’s a steady stomp moving forward, with the vocals living in a land somewhere between Nico and Pollard.  They’ve titled their first effort, Hermits on Holiday, which will see an August 21st release date via Heavenly Recordings. Enjoy your DRINKS.

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Advanced Base Charms

owenI was only partially in love with Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, the early project of Owen Ashworth, but I’m falling more in more in love with Advanced Base, his new work. He’s recently put up a new single for his latest album, which reminds me of the perfect land where the worlds of Pedro the Lion and Eels meet; I’m particularly fond of the lyrical approach he takes in his writing process. Instrumentation is careful and purposeful, with every note seemingly placed within the song’s structure for the perfect mood affecting emphasis. Look for Nephew in the Wild on August 21st via Orindal Records, and just enjoy the brilliance of this tune.

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Simple Pop From Avid Walker

11223637_610003005769543_358143324133880288_nIt’s a beautiful day here in Austin and it seems to me that we could all use a bright and sunny tune to go along with our day.  This track, “Conversations”, from Vancouver based Avid Walker is exactly what I’m talking about.  In it’s simplistic take towards song delivery, the track is catchy as hell and certainly worthy of repeat plays.

Avid Walked has a new EP coming out this September.  Stay tuned as we get more tracks your way prior to that date.

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Late to the Game: Plums

plumsPretty sure any of you reading that are looking for some good indiepop are going to really enjoy what’s going on with Plums, if you haven’t been hipped to them already.  They’ve got that twinkling guitar sound, like our friends in Literature or Rose Selavy; the tones of the vocals are warm and calming, creating the perfect balance for the band’s sound.  They just released their new EP, Jen, via cassette on Forged Artifacts, but you can also grab it digitally via the NYOP (donate or die). It’s seven tracks that’ll make you come back for more and more, just the way indiepop should.

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