Catching Up With Cold Showers

Cold ShowersI first caught Cold Showers during SxSW at the first show at the freshly remodeled Belmont. Headlined by Jesus and Mary Chain, I was just about thrilled at the possibilities of the showcase when Cold Showers kicked things off. One Canadian speedbump, but indeed, it was an amazing evening.

I have no idea why I thought of that band or that night this weekend, but I was trolling for updates and found this track in a related pile of artist referrals on the cloud. The band has a new record due on the 28th via Dais Records called Matter of Choice. This is awesome. I would love to see a double bill with ATH favorite Weeknight.

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Enjoy This Grey Lands Track

greylandsI’ve really been digging this track from Canada’s Grey Lands the last few days.  It’s got a very traditional indie rock feel, falling somewhere in the world between Spoon and the Walkmen…though I can’t help but hear tons of Sonic Youth in the guitar chords on this track (none of these are bad things in our book).  The band is set to release their debut Right Arm in just over a month on Paper Bag Records, so we wanted to make sure this preview got the band on your radar as the release date (9/11) approaches.

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ATX Show Spotlight: Rose Selavy @ Cheer Up Charlies

rose_selavy_bandIt’s Monday night, so why not start off your week with some of the best pop music the city has to offer…not to mention, it will be FREE!  Cheer Up Charlies is hosting San Antonio’s Hypersleep, but the bill will be book-ended by some of our favorite locals, Rose Selavy and Ultraviolet.  Did I mention that Rose Selavy also has a 7″ coming out this week on our ATH Records?  I mean, this will be the best chance to preview the band’s work before you head out and grab your own copy.  If you’re not in town, that 7″ can be found HERE.  So, come out and hang tonight and enjoy some indiepop delights.

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Spiritual Song from Cats of Transnistria

catsSometimes I stumble upon incredible songs, wondering to myself how on Earth I wouldn’t post it…this is what happened with this brand new Cats of Transnistria single the band released today. The song consists mostly of lightly picked guitar notes, touched every so carefully so as to allow the strings to ring on for a bit as new notes are picked; it creates a quieted wall of sound that allows for the airy vocal entrance Henna.  Her voice spectacularly floats in, floats out, fades away and is occasionally obscured by these brief bursts of discordant guitar.  It’s one of those songs you can’t pull yourself away from, so that’s a perfect way to start off your week. This is their first new material since their Away EP, which you can grab from Soliti Records…just until we wait more great music from the duo.

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Ski Lodge is No More, But…

newlifeI should have posted about this the other day when I got wind that Ski Lodge was calling it quits, at least in regards to the name of the project. They only had one real release, which fueled my adoration for great indiepop.  But, those who appreciate the songwriting might want to pay attention to Andrew’s new project, New Life.  At first, this seems like a much more synth driven version of the harmonies he constructed with his old act; it almost sounds like a more accessible version of Trust, which isn’t a bad thing in my book.  Not sure about his release plans at this point, but we’ll keep you posted.  For now, RIP SKI LODGE. Best of luck, NEW LIFE.

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Have A Nice Weekend

synkro - photo by Jody HartleyIt is here. The Premier League kicks off tomorrow with Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur. Nathan is United, I am Spurs. ManU should make the top four, because ManU. Spurs are young, very young. They are a wild card, but have the best finisher in EPL in Harry Kane. #COYS

So, you ever hear a song that at once calms you down, but pumps you up? This song by Synkro (Joe McBride) is going to be his debut album Changes on Apollo Records on September 18 fits into that category. I can’t tell if I am relaxed or ready. I dig that.

You can preorder the record on Synro’s Bandcamp and get the first two singles released as mp3s now.

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ATX Weekend Show Preview

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetIt’s that time again…the best part of the week: its end! As always, we’ve got the head’s up for y’all as to where you should spend you evenings (and afternoons) this weekend. I’ve broken it up by day, and our ATH approved choice is in bold, although any option on the list should surely be a good time. You can also check out some songs from our recommendations at the bottom of this post. Have a good weekend and get out and support your local clubs and bands.

Find all the details after the jump.

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Stream This Slim Twig Album

1277419_569713963095154_1745135051_oWe’re always looking out for your best interests here at ATH, so when I saw that Slim Twig were streaming the entirety of their new album, Thank You For Stickin’ With Twig, via Youtube, I knew I had to share it with you all. So far from what I gather, it’s a record filled with enough buzz and fuzz to shake you straight into the weekend. But the buzz isn’t harried. On the contrary, it’s tempered and steady, the real meat of the tracks. Take a listen and follow along with the lyrics provided to you and hear for yourself. Then go buy it from the folks at DFA Records.



Fuzzy Rocker from Tijuana Panthers

tijuanaIn case you weren’t aware already, I’m getting pretty excited by this upcoming Tijuana Panthers album.  On this new single, there’s definitely a little fuzz on the recording, but I love the swagger that comes with the song; it’s reminiscent of call-and-response moments from some of my favorite punk bands. It’s dangerous, yet there’s hooks, and isn’t that what we all want from our rock n’ roll? Their album, Poster, will be out on August 28th via Innovative Leisure.

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Yung Sign To Fat Possum/ Announce EP

10981852_858314187548139_1090538757766018844_nI first heard about Danish band Yung at the beginning of July with their single “Burning Bodies,” so naturally I’m pleased to hear that the band’s signed to the great Fat Possum label and have got more music on the way. The new EP is called These Thoughts Are Like Mandatory Chores and it’s due out September 18th. Below is “Blue Uniforms,” and it’s an extra gritty spin on lo-fi while still maintaining a hint of melodic jangle to the otherwise garage punk sound. The vocals are just how they should be: fuzzy and distorted to a barely discernible level, and when you think the track is kind of tame, the band launches into it with full bite…especially at the end where they properly jam out.

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