Three Kelley Stoltz Records!?!?!

kelleyThree new Kelley Stoltz records? That’s a gift to us all. I feel like he labored with his follow-up to To Dreamers, so it’s great to see the songsmith back so soon with three new albums, although one is being attributed to Willie Weird. Regardless, I’ll go on a limb here and say that Stoltz is the poor man’s (or rich man’s, depending on your view) M. Ward. He’s got the same great recording processes that tie into the nostalgic landscape of American music, yet he’s a little bit left of center…so perhaps he’s never gotten his due.  I’m hoping these three releases get him some much deserved accolades. It seems the big release is In Triangle Time via Castle Face in November, whilst 4 Cuts and the Scuzzy Inputs of Willie Weird albums come out on Stroll On, a UK label. Here’s some samples:

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