Linear Downfall Experiment…with Film?

linearYou might not be wholly aware of Linear Downfall, but in my search for things a little left of the dial, I felt like this should be up every listener’s alley. First, musically, the Nashville act have this weird combination of modern psychedelic blended with the experimental aspects of Black Moth Super Rainbow; there’s a propulsive pulse, an oddity, yet also an underlying song construction that encroaches upon the comfort zone of the audience. They’re in the midst of preparing you all for their new LP, Sufferland, but don’t think they’re just resting on their laurels with the every day release of a record …they’ll be releasing a feature film to accompany it. You can watch the trailer for the video HERE. Look for all that you can enjoy (and more) from the group when the record comes out on November 6th.

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