ATX Spotlight: A Little Rock From Sally Crewe

16576_10151818956882437_758950477_nIf you’re looking for rock music disguised as pop music with flairs of garage rock, then look no further than Austin’s own Sally Crewe. Crewe’s been around for a while, but she’s turning heads with this new single and title track of her upcoming album, “Later Than You Think,” which shows off her skills in the field of rock and roll. At first, the track seems like a solid rock tune showcasing the pop vocals and guitar hooks, but about two thirds of the way in, it takes a little turn for the darkness, and this is where Crewe really shines.  Sally Crewe is releasing Later Than You Think on September 22nd via 8 Track Mind. 

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Blast This New Track from Chomp

10917920_785601878196428_795133212361893412_oChomp‘s a three-piece rock act from Ohio, and I’m definitely digging their style. It blends a bit of art rock with hints of late 90s emo/punk. But, it also has this death march bass line that works throughout the track as the guitar squeals into your air; there’s an air of danger in the song…so if that’s your thing. October 9th will see the release of their Bruise Control EP via the good people at Mirror Universe Tapes, so take a trip and turn the stereo up!

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Ezra Furman Covers The Replacements

ezraI’m not sure exactly where I sit on the Ezra Furman fence; I think I’m straddling as we speak. That might change now that he’s chosen to cover a Replacements song, and not just any song, but perhaps my favorite track from the band, period: “Androgynous.” It’s a pretty decent job too, thus why I figured I would be okay with sharing it with you (as if there were any rules). You’ll be able to find this version on the deluxe release of his latest album, Perpetual Motion People; I’m thinking this tune might just convince you to pick it up yourself.

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Gem Of A Track From Gramma’s Boyfriend

11181087_964236080284251_3366262575382778148_nGramma’s Boyfriend, who currently hail out of the Twin Cities of Minnesota, are about to blow your mind on this Wednesday. They’ve debuted the killer track that I have for you below, “Forget The Stones” a few weeks back, but trust me when I say that you don’t want to miss out on this tune. It’s a perfect blend of genre, with pulsating synths that never stop, tart guitars that pierce the mix, and hazy power vocals that add a layer of mystique to the music. The track is at once immediately intriguing, grabbing your attention right out of the gate, but then the layers of the tune will keep you coming back again and again. Gramma’s Boyfriend are releasing their sophomore album, Perm, via Graveface Records on October 9th, so don’t miss out on that one. Preorder it here.

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Show Preview: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard @ Sidewinder (TONIGHT)

kinggizzardI have yet to make my way over to Sidewinder Austin yet, but tonight seems like the absolutely perfect time to make it out there. For one, the venue’s had a few days to work out the kinks, right? But, another plus is the psychedelic act King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard are blowing into town; I’ve heard nothing short of raves about their live show, which is enough to convince me to make it out there. Still, Michael Rault and hometown heroes Hundred Visions are taking the stage early to kick the night off, so it’s the perfet way to spend your evening. The doors are at 7 PM, so you won’t have to stay out drastically late, and your night will be filled with great hits left and right. Come on, you know wanna.

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Coromandelles Write Pop Music

cormondellesIt’s probably pretty clear that I’m obsessed with all things Tijuana Panthers, so when I realized that Coromandelles was a supergroup of sorts, fronted by Dan from TP, I of course got in on the party. However, there’s definitely a distinct difference, both stylistically and in the recording process. For me, it seems like the natural evolution of pop music in the last five or so years…taking on the garage/surf aesthetic and applying it to the swelling combination of harmonies and melody. It’s sort of like your favorite Cali garage bands doing their take on the Polyphonic Spree…minus the whole cult thing. The group release Late Bloomer’s Bloomers on October 20th via Porch Party Records.

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ATX Spotlight: New Sweet Talk

ST_25_copyDisclosure: I’m friends with Stephen from Sweet Talk. That fact, however, has no bearing on the fact that the group have just completed what I hope is one of the surprise breakout records of Austin this year, Double Perfect. I’m not saying that from the friend side, but the music side; the guitar driven pop rock he’s kicking out on this record, particularly this song, should be enough to garner recognition as one of the city’s great talents.  Personally, I love the varying vocal inflections he throws out on this track, especially when he’s driving home the message of the track around the 2.11 mark of the song.  You can grab the LP on October 16th via 12XU, and if you don’t, I’ll be rather sad…for you.

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More To Love From Hibou

11952714_10153224008717901_6029836011570928364_oI’m not one to let you miss out on a great synth pop track, and it seems like Hibou is doing nothing but giving you hit after hit of this kind. In July, the man behind the music, Peter Michel, got us with the infallibly lush, “Dissolve,” which certainly had me looking forward to the band’s self-titled upcoming LP. Now, we’ve got “Eleanor,” the track below, which goes in a slightly different direction, but a good one nonetheless. This song relies a bit more on the synths of the track to create the dreamscape, and they twinkle through the number quite airily. Vocally, Michel’s pipes resound as though another synth, distorted just enough to blend into the instrumentals at times and then push away at the precise moment. Yea, it’s a Spotify only track, but you can just get over yourself and take a listen. I bit the bullet and found it for you, so trust me when I tell you it’s worth it. Don’t forget, Hibou is out via Barsuk Records on September 18th.

ATX Popfest Playlist – Show Saturday @Cheer Up Charlies

11895936_10207422291186088_4494044377145704198_nWe’re really excited to be part of the first ATX Popfest, trying to encourage love and adoration for our favorite local pop bands. The event features 10 of the best pop bands in Austin, and it’ll be going from 7 – Close over at Cheer Up Charlies. I figured the whole world might not be aware of our scene, so why not create a little playlist to get you hip to what we’ll be throwing down on Saturday.  Two notes, Polio Club have been battling Soundcloud, and have chosen instead to only stream their music via Tidal, so you can buy their excellent tape HERE.  Also, Literature is not officially playing, but members past and present will be playing in Tres Oui, and we’re hoping Nate will DJ late into the evening…playing indiepop hits.

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ATX Spotlight: Meet Garland

garlandGarland sent over some songs our way early this week, and the big single is pretty much a guaranteed indie rock hit. It’s the second time in a matter of a few days where I’ve been taken back to early 2000s indie rock, which as I’ve previously stated is one of my favorite eras. You might actually recognize the man behind the project, as Spencer Garland has played in various ATX bands, most notably working behind the keys for Berkshire Hounds. We’ll keep you posted on record release plans and all that, but we wanted Garland on your radar as soon as we could get it there.

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