Another Song from Quiet Hollers

quiethollersThose of you looking for a piece of Americana to warm your day, then I think you’re going to be best served by passing your day with the second single from Quiet Hollers. Much like their first single, this plays upon the traditions of combining ornate guitar work, strings and simple production to pull out the emotive notes, whilst the vocals cover the track in heavy solace. Up to now, the band has been hitting all the right notes for this listener, so I’m excited to hear the entirety of their new self-titled effort; it hits the streets on October 23rd.

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Show Reminder: 3 x3 @ The Mohawk Tonight

image1We’re at it again, with another great 3 x 3 Series show for you to enjoy on a Monday night. This time around, we’ve got new act Mean Jolene, shoegazers Ultraviolet and ATH Records own, Templo X. Every band here is certainly worth a dollar, if not more, plus you can grab one of those cool Templo X Split 7″ w/ Rose Selavy…or get your hands on the Ultraviolet EP. Plus, if you want to start your night off early, the guys in Templo X will be DJing over at Mohawk for Happy Hour, spinning hits and shaking hands. Come on folks…$3 for 3 great bands….and you can get home before Midnight? Sounds like a win in our book.

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Sorry I Missed It: New Club 8 Single

club8In a busy week, I somehow overlooked this new Club 8 track, which is a shame, as it’s likely some of the best work the Swedish act have put together. Karolina Komstedt’s voice soars beautifully from the opening minute, while the rest of the track is fairly minimal. It’s no surprise that the band is able to accomplish such great heights despite not beating people over the head with driving beats and jangling guitars. Like the song’s title, the song always seems like its heading for a quick end, or a dying moment…ultimately, the listener is rewarded here. Their new album, Pleasure, comes to you on November 20th via Labrador.

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Loch Lomond Channel Indie Greats

lochlomondOkay, so perhaps the indie rock explosion bubble burst long ago, but the remnants of that still remain with lasting influence of Arcade Fire and the Decembrists. That’s exactly where Loch Lomond picks up, with a combination of those two, only slightly less orchestrated. There’s still a poetic note in the lyrical content, and symphonic touches that flourish in all the right places, so the Portland act isn’t too far removed from everyone’s heroes. This song was released via Tender Loving Empire to kick off the band’s tour through the West, and it’s a great way to start off your week…so says I.

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Gorgeous Folk Track From Molybden

0003019393_10Molybden, or Tess Seipp, is an artist currently living in Austin, but is a native of Marfa, Texas. Her sound is that of soothing folk, but in her vocals there’s an air of mystery that begs repeated listening. These few new tracks from her latest release, are soft tunes, as exemplified by “Pleasant Violent” below, which is a lovely song to please the ears.  Pleasant Violent : Bedroom Recordings, vol. 2 is out now via Punctum Records, so head on over here and pick that up and look out for future releases from Molybden— word on the street is she’s got a second full length coming sometime early next year.

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ATX Weekend Show Preview: Who Isn’t Playing In Austin?

ATX Popfest 10Nathan and I were commenting on the plethora of shows going down this weekend, so I figured it’d be nice to lay it all out night by night for you so you know where you need to be to hear the best tunes. I’ve got all your options broken up by days and if you play your cards right, it could be a weekend filled to the brim with great local and visiting acts. See for yourself after the jump and prep with some tunes… a few more hours and it’s the weekend!

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Dusk Do Country

duskI’ve got a lot of respect for artists like Dusk, which is the project of Tenement‘s Amos; he’s taking his roots and turning them out on a bigger stage. It’s interesting, as it’s just another step in the lineage of rock n’ rollers making nod to the American musical tradition. Still, this latest Dusk single also succeeds because of it’s songwriting, not just its look backwards. I’m always going to fall for a track that has a nice bit of piano work serving as the tune’s backbone…it’s the only instrument I know well. Alas, the group will release a debut 7″ on October 8 via Forward Records.

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Show Pics: Get Up Kids & Diet Cig @ Mohawk (9/16)

The Get Up Diet Cig 83It was quite a night for Team ATH at The Mohawk earlier this week. Nathan is Emo kid. Hashtag child of he nineties. I relate. He gets excited about The Get Up Kids like I get excited about The Cure. That was the outside show. The inside show later was Diet Cig, a two-piece that has been heaped praise upon by us and much of the intarwebs. Turns out, they got in early to hang out and watch their openers, heh.

We have tons of pics from the night and a few notes. Get ready for Josh Berwanger, Hotelier, The Get Up Kids, Rose Selavy, Pleasure Venom and Diet Cig and then click read more…

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This Is Pop Music: Rose McDowall

roseI wish I could wrap this track up in some strange package, something that would make it hip enough to catch your ear. But, it’s a pretty straightforward pop track…that should come as no surprise as the tune was written in the 80s. Like all legendary recording artists, Rose McDowall (of Strawberry Switchblade) has found her tunes unearthed, garnering a reissue, and remastering, by Night School and Sacred Bones. This definitely feels like something my sister would have played around the house when I was a kid, but now seems to fit perfectly into my own life…probably because the remastering sounds so great. The reissue of Cut with a Cake Knife comes out today.

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Swings Are Crafting Nu-Slowcore

swingsI always wanted to use “nu,” so it’s a good thing that bands like Swings are crafting music that begs for it to be used. The band, who’ve had a great week with their single, are the seeming heirs-apparent to the Bedheads of the world. They build their songs in a manner that’s gentle and soft, though the “nu” comes in as this group does build a bit more of a head of steam in their tune than some of their forefathers, though even still, they hold back before the eventual release. The DC trio will release their album Sugarwater on November 13th via Exploding in Sound Records.

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