Another Hit From Pleasure Beach

Screen-Shot-2015-04-22-at-7.06.13-PMBack in April we heard this great new track called “Go” from Belfast group Pleasure Beach and the entire ATH crew became fans instantly.  Today we’ll see the versatility of this group with a brand new, and completely different, song entitled “Hayley”.  This one isn’t exactly the upbeat and catchy tune we heard in the spring, it’s more of a slow burning, crooner beauty.  For me, this is showing a band who might really have some staying power.  Continue.

Pleasure Beach will drop their debut EP on October 30th.

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Thursday Night Austin Show Recommendations

ggI’m getting overwhelmed with opportunities for great shows this week, and Thursday night’s no different. Still amazes me that people are still harping on “Austin music is dying” when there’s a million shows to hit up on any given night…but alas. Pay close attention as a lot of the gigs below are cover acts in honor of Halloween…like the show at Mohawk with our boys Rose Selavy; it also has prizes!

Here’s where you can find yourself this evening:

Goblin a Go-Go w/ Rose Selavy and Loafer @ Mohawk – 8 PM

Basketball Shorts, New China, Oozer, Mean Jolene @ Trailer Space – 7 PM (FREE)

Sweet Spirit, Crushed Out, Major Major Major @ Hotel Vegas – 10 PM

Otis the Destroyer, MCG, Ghostbunny, The Bravo @ Sidewinder – 9 PM

Peacers, Elisa Ambrogio, Quin Galavis, Shawn McMillen, Jared Leibowich @ Cheer Up Charlies – 8 PM

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Meet the Deadline Shakes

deadlineshakesFor those of you who’ve been following our little site for the last several years, you’re going to immediately hear why I’m really in love with Glasgow’s The Deadline Shakes (aside from their place of residence, of course). Musically, they’ve got a frenetic guitar jangle, but the vocal delivery is what sold me on this act. They deliver a charm in the vein of Literature or PoBPaH, filled in with some perfect backing vocals. Their debut LP Zealots is going to be released in November via Flowers in the Dustbin, so take notice now before it’s too late.

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FFF Artist Spotlight: Viet Cong


There’s been a lot of controversy recently around The Artist Formally Known As Viet Cong, but despite all that nominal hubbub, this four member group of post punkers are swinging through our town to play some heavy rock at Fun Fun Fun Fest. Viet Cong’s self titled album came out at the beginning of this year, and since then the band’s made waves with their dark wave post punk. Word on the street is that they’re one of the bands that you shouldn’t miss and that everyone will be talking about. So take a listen below and check them out on the Orange Stage on Friday at 3:35 or at The Sidewinder at 12:15 Saturday Night.

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New Single from Forever Cult

foreverThis Forever Cult band is new to me, but I like what I hear from the Leeds group. Their new single blasts forth with some catch whoohoos before settling into some casual hook-laden vocal delivery. Musically, there’s a garage crunch to what the group’s tossing out, and combined with the vocals, you can see how seeing these guys live might just be one of the most enjoyable times of your life. It brims with exuberance, though still enough discord to keep it mildly dangerous. You can grab this track from the Too Pure Singles Club on November 27th.

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New Bluesy Tune From Cicada Rhythm

cicadaWhile I normally am the folksiest and bluesiest member of the ATH crew, I’ll have to admit that this track is pretty blue-grassy, even for me, but damn it, they’ve won me over. The heart of Georgia’s Cicada Rhythm is comprised of Andrea DeMarcus and Dave Kirslis, whose sharp vocals cut as smoothly as the delicate classical and folk elements in this song. “Dirty Hound,” has this slow creeping rhythm to it, but one that alternates with a more up tempo beat, spliced with growling electric guitar. If you’re digging this track like I am, be sure to check out the band’s debut, self titled LP that’s out this Friday via New West Records.

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Local Shows Tonight: Video Album Release + Nick Allison

videoI’m gearing up to go to as many great shows as I can this week, and it all starts this evening. Austinites have the chance to see tons of stuff, but tonight, here’s where you should be: Beerland or Hotel Vegas. Beerland will host the Video album release for the group’s new record…kicking off at 9 PM. Vegas has Nick Allison kicking off his tour with our friends Lochness Mobsters, as well as Lung Letters. Seems like Wednesday is destined for rock n’ roll. Stream tracks below and see what suits your fancy…regardless, you’ll be happy at either of these spots.

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Elephant Stone Scores Psych Rock Winner

elephantstoneI’ve got several Elephant Stone albums hanging around in my iTunes, so when a new track comes across my desk, I’m destined to post it. For my two cents, I think the band have expanded their sound here, adding a synthesized touch to their classic psych rock sound. This track gets a further boost for us Austin folks as it features Alex Maas from Black Angels, and again, it adds another layer to the band’s well-crafted sound. As of right now, this is just a one-off single, but as the band embarks on a short WestCoast tour, we can be assured that more is soon on the way…or so I hope.

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Melancholically Beautiful Track From MONEY

unnamed-3Sometimes, all you need is a good sad song to get you through the day, and  maybe it’s the Wednesday blues, but this track from Money is really hitting the spot. The vocals channel emo rock of the 90s, while the instrumentation is a blend of orchestral folk sounds that blend with the vocals and lyrics to generate a really moving piece of music. Lucky for us, MONEY have a new album, Suicide Songs, coming out in the near future on January 29th on Bella Union. 

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Old School College Rock Feel from The Brainstems

10406970_679847652126005_3836665608930244905_nI might not have been in college at the time, but I think the early 90s had this incredible musical sensibility that’s often been traded for more hits or more shares. With that, it’s refreshing to hear acts like The Brainstems who seem to have gotten things exactly right twenty years down the road. There’s musicianship, but there’s also an indifference to mass consumption that allows for the group to ply their trade with straightforward rock n’ roll that makes you feel alive. This is the first tune to come from the group’s debut, No Place Else, which will be released on November 27th.

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