Fan Fest Invades Rainey St.

Rainey-Street-Fan-Fest-2015It is Formula One weekend. Do not get scared and stay home; go out and party among the race fans. Put on a fake accent and pretend you are Dutch, yesh? Make some new friends for when you travel to Mexico, Brazil, Germany or the UK. Apologize about the weather as the last few races at COTA have been blessed by perfect sunshiny goodness.

Here is a quick rundown of the Rainey St. Bud Light stage headliners…

8:20 p.m. Elle King
9:45 p.m. Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue

7:00 p.m. Money Chicha
8:30 p.m. Ozomatli
10:30 p.m. Mayer Hawthorne

7:00 p.m. Holiday Mountain
8:30 p.m. A-Trak
10:30 p.m. Public Enemy

There is also a show at ACL Live for you willing to shell some jack to have an evening with Lionel Richie on Saturday and plenty more shows and offers tied to Fan Fest at venues you know and love; for instance Dan Falconberry at Mohawk or Gang of Four at The Parish on Friday. You’ll notice there is nothing planned for Sunday. If you get a Sunday F1 ticket, you can see Elton John post-race. They are using the Super Stage set up Metallica and Nicki Manaj had during the X Games. I’ll be there wearing big sunglasses.

Show Preview: Chad Valley @ The Sidewinder Tonight!

HugoAmong the festivities you could partake of this evening, my personal selection will be to take in Chad Valley at The Sidewinder. This is one of the shows that was scheduled a while back at Red7 so if you have tix, jsut go around the corner to where you were going to be and join us. If you don’t have tix, you can click here and get yourslef some digital passes or you can stroll up to the door and pay your twelve dollars.

Hugo is touring in support of Entirely New Blue. Chad Valley has become a can’t miss for the ATH IT Department. Stranger Cat opens.

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New Music from JR Green

witchI feel that the burst of folk-influenced indie rock led to the bastardization of the genre, watering it down with meaningless drivel. But, every once in awhile I stumble upon something that’s fascinating for some reason or another, which is where I found the brothers that make up JR Green of Scotland. They’ve discarded the oft-used fiddle/violin and replaced it with accordion, adding something that creates a melodic buzz behind the lead vocal; I like the occasional shouted vocal for backing that jumps out from time to time too. You’ll find this song on the band’s new Bring the Witch Doctor EP, being released at the end of the month by Hits the Fan Records.

I Missed Junior Boys

atm-junior-boys1While I admit that I have a sparing interest in most electronic music, I’ve always had a fondness for Junior Boys. They’ve somehow managed to consistently create pop hooks within their songs that otherwise seem like dark cavernous tracks. It’s not an easy juxtaposition to pull off, but I feel like they’ve been able to continue their approach by dragging out songs beyond their expected time stamps; it allows for turns and folds, much like we find in this new jam. Finally we’ll get an entire new album from the duo; it’s titled Big Black Coat and is slated for a February release via City Slang.

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Driving New Single From WYLDR

unnamed (2)Though I know very little about up and coming L.A. based outfit WYLDR, I do know that their new single “Savage” is a hit.  It’s a driving, anthem style pop-rock tune full of synths and catchy beats to boot.  Sure it’s a little bit on the sappy side, but I think most of us can get behind their sentiment from time to time.

The Gypsy Queen EP will drop on December 1st.

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New Track from Brass Bed

brassbedIf you ask people who spend their time scouring the net for great tunes, you’re likely to hear their opinion that The Secret Will Keep You is one of those untouched gems that was overlooked by far too many people. So with that, expectations for Brass Bed are really high as we head into the cycle for their new album. This new single definitely pushes things in the right direction; it’s got an incredible beat and these swirling guitars working right behind the vocal. Just picture an upbeat song by the Walkmen, filled with an airy vocal, and you’ll know just why this succeeds. The single comes out next week, but look for a full length in early 2016 via Modern Outsider.

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Mesmerizing New Single From Holy Esque

2012HolyEsquePR240112Glasgow group Holy Esque has certainly seen many posts on this here website over the years, and rightfully so.  Amazingly enough after several years of coverage on ATH the band is finally releasing a proper full LP after a couple of EPs to keep us happy.  Below is a taste of the new album with new single “Hexx”.  Old fans of the band will immediately recognize the distinct and powerful vocals of lead singer Pat Hynes.  Let’s not forget the powerful rock sounds coming from the rest of the band who manage to compliment those vocals perfectly.  Carry on.

At Hope’s Ravine will hit stores on February 26th via Beyond the Frequency.

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Get On the Antlered Aunt Lord Train w/ New Single

AntleredAuntLord3photobyBrigetteAdairHerronAt a certain point in your life you begin to realize you like to beat your own drum, follow your own path. This is precisely what it feels like when listening to Antlered Aunt Lord, the project of Jesse Stinnard. I don’t mean that it’s completely oddball, but rather that Stinnard just wants to do his own thing. Sure, there’s catchy tunes, even hooks in this song, but in spending time with Ostensibly Formerly Stunted (and on fire), it’s become clear to me that you can forgo the modern cliches (musically speaking) and still make a place for yourself and still make music interesting. Kind of reminds me of the first time I listened to Television Personalities; I was like, “this doesn’t feel right…wait…this feels great, I can’t stop playing it.” If you get the same vibe, look for the new LP via HHBTM on November 20th.

Dark Wave Tune from The Black Ships

deadempiresI love everything about this track, and I loved it from the moment I pressed play. It opens with a darkly tinged guitar line, setting the mood for the listener before the drums enter with a synth wash to coat the track in that beautifully warm feel many of us adore. If you’re one of those music fans still holding on to the pop of the 80s, then you’re going to find yourself playing and replaying this track from The Black Ships, who’ve just announced a new LP. This new effort is titled Dead Empires and is slated for a December 4th release date.


Download: The Black Ships – Dead Empires [MP3]

Show Preview: Cross Record @ Cheer Ups (Tonight)

10922432_512148512257410_7508773176381109828_n-2Once again, there’s tons to do on a weeknight in Austin, but this will be one of those shows you decide to go to last minute that makes your week. I was geeking out pretty hard over this folksy and beautiful new track from Cross Record that was released last week, so I’m stoked to get to hear it in the live setting, as well as the rest of their folksy catalogue. Not to mention, the bill tonight at Cheer Up Charlie’s is stacked with other great local acts like Future Music and Silent Land Time Machine that will delight you with their and electro-acoustic psych soundscapes. Doors aren’t until 9:30, and the best part is that it’s completely free. Come out and support the locals, won’t you?

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