My Gold Mask Returns

mgmB. Gray is going to be pissed I beat him to this one, as he’s the guy that first turned us on to My Gold Mask. Sure, it’s not my typical post, but I love a solid club hit from time to time. The group sounds a lot like Robyn on this track, using a dance floor beat for the voice of Gretta to work atop. There’s a catchiness to this track that’s hard to turn away from, so put your judgments aside and just have fun dancing about to this great little tune. The band will release their new album, Anxious Utopia in March of next year.

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More the Goon Sax Music

GoonSax2MIDYou shouldn’t be surprised that Australia’s the Goon Sax are making waves, seeing as sites all over are clamoring for the next great thing to come out of the country. Luckily, this young group has the leadership of Chapter Music to guide them in the right direction, though this song might show that they don’t need too much. It’s the sort of casual pop that’s been popping up here and there on the Interwebs, always with positive commentary. Really, when there’s good songwriting, you can’t help but to listen…pretty sure this song qualifies. That’s my advice to the world: write simple, good pop songs. This gem will appear on the band’s forthcoming Up to Anything record, which is being released by Chapter in April of next year.

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Rock with New Running Single

runninBefore I get too far carried away with the pop music today, I wanted to toss in this brand new single from Running…you know, just a twist of differentiation. The track opens up with a pretty frantic pace, using buzzsaw guitars and a pummeling rhythm section to really build the song’s energy. Eventually, they slow it down just a touch for the vocals to reach at your ears from an echo-y distance; there’s even a few shouts, which comes as no surprise as the band is set to release their new LP on Castle Face Records, the home of John Dwyer. Wake Up Applauding will be released on January 4th, offering something loud and boisterous to kick off the New Year.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Great New Track from The Black Watch

12189194_900374606710510_95011315810630846_oI’ve got the utmost respect for The Black Watch, who’ve been consistently releasing great albums for the last 20 (+) years. They’re constantly playing with varying directions, yet sounding wholly original as lead songwriter J.A. Fredrick ignores all the modern musical trappings. Personally, I think this lead single from their forthcoming Highs & Lows album sounds like one of their best tracks, period. It’s got a great sound coming from the guitars, brimming with really bright chords that ring out perfectly in your ears. The vocals have this deep tone to them, smoothed out in just the right places to make the song an undeniable hit. Pick up the album on December 4th on Pop Culture Press Records.

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Bouncing Post Punk from UV-TV

uvtvEmotional Response is becoming one of my more reliable go-to labels. They’ve only been around for a short while, but already I’ve been turned onto new bands I wouldn’t have otherwise heard about. This time around, we’re all meeting UV-TV, some of us for the first time. Winning off the bat is the rhythm section, bouncing us into the distorted guitar before the vocals come in to sweep us pop fans away. I love this sort of stuff, as it’s walking the line between indiepop and punk rock, keeping an edge while remaining ultimately catchy. This track is off the band’s new split with Shark Toys, and it’s available now!

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I Can’t Not Share This New Ducktails Track

11011742_10153118611178988_4504398511613680129_nCall it old news, or call it what you will, but this new track from Ducktails must be shared. We’ve grown fond of essentially all the work we’ve heard from Matt Mondanile via Real Estate or this project, so it’s not a surprise that this song, “Don’t Want To Let You Know” is a stoner rock gem. The soundscape is lush and full, alternating between a groovy bass line and fuzzy twee synths. Vocally, I’m a little on the fence, but the psychadellic-lite aesthetic of the song keeps me coming back. What do you think? Take a listen and watch Matt wander through some cold looking streets below.





Stream the New Album from Austin’s Stiletto Feels

stilettofeels-1When I heard Geoff Earle was working on a new project, I immediately had high expectations, knowing his capabilities from year’s of playing in the Austin scene. I didn’t expect the work to be so impressive so soon. They just released Big Fist, and it’s filled with danceable grooves and hits that should definitely put the rest of the music world on notice. “Steal Your Guitar” is definitely a standout track, but I’ve taken a liking to the softer track, “The Difference,” which shows the group isn’t just a one-trick pony. Whether you’re an Austinite or a someone who checks our site from time to time, I think you’ll be equally impressed with Stiletto Feels new album; it’s available now via GTZ Records!

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More New DIIV Music


If anyone is judging by soundcloud plays, and you shouldn’t, then this new DIIV record already has a lot of excitement behind, having reached over 10K streams in less than 24 hours. Personally, I was excited by their newer songs at this past Levitation Fest…more so than I was by their earlier work. This new track definitely has my interest piqued further, using a lot of great guitar work to fill out the space behind Cole’s voice. For my two cents, it’s one of the strongest things they’ve done; it’s got a really dark feeling to it, furthered by the way the vocals calmly hang in the air. Their new album, Is the Is Are Now will be released by Captured Tracks on February 5th.

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And Another Idiot Glee Track

idiotaWhy not start off the week with another sweet tune from Idiot Glee? This tune has come in quick succession to the first single released, but I can see that we’ve all got to take note of this release as both of the singles are pretty special. There’s a likeness to Adam Green or Jens Lekman in the vocals on this tune, immediately holding a special place in my heart. But, I also like the way the song builds in the middle and end, piling sounds on to the voice of James Friley to create this huge wall of pop. Look for his new self-titled album on January 29th via Hop Hop Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Can’t Resist This Washer Track

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 presetLooks like Exploding In Sound Records continue to build on their already solid roster, this time with the addition of Washer. Yesterday this tune came out on the airwaves, and I’ve been blasting it ever since. It has a nostalgic sort of Pavement feel, combined with the modern arty-indifference being popularized in NYC these days. Look for the band’s debut, Here Comes Washer, on January 22nd, just a few days after my birthday…in case you’re buying me a gift.

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