Catching Up with Nap Eyes

nappyWay back in 2014 we were way into Nap Eyes, and it seems the rest of the world is catching on to our love there…everyon’es really high on this act at the moment. Yesterday, news broke of their forthcoming sophomore release, Thought Rock Fish Scale. This single doesn’t have too much going on in it musically; it’s a casual ditty worked around some really relaxed guitar work and quiet percussive moments. But, what I think it striking folks is that it’s putting some literary content back into the world, which a great deal of artists seem to have shied away from…so it’s good to get something like this on the radar. Paradise of Bachelors will be releasing the band’s new album on February 5th of next year.

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Let’s Get Emotional With Prawn

unnamed (8)After seeing American Football twice during Fun Fest, I’ve found myself much more open to the slow, melodic, emo style music from the late 90s and early 00’s.  Today my need for throwback sounding emo comes our way from New Jersey based group Prawn with their new single “Seas”.  As I’ve clearly put forward already, this one is for fans of all your favorite groups from the Polyvinyl, Barsuk, Jade Tree, etc. era.  This sweet tune appears on a new split with New York’s own Moving Mountains due out November 17th on Triple Crown Records (pre-order).

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Pleased to Meet You: Odd Hope

oddhopeAs of late, I’ve been scouring the Internet trying to find things that I hadn’t heard before, or that you haven’t heard before. In that process, I landed upon the extremely fascinating sounds of Odd Hope. It’s the work of Tim Tinderholt, and fame or not, these two songs from his new Brave and Olde 7″ are simply remarkable. There’s an understated quality to them, a simplicity that charms from the minute you press play. I think you’ll find that listening to these two tracks will immediately turn you on to Tim’s work, leaving you with your new favorite artist. I can’t wait to hear more from this guy, but for now I share with you my sweet find. The 7″ is available from Fruits and Flowers.

Give the Donkeys Some Love

donkWhen I was listening to this new track it dawned on me (via the player count) that not enough people were listening to this brand new single. It’s kind of a bummer because I don’t feel like there are too many bands out there rocking this blend of indie folk and sunny pop quite the way these guys do. Sure, you might not hear anything perfectly exciting or new, but you should definitely realize that this sort of musical execution doesn’t come across every day. I’m begging you to take a listen to this song, let it sink in, and love on the Donkeys. They’ve got a new mini-LP coming your way via Easy Sound Recordings in the first part of 2016.

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Show Preview: Here We Go Magic @ the Sidewinder (11.17)

herewegomagicBefore the show season hits a halt and lets us settle into the Holiday season, we should all take advantage of the great traveling acts still coming to our fair city. One such act, who’ve always done well here, is Here We Go Magic; they come into town to play at The Sidewinder tomorrow night at 6:30 PM. The group comes into town supporting their latest release, Be Small, which has been well received far and wide. It focuses on the gentle building of pop structures within the confines of Luke Temple’s mind, always sounding elaborate and ornate simultaneously. Joining them will be Brooklyn’s Big Thief and local up-and-comers Cross Record; I promise you that Cross Record will be the band on everyone’s lips next year, if they aren’t already. Show is $12 HERE, with doors at 6:30 PM…so you can get home and get some sleep.

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Fresh Music from Pete Astor

petePete Astor is most well-known for his work in The Loft, though I’ll admit I came at him sideways via The Weather Prophets, then went back to find the Loft. That being said, he’s been crafting his own solo work since the early 90s (his last release was in 2011). This week Fortuna Pop announced added up another track from his new album, Split Milk, which is filled with spritely pop songs. It’s funny too, as I just saw another great UK act, The Charlatans, and while I’m not sure how well known either they or Pete are in the States, good songs always rise to the top. This sample is another sign that Mr. Astor still has it.

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Operatic Notes from Idiot Glee

idiotaI feel like it’s been almost three years since we first wrote about Idiot Glee on these here Interweb pages. It seems like upon his return, he’s upped the ante on the production, taking his operatic notes even higher. He’s still coming across like a more forlorn Dent May or Jens Lekman, though that’s not entirely a bad thing as the pop sensibility never seems to fade from his songs. He just announced the release of his new self-titled album, and this lead single should hopefully have you listening closely. Look for the new effort on January 29th via Hop Hop Records.

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Another Day, Another Strawberry Whiplash Track

strawI feel like this week is best begun with a great track, and that’s just another great tune from the forthcoming Strawberry Whiplash release. Listening through this song the last few days, I can see the great production value that Laz promised me in a brief chat earlier this month. It’s almost got a psych-nod in the jangle of the guitars, but the vocals carry that slight feminine pop touch that particularly warms my heart. Stuck in the Never Ending Now will be released this week via Matinee Recordings.

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The Manhattan Love Suicides Know You Better Than You

1512005_10152197047533072_443518161_oIt’s Friday, and most of you are probably gearing up for a weekend of fun or relaxation. To that end, The Manhattan Love Suicides, out of Leeds, have the perfect gritty rock track for you to punch through those last hours of work. This song, “Bikini Party/Birthday Kill” has this excellent chorus amidst the growling rock, where the lead vocalist shrieks “I don’t want to go to your bikini party, I prefer a good Birthday kill” which nails my feelings exactly and has enough attitude to make you feel good when you scream along with it. Take a listen below and get down with this badass tune.


Sleek and Dreamy Synthpop from Radiation City


If you’re looking for a track that’s going to slowly embed itself into your mind and make you listen to it all day, then look no further. Radiation City, a five piece out of Portland, have just the right track for you to get lost in. This song, “Juicy,” lives up to its name quite well– the synths and guitars melt together into a swirling dreamscape of sound. The vocals are are just the right amount of sweetness to combine with this dreamy texture and double up on the ethereal nature of the song. This group has just signed to Polyvinyl Records, so you can bet we’re about to hear more good things from them. Take a listen to the track below and get lost in its lushness.

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