FFFX In Pictures: Sunday Edition

FFFXSunday Funday.

The skies cleared and left behind a gorgeous day for festival goers. Someone defiled the FFF porta-potty photo booth. Hence, it became a feature of the skyline. The grounds recovered from the rain of the previous days; the landscaping tweaks certainly seemed to work and the layout changes prevented most potential destruction from stomping boots. I was pretty stoked for the weather change as Sunday was the most complete day of old and new, jams and oddities.

We have on tap photos from sets by Golden Dawn Arkestra, Title Fight, Alvvays, Growlers, Chromeo, Future Islands, Ms. Hill and more…

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Fresh Track from Deep Sea Diver

dsdThere’s really no telling what you’re going to get from Deep Sea Diver, especially when you listen to this track. It’s opening guitar lines had me expecting something entirely different than what I heard when the vocal entered. These varying sounds and approaches within the confines of a singular track are what make listening so enjoyable. You’ll find dream pop sensibility hiding in corners where only the jagged guitar lines are willing to lurk. Then they allow the song to slowly fade out…saying goodbye to the listener. All this should make Secrets, their new album, somewhat of an interesting journey…the band release it on their own High Beam on February 19th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/232682983″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Good Morning Following the Australian Path

gmFeel like someday I should just up and move to Australia; I seem to be far too in love with the sounds of the country, particularly those around Melbourne. Which, it just so happens, is where Good Morning hail from. The band is the newest hot commodity, receiving praise from all sorts of media, and some guy named Tyler the Creator. Guitars have that little twinkling twang and the vocals seems to take on that lackadaisical warmth I adore. If this is your first taste of the group, look for more on their Glory EP slated for a release in February.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/231540284″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Enjoying This New Arctic Flow

arcticflowDid someone say synth-driven indiepop? I think you did, and I think you were talking about The Arctic Flow. Honestly, this song reminds me a lot of local indiepop purveyors, Rose Selavy (who just released a 7″ with us!). It’s got a nice wash of electronics building up a swell of sound behind the gentle vocals. Guitars stab in and out, occasionally taking on a gazing approach. You’ll hear more like-minded sounds on the Luminous Veil EP, which is slated for a December 14th release on 10″ vinyl. You have exactly a month to fall in love!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/232542709″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Stream Antlered Aunt Lord’s Album Ostensibly Formerly Stunted (and on fire)

AntleredAuntLord3photobyBrigetteAdairHerronI’ve spent the last month listening to Antlered Aunt Lord and his new record Ostensibly Formerly Stunted (and on fire). While I already love many of the songs, it was the album that really burrowed into my soul. On one hand it has the oddity and the brevity of early Elf Power, but on the other hand I want to compare it to Nothing Wrong with Love (my favorite Built to Spill) record. It’s a listen that can’t be defined, that can’t be pigeonholed, only enjoyed. I have a feeling that as much as I’ve played it already, it’s going to continue to be in constant rotation throughout the duration of my life. Yeah, I said it. You can grab the record this week from HHBTM Records

ATX Spotlight: Nic Armstrong & The Thieves

unnamed-4Confession: this is, and this isn’t, an Austin Spotlight post. Nic Armstrong & The Thieves are not native Austinites, but are British bred. Their latest EP, however, Negative Slant was recorded here at our very own Cacophony Recordings, so we’ve finally got some claim to fame on these psych-esque, British blues-inspired rock and rollers. Take a listen to the title track below, and you’ll find the band in a buzzy blaze of glory– stomping piano, slight tinkering of tambourine, and driving percussion all great you with warmth. They’ll playing the next few Wednesdays in their residency at Hole In The Wall, so be sure to check them out. Details can be found here. 

Why Not Another Tune from The Hermit Crabs

hermitJust last week we brought you the first single from The Hermit Crabs in regards to their newest mini-LP, In My Flat. And, seeing as I’m never one to shy away from posting great pop music, I had to post the second single merely a week later. This song comes across as the most-understated bit of pop you might hear this year. Guitars are fairly quiet and the emphasis comes via slight backing vocal appearances. As far as subject matter goes, I think we can all agree that we’ve been there, only endearing this song to listeners far and wide. Be sure to grab the new album from Matinee Recordings next week.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/232520439″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

FFFX In Pictures: Saturday Edition

FFFX Saturday 63 16Senores y Senoras, nosotros tenemos mas influencia sobre sus hijos que tienes, pero los queremos. Creado y regalo de Los Angeles, Juana’s Adiccion…

Park and Rec Strikes Back – The rains came down after the festing on Friday. There was a bit of standing water remaining and a few potential sinkholes that the city needed to be covered up by mulch before the doors could open. We were allowed in to take refuge from the gathering masses. 1:20pm, was the new start time. Early bands unfortunately did not get to perform, mainly for me I was disappointed to see A Giant Dog with the downtown backdrop. Oh well, I got to lurk during their KUTX recording session and we had quite a bit of jams to fill that void. Shots of Jane’s Addiction, Joanna Gruesome, Ride, Charlatans UK, Fuzz and more after the break…

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Show Review: Shopping @ The Mohawk (PS They’re Playing Again Tonight)

SHOPPINGThis show review will be rather brief– my apologies to openers Xetas and Feral Future for the omission of a description of their sets. It wasn’t for lack of desire that I had to miss what I’m sure were rowdy and glorious sets, but work inhibited me from arriving until right before London’s Shopping took the stage. And take the stage they did– the three members perfectly distributed themselves on the small inside stage of The Mohawk and began their infectious and seamless post punk jams. When I say seamless, I mean that though this band is only a three piece, each member and element go together so well that when they get going it’s hard to really differentiate one from the next, and the same can be said for the vocals. They gather together to form gang-esque grit, and the result is a perfect balance of rawness and pleasant sound. Each member brought their respective energy to the stage–whole bodies thrust into their performance. Lead guitarist Rachel Aggs bounced up and down, her hair flopping back and forth to the jangly riffs she kept doling out. Nothing could really stop the group from impressing the crowd with their wonderful tunes, not even guitar/amp troubles stood a chance from diminishing the night. Rather, it added to the charm of the group and their edginess. I’m telling you, their live show further enforced just how excellent Consumer Complaints is, and brought a smile to everyone’s faces. If you missed it, you are definitely in luck– the band’s Houston show has been cancelled, so they’re gracing our presence again this evening!!!! Find out details for that here. 

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/112040660″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Ripper Rip a Rocker

otcI feel like a good bit of pop music always needs to be juxtaposed to something a little more dangerous, a little more sinister. So, it’s a good thing the folks at Land Ski Records have been so busy lately, offering up this new blast of rock n’ roll from Ripper. Take the sound of the guitar, combine it with the angsty vocal delivery, then toss in a nice pounding beat from the drum section…add it all up and you’ve got something ready to build a riotous little pit in your favorite venue. The Minneapolis four-piece will be kicking out their new A.D. EP in early December via Land Ski and Lawn Chair Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/232454893″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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