New Beauty from Tindersticks

  • tindersticks_2012The power of voice is fully on display in this new Tindersticks number. Really, that’s all there is, other than some really careful orchestration that quietly surrounds the vocals on this brand new duet, which features Lhasa de Sela. Still, the varying tonal notes between the two voices is quite striking; there’s a smoky quality on both male/female sides…it’s almost like a really seductive lounge act. Interestingly, the song, as well as each song on the album, will be accompanied by a film as part of the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. You can find the video for this track HERE. Their new release is titled The Waiting Room and sees a release date on January 22nd via City Slang.

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We Hear More from Ski Lodge

darkwaveIt’s hard to tell exactly what is going on with Ski Lodge these days. At one point, I thought Andrew Marr was ready to go in his own direction and leave the name behind. But, here we are with another great new track from the band, at least in my mind. Seems to me that Marr has peeled away some of the shimmering indiepop tendencies from early on and traded them for a more synth-driven bit of dark wave. This tracks’ nice, but whether or not it packs the same punch on a full-length is yet to be determined in my mind. Still, the title of the upcoming release is New Life, which may just mean there’s something fresh being breathed into the life of this act. Look for the EP via Old Flame Records in early 2016.

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So Stuck on This Tears Track

11220094_1644756532442496_2804422469489400269_nWe’ve dabbled in the making of podcasts and playlists, and if I had to pick a song that stuck, or will stick, with all of November it’s got to be this spectacular Tears tune. The song comes into my ears sounding like this beautiful combination of indiepop, garage rock and shoegaze, adding a further layer with the deep tones of the vocal performance. The group, hailing from Denmark, has gotten some love via In Transit Records, and I’m just going to continue to pile up the praise. One listen and you’ll find yourself your own new favorite song; I promise.

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Hear the Title Track from Pains of Being Pure at Heart’s New EP

painsI can’t lie about my adoration for Pains of Being Pure at Heart, especially as they’ve grown and changed throughout the years. The last two releases from the band, including their new Hell EP seem to have pulled back the shades on the band’s distortion-laden pop songs, leaving us with these undeniably catchy hooks. As I listen to “Hell” I can’t help but to see some similarities to the work of Orange Juice, filling the track with sensational grooves and a great vocal performance. How does one not fall in love with this track? Look for the EP at the end of this week, featuring two covers in addition to this tune.

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Groovy Chillwave From Twin Cabins

twin cabinsTwin Cabins is an LA based project that haven’t been on the radar in a few years, but I’m happy to declare their return. I’m not sure when exactly this single was released, but they’ve got a new(ish) track called “Painfully Obvious” and have a new album coming for you later this Friday on the 13th. This track is all sorts of good– minimalist soundscape with striking moments of instrumentation and chime in and out of the mostly empty space. Take a listen below and see what I’m talking about; there’s really no way to not move your body to this beat. Harmless Fantasies, that new full length is going to be available on limited edition vinyl via Sunset & Hyperion and you can preorder it here. 

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Show Preview: Shopping @ The Mohawk (11/11)

shoppinMaybe you’re still shaking off the cobwebs of tiredness from your eyes from this weekend, but it’s time for you to muster up the strength to hit up the Mohawk tomorrow night for what will surely be an evening well worth your time. Headlining the inside stage is London’s Shopping, who have been wowing us with their post-punk jangly jams for sometime now, so it’s exciting to see how this sound will translate to the live setting; something tells me these tracks are going to be even more robust and require some dancing shoes. Opening up for them are locals Xetas and Feral Future, so be sure to get there early and support your locals. And if you feel like double-dipping and making the most of your night, get there even earlier to catch Youth Lagoon and Moon King on the outside stage at 6:30. Otherwise, doors for the inside stage are at 9 and tickets are 10$…get them here.

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Fresh Bit of Pop from Postal Blue

postalblueWe had a Postal Blue track a few weeks ago, and we’re really excited to share this new number with you today. There’s angular guitars circling around the voice of Adriano, which as always, is quite spectacular. A slight change of pace between verse and chorus occurs, captivating the listener, turning the tune into something memorable. I couldn’t stop playing this song all morning long, and am even more excited for the new release, Of Love & Other Affections, which is coming out courtesy of Jigsaw Records on November 20th. Stream this single, dream big things and have a great day. 

Mat Shoare Delivers a Gem

unnamed (6)Prior to today I really had no clue about Mat Shoare and had never listened to any of his sweet tunes.  I’m glad I gave the guy a chance because I think something truly special has been uncovered here with this track “One of My Songs”.  Cleary Shoare is having a bit of a laugh with lines like “If you’ve heard this one before” and “you’re just a girl in one of my songs”, but the simplicity and quirky vocals create something truly beautiful.  This is at least my jam of the day, maybe even of the week.  Keep hitting play and maybe he’ll get a jam of the month title…..

Shoare’s new EP Memory Music No.1 will be available on January 28th.

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Hear Some Wovoka Gentle

wovokaI’m really stuck on this new track from Wovoka Gentle. The group seemingly operate as a folk-influenced act, but in their construction you can hear digital blips and overlapping vocals. Sure, these things have been used before, but in doing it in this manner, the band manages to create something wholly captivating…and a touch out there. It bodes well for the band’s Wovoka Gentle (Blue) EP, which should offer listeners a slightly different path down the modern indie-folk road. Look for the EP to hit on November 27th via Yucatan Records.

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Groovy Tune from St. Tropez

fuzzI have no idea what to really say about this single from St. Tropez, other than you’re going to love it…I hope. There’s this fuzzy riffage that opens the track, then sticks around to sort of propel the song forward energetically. But, in the vocals, there’s something, like a cross between BRMC and Brit-pop…maybe just a darkly tinged bit of indifference. The Dutch outfit got some love in the studio from Spring King, so you know people are taking note of their work already. This latest single just indicates that we’ve got more good things coming…hopefully more new tunes in 2016.

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