Can’t Not Post This New(ish) Jaill Track

554844_10151810706820416_1486782336_nWe’ve brought you the latest news on Jaill over the years, so whenever we hear a new track from the Wisconsin group, we’ve gotta throw it your way. It seems that with this new single, “Port of Call,” Jaill have also announced a new cassette called Wherever It Be that’s coming out on Infinity Cat Records in just a little while on January 8th. The song below is a mellow take on a pop track, with a laid back beat and easy streaming synths that glide in and out. Similarly, the vocals are distorted and high pitched, balancing out the fuzzy guitars. Take a listen and see what you think.

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Here’s a New Pollen Track

pollPollen is a Finnish based-act (not to be confused with the Philly power-pop act, nor that Austin artist formerly known as). They’ve just upped this brand new single, and I think fans of Hot Chip or LCD Soundsystem will definitely find a sound to enjoy within the confines of this video. Still, what’s drawing me to the track isn’t the throbbing pulse of the song itself, but rather the music working beneath each layer…jazzed up percussion, touches of horns and electronic flourishes. This video comes from the band’s new album, Confidence Will Kill You, which comes out January 15th via Royal Mint Records.



New Split 7″ from The Luxembourg Signal/Soft Science

testpatternThe key to discovering great new music, or being reminded of bands you love is to stay close and follow your friends (even if they’re only Internet friends–don’t buy into the hype!). Lucky for me, I troll some great people, which is how I got pointed in the right direction of this Luxembourg Signal/Soft Science split 7″. I’ve actually covered both bands before, but it’s hard to keep up with everyone, so I’m glad this came to my attention. Luxembourg Signal offer up a great dreamy pop tune for their side, filling 4+ minutes with ringing distorted guitar and melody. Soft Science take a slightly janglier approach, though still in the same vein, it’s got a completely different feel…it all leaves you feeling quite well about the world. The 7″ is now available through Test Pattern Records!

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ATX Spotlight: Golden Dawn Arkestra

music_play-2 You should probably already know about Golden Dawn Arkestra in some capacity, as they’re one of Austin’s own, but have you heard this new single, “Stargazer,” yet? No? Well, press play below and get ready to take a journey with this group into past, present and future, or perhaps another dimension. This song starts slowly and mysteriously, the female vocals entering the mix like heavy fog, as subtle guitar winds its way through the song, and the elements begin to join in. Then, the band launches in full force into the 70s swirling disco that simultaneously makes you want to dance and watch a crime-fighting action show. They’ve got a new LP coming out next February, and if it’s anything like this first single, we’re in for a real treat. Take a listen.

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Slightly Late To The Party: Vivid Dreams


Perhaps this track is a few weeks old– but that doesn’t make it any less good. Vivid Dreams are an NYC based group who make hazy psych tinged rock and roll. The song below, “Alpha and Omega” is a burst of simmering energy that will surely help you get through this Friday and into the weekend. It’s got twangy guitar that crisply cuts through the mix and mild vocals that add an eerie spin on the otherwise clean rock. The band’s releasing an EP sometime this spring called Terror in the Rays, so be sure to keep your ears open for that.

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Fuzzed Out Pop from TW Walsh

tdubsThis tune from TW Walsh should catch your ears today, at least I think so. There’s a fuzz coming out of your speakers, but it’s definitely meant to sit there, adding an extra layer to the work Walsh is trying to create. Story has it that a long period of illness led him to craft the tunes in his head, compiling those sounds with modern recording technology. His harmonic melodies definitely break through the haze that’s presented as the background, as keys and handclaps tinker about in the distance. Look for his new effort Fruitless Research via Graveface Records on February 12th.

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Takenobu Has My Ear

takenI beg you. Please take some time and listen to this track from Takenobu. There’s something remarkable about this track, from start to finish. It opens with really light string arrangements, heavy-handed on the cello…the main instrument of Nick Ogawa. Soon, however, his voice enters into the picture, holding you close with his lofty pop ambitions. Sure, work like this has been crafted before, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard it done quite so well…and quite so focused on the string arrangements. He’s just finished up the finer touches on his album Reversal, his fifth album; it’ll make it your way on February 12th.

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Pinkshinyultrablast Make Their Triumphant Return!

pinkyIt’s not a secret that we really dig Russia’s Pinkshinyultrablast and their take on streamlined shoegaze rock and roll. So you can bet your buns we’re stoked to hear that they’re following up their debut record from the beginning of this year with another record to be released early next year. This new record, Grandfeathered, as hinted at by this first single, “The Cherry Pit” sounds like it’s going to be a bit more of an exploration of the transcendent tunes that we got a taste of on the band’s first go-round. At almost six minutes in length, this track goes a lot of different directions, but one of the first things that will strike you is the almost impossibly crisp female vocals and their steady presence through the whole track. Take a listen and enjoy.


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ATX Spotlight: New Holy Wave EP

hwaveIt’s been a fairly solid couple of years for Austin’s Holy Wave, and while we’re still enjoying the remnants of listening to Relax, it seems the band are ready to best that effort. They’ve just tossed up a brand new song from their forthcoming EP, and while it still holds true to some of the band’s psychedelic influences, this might be the most pop-centric track to date. I love the bounce of the track, emphasized by the pounding drums and the way the guitar chords ring out. It doesn’t hurt one bit that these are some of the best harmonies the group have brought to a recording, surely warranting a thorough listen to their work. Look for The Evil Has Landed II, their newest EP, this week, and get your head around the fact that the band will hopefully have a brand new LP in 2016.

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Hey There Halfsour

Halfsour_091Another day, another hit from Jigsaw Records 2016 collection. This time out, we’ve got a tune from Boston’s Halfsour, bringing about a more ramshackle bit of power-pop. The track has an inner hook, but it’s coated in the way the vocals are delivered with a devil-may-care attitude; it even sounds like the tune was recorded live, giving it a punch that you don’t always get with perfected studio blends. They’ll be releasing their debut album on January 29th, and if you’re asking me, this song is one helluva way to kick things off. 

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