Subtle Psychedelic Magic From Doug Tuttle

unnamed-11The good jams just keep coming today, but this track is really something special. Doug Tuttle, out of Rochester, NH, will be releasing his sophomore solo record, It Calls On Me, on February 19th. He’s shared the title track of that record with us, and it’s a real psych-folk gem. Personally, I quite like the way the instruments and the vocals trade places in the spotlight– that twangy guitar sound pairs nicely with the hazy, faraway vocals. The guitar solos are the kind that beg you to get lost in their 70s sound, but those steady drums hold you down from drifting away. You can preorder that record, coming out onTrouble In Mind Records, right here.

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Good Vibes from Alexei Shishkin

alexeiIf at some point today you need a few minutes to yourself to just look out the window and let your mind drift, I suggest you play this new single from Alexei Shishkin as you do it. It’s a pretty soft moment, but one that really provides the mood for searching for a moment for inner piece. At times, it’s almost as if Alexei is hiding his voice in the mix, allowing it to be just another emotional tool within the confines of the track itself. Just as you feel yourself immersed fully within the song, it fades out. You’re rested, you’re ready for the day. You should also be ready for his new album, Yucca Street, being put out by Forged Artifacts on February 19th.

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In Case You Missed Them: Bent Shapes, Florist, Tacocat

bent shapes

We get beat to the chase in posting rad tracks sometimes; it happens. So it’s possible that you’ve already come across these tunes in some capacity in internet land, but they’re damn good, so I’m posting them anyways.

The first track that I have for you comes from Bent Shapes, who grace the delightful Slumberland Records label with their well executed jangly rock tunes. “New Starts In Old Dominion” is quick paced and white hot, an explosion of pop-punk goodness. Their new album, Wolves of Want, will be out March 11th.

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The second track is from Florist, and it’s quite the change up from the usual, floristrun of the mill, kind of song. “A Hospital + Crucifix Made of Plastic” is a sleepy and simple tune, centered around the vocals, which sound young and unassuming. There’s an earnest and sincere feeling to the sound here that will hold your interest for its duration.

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unnamed-10Lastly, I have a bit of punk rock to throw your way with Tacocat’s latest single. Seattle’s Tacocat have announced their latest LP, Lost Time, and with that announcement they’ve got a brand new, catchy as hell, high energy track called “I Hate The Weekend.” I’m digging the sugary vocals’ juxtaposition with the raw guitars. Stay tuned for that LP coming out April 1st via Hardly Art

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David Bowie

Bowie LazarusWhen I saw that David Bowie had passed yesterday morning, I at first thought what I normally think when a celebrity passes unexpectedly – well, that is sad. And then during the drive into the office and listening to Bowie favorites and reading tributes and social media eulogies, I got sad. It takes time to wrap your head around the importance of David Bowie to music lovers. You think for a second that yeah, sure, he had a few hits. …and then you realize that those few hits are YOUR few hits, your microcosm of his career that spanned decades and genres. Bowie created genres.

I first learned of Bowie in an odd way. I saw, now this was a long time ago, on a Christmas special the Bing Crosby and David Bowie version of “Little Drummer Boy”/”Peace On Earth”. It was mesmerizing. Here was this guy with funky eyes adding something so different and loving to the traditional Christmas song with a fifties crooner. …and that is how I choose to remember Bowie.

He was the greatest collaborator ever. Let’s take a look at a short list I rattled off in the break room at work: Bing Crosby, Brian Eno, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Trent Reznor, Nile Rogers, Luther Vandross, Iggy Pop and so many more. Look at that list. Blues, glam, disco, electronica, post-punk – name an artist that has his name on records in more areas on the floor of Waterloo. I mean, I don’t know if anyone COULD love ALL of his catalog due to his unabashed recreations.

How was one person so giving, yet inspired? How can someone be at the same time a creator and contributor in so many genres with so many personalities? That should be his legacy, more than any one song or lyric. The people he worked with that he elevated and the people that he was elevated by, always a positive, always moving forward.

Now I have to go listen to the last album he gave us again and read into every lyric what none of us wanted to admit we heard at first listen; it was goodbye.

Playful Pop from Varvara

varvaraLooks to be a great year for Finnish music, with the excellent Black Twig album expected soon…and now this great track from Varvara. It opens with that sort of playful indie rock that’s both charming and difficult to pull off successfully. From there the band surges forward into a more straightforward bit of indie rock, sounding like some of the best college rock we haven’t heard yet. They’ll be self-releasing their album, Death Defying Sounds, on their label, Haminian Sounds, which addsto the burgeoning musical scene in the Scandinavian country.

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Dark Simmering Dance Track From HAELOS


HAELOS, who hail out of London, are a relatively new band that are making ‘dark euphoria’ music. Now, that’s a genre that I’m not too familiar with, but when this track rolled into my inbox, something about it struck my interest and made me spin it over and over. When you listen to “Oracle”below, you’ll understand what I mean; there’s this compelling darkness to the minimalist style of the track. Synths waiver and pulse throughout, until the musical release, building up anticipation while the velvety female vocals fall smoothly over everything.

Haeloshave announced their debut album, Full Circle,which will be released March 18th on Matador Records.


Fresh Pop from The Chandler Estate

chandlerThere’s definitely worse ways to kick on in the New Year than with some superb indiepop, and of course, it’s being brought to us by Jigsaw Records. Of course, The Chandler Estate has some other heavy-hitters from the indiepop scene included in the band, but I don’t want to steal away from your research, so lets focus on the song. The slight jangle and twinkle in the guitars brightens the track, though I’ll say the vocals almost lend more towards a dream pop feel…none of that being bad. The band’s Infrastructure EP comes at the end of January, so prepare yourself.

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Another One From Exiles

12002237_501338333359178_7099498794113871273_nExiles has picked up some major coverage from us over the years, and the band slowly became one of those ATH approved types. Once you’ve won us over, it’s more likely than not to see your music posted on this here site. Today is no different as I give you the band’s second new single of the year entitled “Search Light”. The dreamy and bright state of this group’s sound grows ever irresistible with each new track.

New EPSearch Lighthits streets a few short days ago. Buy it in on bandcamp.

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Enjoying This Blankus Larry

blankusAs we work to get back on our feet (sorry our server got hacked), I’m kind of going through things I wanted to post, but couldn’t. This Blankus Larry was one tune that I gravitated towards, mostly because I’m a sucker for a song that goes quietloudquiet. At times, this tune seems like your run-of-the-mill folk tune, yet it gets richer as the distortion is amped up a bit in the speakers. This tune will appear on the band’s forthcoming album, Problemo, which is slated for a February 5th release date. You like?

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Explosions In The Sky Return


Few bands are able to make instrumental music that truly plucks my interest and keeps me coming back for more. Austin’s very own Explosions In The Skybelongs on that list, and have just announced that they’ll be releasing a new album calledThe Wilderness, which is coming out April 1. They’ve also given us a first listen of material from that forthcoming release below in a new song, and it’s the perfect amount of contemplative and stirring for this bleak Monday.

Check out “Disintegration Anxiety” below from the band and get ready for another album of bombastic and well crafted instrumental music.




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