Get Sinister With Frankie Cosmos

unnamed-18Frankie Cosmos, or the project of Greta Kline, has announced a new album called Next Thing, which is coming out April 1st via Bayonet Records. With this announcement, the New York native has also shared a single from that album, which is for your ears below. The clear focus of “Sinister” is the vocal performance of Kline, which is both profoundly soulful and wispy. Even though these vocals take center stage, there’s no ignoring the accompanying instrumentation, which comes across as a blend of bedroom rock with some sneaking synths that crawl through the mix. Take a listen and get ready forNext Thing.


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Show Preview: Roses @ Barracuda – TONIGHT

Shivery Shakes

It’s Thursday night ya’ll…and that means, at least this time of year, time for you to get out and see a really great local show. Now, admittedly, two of the ATH Records bands, Rose Selavy and Shivery Shakes, are playing, but I’m not just pulling the homer card here. I really really enjoyed the Roses set on NYE this year. At times they had this indiepop feel, other times I felt a Kurt Vile vibe, both which I dig. Also, Typical Girls are making the drive in to bring their dreamy pop tracks to the stage as well. It sounds like a perfect night for all you pop fans; Doors are at 9 PM.

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Layered Track from Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith

kaitlWhile I don’t generally gravitate to instrumental tunes, I have always found the music of Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith rather intoxicating. There’s something about the way that she builds the layers on her songs, much as she does here, barely trickling in, then adding various textures. Her music ends up sounding other-worldly, perhaps as a time-capsule piece we’d send out into space to make friends beyond our solar system. Her new album EARS will surely build upon her blossoming sound (and career); it’s being released by Western Vinyl on April 1st.

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More New Jams from Dead Stars

deadI’m always excited when a Dead Stars song comes my way, and this one is definitely no different. It picks up on the band’s style, playing classic guitar rock sounds with a penchant for pop leanings. They’ve already been compared to the Lemonheads by other outlets, and while I don’t think that’s a bad comparison, I think the band have always defined their sound on their own terms. They’ll be releasing Bright Colors on their own Weird Tree Records on June 4th, just before a string of great SXSW shows…more on that later!

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New Mirror Travel Music

mirrorsThis Mirror Travel song has been floating around for a few days, and seeing as we’ve followed the band since their Follow That Bird origin, it only makes sense we give it a light of day here. Things sound a little dreamier here, though the guitar still has a similar effect that matches the voice of Laura Green. Listening on repeat, the record seems like it will have a slightly darker, more ethereal manner to it, leaving plenty of room for psychedelic dream states. Look for Cruise Deal to hit on March 11th via Modern Outsider.

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Joyous Rocker from The Hipshakes

hipsdontlieThe Hipshakes came my way via their connection to Proto Idiot, another UK act that I absolutely adore. In two minutes the band blasts through an energetic bit of rock; it’s as infectious as it is edgy, but what really sold me on the song is the band’s video. Whether it was shot with this in mind or not, the band are just having a blast playing; you can feel their joy coming through your screen, which always make rock n’ roll more endearing…we care because they care. This song comes off their Maximum Growthand Vigour LP on SMF Records, which you can pick up right HERE.

The Hipshakes – My Confession from The Hipshakes on Vimeo.

70s Nostalgia Rocker From Man & The Echo

905728_522935021202785_1955094959660237317_oMan & The Echo are a four piece out of Warrington, England, who blend a mix of new and old influences to create their own style of rock. They’ve got a new single out, called “Vile as You Want” which is below, and it’s three minutes of good old fashioned rock and roll.I’m getting an Arctic Monkeysmeets late 70s rock and roll vibe here; the vocals are hazy and battle the gritty guitars for control of the track. It’s a great way to kick through your Wednesday. Go on and take a listen, and be sure to look out for the physical release of the single on March 11th via 1965 Records.

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Candace to Appear on Mt. Portland Compilation

buzzIt says a great deal when a community can respect themselves enough to participate in a compilation that’s meant to do nothing than highlight the musical scene and aid a charity. So, in this case, Candace and Buzz or Howl Studios have won with their Mt. Portland compilation. Candace wins because hopefully more people will hear their sounds, BoH wins because they get to promote a good cause (charity and their community) and Portland wins because it continues to grow its musical presence. Listen below to sample what they all have to offer! Look for the Comp on February 28th…and maybe an Austin version coming down the line soon!

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Brand New Mind Spiders

MindspidersIt doesn’t seem like Mark Ryan ever quits writing songs, and his work with Mind Spiders is always high on my list. They just tossed out this brand new song from their fourth album, Prosthesis, and it’s showing the continued progression from the band. Ryan’s voice has this haunting delivery on the track, while the guitars race you towards some evil late night crash scene, swerving in and out of your speakers. I love the fact that listening to this band feels so familiar, yet there’s always something refreshing and new from them in the way the songs come to a head. The new effort hits on March 12th via Dirtnap.

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Austin Show Spotlight: Dreamboat @ Sahara Lounge (Tonight!)

dreamboatA few weeks back, I watched something like 75 bands play in various spots across Austin, but only a few of the newer acts stuck; Dreamboat was one such band. They play this evening, bringing their energetic pop; it’s all hooks and all fun all the time. Plus, they’ll be joined by AMA, another one of my favorite local acts from Free Week. The show begins at 10 PM over at Sahara Lounge, also including Batty Jr/Ponyboy and the Horsegirls. Stream the great Strong Legs EP from Dreamboat below…memorize the songs so you can sing along at the top of your lungs.

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