Sea Pinks – Soft Days

0006266989_10Rating: ★★★★☆

Belfast’s Sea Pinks have become a staple in my listening catalogue over the past few years; its strange to think that a band who has only been around for six years has already been so profoundly prolific, but it seems that releasing a solid LP almost every year is just the way Sea Pinks roll. Soft Days is the latest of these stunning releases, and while more subdued and grounded jangly rock, the band finds yet another way to hook you and keep you interested.

This tightening up can be felt from the albums initiation. Opening number, (I Dont Feel Like) Giving In, begins slowly and with a bit of drama: some small guitar and soft building drums light up the path for a good minute of the track before the band launches in with those cutting guitar riffs and the vocals of Neil Brogan. The guitars are bleached out surf jangle to a T, interchanging with a bit of distortion on the chorus for a perfect pop arch. Immediately, youll notice the shift in focus from those orchestral elements that the band employed in the past, to the dueling guitars and their ceaseless jangle. At the end of the first number, you get the feeling that whats to come will be great.

And this intuition isnt wrong; Sea Pinks trade off track after track of spunky jangle pop with more subdued tunes, but its all beachy and lovely. Of course you have stunning singles that fulfill your rock and roll needs like Depth of Field and Yr Horoscope. The former employs the luke-warm vocals of Brogan and pushes them to a new height on the chorus, and the latter reminds me a bit of The Vaccines with its quick lipped lyrics and staccato drums. These bright flamed singles are balanced nicely with slower burning tracks like Green With Envy and I Wont Let Go, on which the guitar riffs meander more than shred, reminding you of beachy sunsets with a cool sea breeze coming off the water.

Soft Days is an album that you wont tire of easily. You will reach its end and feel ready to jump right back to the beginningit has the proper amount of catchy singles and deeper cuts to keep you interested. I will be spinning this one through the seasons for sure.


Andy Ferro Strums Through Some Folk Pop

andyMaybe it’s me, but this new Andy Ferro is something really special. It looks back on pop songwriting from the 60s, stripping away a lot of the modern accessories in favor of a voice and guitar. At times, the guitar gets just a hint of fuzz, but nothing to overstep it’s role as an assistant to Andy’s vocal performance. This is Ferro’s first major effort, and Muirhead will be released via Rough Beast Records on Februrary 26th. I’m keeping an eye on this one, as I don’t see too many contemporaries for the young songwriter.

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Are You Stoked For Wild Nothing’s Life of Pause Yet?

11958077_970211316378664_2723550751892443815_o-2No? Really? It seems almost impossible that you could have missed out on the excellent singles that Jack Tatum’s Wild Nothing has been doling out over the past few months in anticipation ofLife of Pause, but if you’ve been under a rock or something, you’re in luck. Today, we’ve got yet another single from the upcoming record with its title track, which you should immediately press play on below. This song is perhaps the single most resonant of Wild Nothing’s past collection of synth drenched pop tracks, and it’s every bit as good. Pulsing synths really drive this song, and the mellow beat grounds it in a danceable rhythm. All that’s left for you to do is preorderLife of Pausehere and wait a little while longer for the February 19th release date viaBella Union.

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Fresh Pop Bliss from Linden

bonesIf you missed last year’s Linden album, Rest and Be Thankful, then you missed something wholly special; it’s a celebration in the history of great pop music, peeling away layers to supply great track after great track. Luckily for us all, he’s accompanying his latest single with a brand new track, “Bones.” Admittedly, it’s not going to grab you and pull your head into the speakers, but instead will ask you why you haven’t been listening to Linden all your life…it’s a question I had to answer last myself last year. This is a Double A Side single being released by Slumberland Records and AED on February 5th.

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Premiere: Brand New Tiger Waves Album

tigerLong have we loved Tiger Waves, through moves and line-up changes, and even a brief hiatus, I’ve always had their back…so I wanted you all to know that they’re giving away a brand new album of great songs. I asked for a single, and they suggested “Spectacle of You,” but after spending the better part of this morning with the release, it’s too good not to share the whole damn thing. You can grab it for NYOP, but please please please, have a soul. Give the band some cash, a dollar even…it goes a long way towards future recordings and life sustainability. Regardless, stream Tippy Beach below. The album also features local singer Jana Horn of Reservations.

ATH + SXSW = The Austin Connection

I’ve been fortunate enough to make some kind friends over the years at SXSW, and they’e helped me grab a spot on their on-going radio programming this year. Twice a month I’ll be looking at the past, present and future of Austin music…though only Official SXSW acts are permissable…and posting my favorite tracks. It’s been a fun experience, reminding me of stuff I missed, or loved, in the past growing up here. Anyways…my first installment ran live yesterday, and you can stream it below. Enjoy, and thanks to SXSW.

Austin Connection #1 (01/18/2016) by Sxswfm on Mixcloud

Don’t Sleep on the Donkeys

donkeysThe Donkeys have been one of the more consistently enjoyable acts to come across my computer in the last few years. There’s a simplicity to their approach, yet the vocals always seem to possess a certain tonal quality that sinks itself deep within my soul. They’ve been hard at work, as per usual, bringing a new mini-album to the fold. It’s understated pop music of the best sort, with just a hint of California sunshine and country twang. Want a good casual pop song for today? Then you should definitely spend time with this tune; Midnight Palms will be out on February 12th.

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Sweet New Single From SKATERS

DSC00746I’m sure some of you out there have already heard this badass new SKATERS tune, but I’m going for it anyway because it’s just too good to not have on our site. The song itself, entitled “Head On To Nowhere”, is a straight up rocker similar in style to a band like Waves with a little more edge to the sound. To be perfectly honest, if you aren’t feeling this one with me, something must be wrong with your musical taste.

SKATERS officially split from the major label and will be taking the DIY route for their next release. Stay tuned for more information as we receive it.

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Album Stream: Nathaniel Bellows – The Old Illusions

nathanWhile Austin seems to have evaded the gentlest clutches of Winter, I’ve foundmyself listening to tons of wintry folk tunes, but perhaps none sounds as complete as the new album from Nathaniel Bellows. The Old Illusions is filled with intricate little guitar details, and a voice that haunts the inside of your mind. Listen carefully throughout, as you’re going to find these little bits of accompaniment that make this album wholly enchanting and pretty inescapable. In a landscape where tunes get discarded for the next batch, this is something with which you can spend all day. I’ve been gravitating towards “At Sea” the most during my listening. Look for the album this Friday, January 22nd!

Ticket Giveaway: Win Tickets to The Soft Moon (1.22)

softmoonFriday night one of our favorite bands will be gracing the stage for a nice set, and I couldn’t think of a better sound system to handle the wall of beautiful noise that The Soft Moon will bring to the table. The band, primarily the project o Luis Vasquez has been carrying a blend of noise, electronica and industrial pop for some time now, and he’s captivated us through several albums on Captured Tracks…and a nice set at Levitation/Psych Fest. Joining him on the stage that night will be Austin act, VIDEO, as well as Autlier. If you want a pair of tickets for free, leave a comment…pick a number between 1-1000. We’ll contact the winner after NOON on Thursday when the contest comes to a close!

You can also go the other route, and buy tickets from The Parish HERE.

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