Show Preview: Bully & Diet Cig @ The Parish (2.4)

d8acxxjgyqxhuiscl05eThis Thursday there’s a really great way to spend your evening and it’s taking place over at the Parish. For the low low price of 12$ you can treat yourself to a night of alt rock and punk-pop by two kick ass bands. First up are the fun pop punk sounds of up and comers Diet Cig, who put on an excellent and entrancing show; though there are only two members of the band, the dancing Alex Luciano had enough energy to carry a whole room. Headliners are Bully, whose alt-rock sounds will have you reviving your 90s grunge looks and feelings while being transfixed by the raw vocals of Alicia Bognanno. Doors are at 9, so there’s no excuse not to show up early and catch the full set of both of these bands. Chances are it’ll be loud and energetic and the perfect show for a Thursday night.




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