Fashionably Late To The Party: Cherry Crush

12072734_486961824797458_1193891941873060704_nI don’t know what the weather’s like in your neck of the woods, but here in the ATX we are burning our winter coats and donning our spring dresses and shorts for today’s perfect spring day. For me, this warming up in temperature always gets me hankering to listen to a hefty amount of shoegaze/ dreampop music, and lucky for me I found a great track from Cherry Crush. “Lights Out” is a burst of energy, the kind of song you blast through your headphones while you’re outside enjoying the warm sunshine. The percussion on this song is airy and lush, cymbal laden and light, while the guitars shimmer through and backup vocals join the lead for some “ohs” in the background. Turn it up loud and enjoy the weather…or at least pretend like it’s spring.


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Sego Stream New Single

segoOnce Was Lost Now Just Hanging Around is only a few weeks away from its release, and this track here should definitely increase your interest in Sego. My ears play tricks on me with the latest single, trying to determine where the guitar chords seemingly go in and out of tune; it’s an interesting effect that’s buoyed by the precision drum work. This might not be breaking down any barriers, but it’s execution makes it an enjoyable tune you can spin again and agin. Look for the new album on Dine Alone on March 4th. The group will also be following the release up with a little tour, including some SXSW dates.

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ATX Popfest Presents…Welcome to the Jangle @ Spider House (3.16)

welcome to the jangleSXSW is nearing, and ATH has been working with our friends at ATX Popfest to bring you what we know is THE place to be on Wednesday, March 16th. Welcome to the Jangle! Those of you who are pop fans need to come over to Spider House on that day, starting at 12 PM. It’s ALL AGES, and will go all day and night…filled with some of the best talent coming into town. Here’s a quick list of who all is playing: Summer Salt, Hockey Dad, Pinact, Mercury Girls, Wildhoney, Brothers In Law, Beverly, Expert Alterations, Rose Selavy, Fear of Men, September Girls, Diet Cig, Spook School, Dead Stars, Hibou, Tennis System, Literature, and Ramesh.

We’ll have more details as we get closer, but wanted you to plan on taking the day off to spend it with us.

ATX Spotlight: New Single From Growl

18103_564818663621073_9117292441382477635_nLocals Growl and their guitar driven rock have been on our radar for some time, so we’re pleased to see the band releasing a new single. This new song, “Overnight,” shows the band really meshing together, layering each element precisely to make a great garage rock song. It’s an even-tempered jam, not coming in too hot, but slowly simmering into a smooth rumble. Word on the street is that the band is prepping to release a new full length sometime this year… so get excited for that.

Power Pop from Jon Patrick Walker

jpwWhen I first played this track from Jon Patrick Walker I was transported to a simpler time. There’s not too much tinkering in the music, and just a short classic stomp coming through here. I love the natural energy that comes through the speakers; it’s just a sugary pop hit that I can’t get out of my head. It probably doesn’t hurt that Jon played the role of Bruce Springsteen on Broadway (in High Fidelity no less!), as you can definitely get that vibe from this track. He’ll release People Going Somewhere on March 11th.

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Dance Hit from High Functioning Flesh

humanThe last few months I’ve definitely found myself gravitating towards some electronic tunes. Sometimes they’re of the experimental sort, and other times they’re like this new track from High Functioning Flesh, getting me ready for bedroom dancing. The vocals here are definitely dark, almost sterile, but it’s perfectly matched by the rhythmic vibe being let go with the electronic work. It’s a feeling the band are just beginning to explore within their own musical confines, which will hopefully play out on the duo’s new Human Remains 7″; you’ll be able to grab it from Dais Records on February 26th.

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Here Come the High Violets

HighVioletsIMG_2056_JQuigleyThe High Violets are an act you have no business not being aware of, and their return with a new album should remind you just how important it is to have some longevity in a band’s career. Sure, some bands get lucky writing hits off the bat, but on this track, no punches are pulled, delivering the knife to the heart after just 8 seconds. You can’t listen to the fragile beauty of Kaitlyn ni Donovan’s voice without just falling in love. Everyone else in the group supplies perfect songwriting precision, but make sure not to step over the shining star that is the central focus of the tune. Heroes and Halos is the new LP, and it will be released by Saint Marie Records on April 1st.

Still In Love with Britta

brittaSome bands never leave your stereo, and while I loved Luna, I loved the work of Dean & Britta the most. It hit at the right time, endearing me forever to the voice of Britta Phillips (I was already stuck on Dean at that point!). This new single from Britta’s solo project is exciting, though I wish she had more of a vocal performance on the track…though I’ll admit that pick up in the pacing at the 2.15 mark is pretty enchanting. I’ll always stand behind this lady, so I’m welcoming Luck or Magic, which surprisingly, is her debut solo effort; it comes out on April 29th via Double Feature Records.

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Witching Waves Is the Coolest Band You Might Not Know

witchingwavesOkay, so if you’ve been following our pages, we’ve covered the band before, but if not, this might be your first introduction to the promising UK act, Witching Waves. It’s hard to place them in any particular genre; they combine dark elements of post punk with catchy rhythmic bouncing from the jangling pop arena. The vocals border on psychedelia and hooky twee…so it’s no surprise they can’t be defined. Their album Crystal Cafe will be released in the US via HHBTM Records on February 26th, so get your wallets ready.

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Excited for the New Brass Bed LP

brassIf you’ve been kicking it with NPR, then the odds are you might have heard this new track from Brass Bed, but in case you haven’t, we’ll just give it a little space here since I loved their underrated first LP. The opening of this tune sound sort of muddy, but the pop tendencies of the group build shortly after the one-minute marker, letting you glimpse what I’ve come to love about the band. Their new effort In the Yellow Leaf will be released on April 15th via Modern Outsider, so lets not sleep on the band this go round, okay?

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