Another Adult Books Hit

adultsTime to put your shoes on and shuffle your feet. You won’t have much more fun than if you choose to jam to this track from Adult Books. Immediately the drums give you a bounce to your step, with the guitar chords taking on the darker tones of jangling pop music. Vocals echo in a cavernous way, filling out the band’s sound, bringing infectious joy straight to your ears. It’s the latest single from the band in preparation of their forthcoming album, Running From the Blows; it’ll be released on March 4th via Lolipop Records. You can also find them on a lengthy US tour, including SXSW Dates.

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Enjoy This Eskimeaux Track

eskimoWhen I pressed play on the brand new Eskimeaux track, I thought it was offering more of the same, but just before the 30 second mark (just!) things take an up-turn. Harmonies are joined by a male counterpart, pace is picked up and then you’re just falling in love all overthis song. It’s been released as a teaser to the new mini-album, Year of the Rabbit (so 2001 or 2023), and things sound like they’re going to be pretty special. If you haven’t been convinced by the band’s work yet, this looks like the time to get on board.

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Classic Indie Rock Vibes from Pleasant Grove

pleasantLast week, Austin’s Pleasant Grove released their new album, The Heart Contortionists, revealing a mature band with a well-seasoned sound. That’s the most sincere compliment I can offer, as these guys don’t sound like they’re rehashing anything at all…it even seems like they’ve improved upon things, bringing in light atmospheric touches to match the percussion and piano work that serves as a great backbone to the tune. Definitely feels like this is something that went drastically overlooked by us in the storm of a month that was January. Really enjoying this album, so give this tune a listen.

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The Vryll Society Offers New Single

vryllThe arena of psychedelic rock has been changing since it’s rebirth into mainstream consciousness. Since then we’ve seen acts like Tame Impala and others putting a different, pop-centric spin on things; the Vryll Society doesn’t look to be too far off. However, they seem to employ a stronger simplicity, keeping the krautrock bass line in one place as the band works behind it, shooting off guitar chords here and there to add texture to the track. It’s a new single, officially being released on March 11th…we can only hope they’ve got more new work (and an album) on the way.

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New Single From Summer Heart

unnamed (15)Summer Heart is a Swedish pop group we here at ATH took a liking to last year. Mastermind of the project, David Alexander, creates a very dreamy sort of pop music full of haze and enchanting melodies. Below you can stream his new singled called “Pretty Heart” and make your own comparisons. Alexander will drop a new EP sometime later this year. Stay tuned.

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Bluesy Folk From Melaena Cadiz

12471502_10153174386566290_6735933083237599141_o-2You can’t really knock slow burning folk tunes, especially when they feature exceptional vocals of a leading front woman. The slow burning folk tune of the day comes from Melaena Cadiz, and it’s a mellow track that will wind its way into your heart. The vocals are just the perfect amount of smoky and sweet, accompanied by simple acoustic guitar, but you’ll find the track is anything but simple. Cadiz, out of LA, will be releasing herlatest album, Sunfair on March 4th via Misra Records.

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Power Pop from Mr. Bones

mrbonesThere’s something about a solid piece of power pop or guitar popthat just settles the soul. That something is present in the newest track from Mr. Bones, giving us a hint of what we’ll hear on Bites, their upcoming LP. It has sort of a slacker quality to it, though I don’t mean that to diminish the track by any means; it sounds so relaxed and spot on that it seems effortless. I’m hooked on the way the guitar sounds in particular…it’s nothing new, but something I hold dear to my heart. Look for their effort at the end of the month via Good Cheer Records.

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Shake It To This New Lust For Youth Track

12510282_668774416558512_4248295164665006888_nIt’s very important to stretch before doing body rolls, so if you haven’t warmed up already, make sure to get in some quick stretching before you press play on this track. Lust For Youth, out of Copenhagen, are bound to have you ready to hit the dance floor, or to make any floor a dance floor with this new track, “Sudden Ambitions.” This track is huge– the synths swell and bounce while the vocals are right in your face and the beat pulses heavy through the whole song. I’m telling you, this song is a great way to get your body going on a Tuesday. Take a listen and get ready for Lust For Youth’s upcoming album,Compassion, which is out March 18th, via Sacred Bones Records.


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New Single/Video From Kevin Morby

unnamed-23We’ve been tracking Kevin Morby and his work with Woods and The Babies for a long while now, and at this point that anything this man has a part in will be some sort of magical. Today, he’s shared a new video and debuted the single, “I Have Been To The Mountain,” which is classic Kevin Morby with a bit of a pop twist to it. It’s got this stewing haze to it, made possible by Morby’s vocals and the grumble of the electric guitar which cuts in and out. Meanwhile, the beat is kind of groovy, simmering underneath it all. It’s a damn great song, and the video is interesting to say the least. Make sure you check it out below and get ready for Morby’s upcoming album,Singing Saw, which is out April 15th onDead Oceans.




Digging On Worn-Tin

worntinWhen I pressed play on this Worn-Tin track, I thought this was just another run of the mill guitar driven tune, although I did like the layering of guitars atop one another. But, stick around pass the intro, and get yourself into the lyrical moments; it definitely has something different going on that you mightn’t expect. The way each note is delivered is interesting, and while there’s definite allusions to other acts, I feel like the core of this song’s really unique. His album Thanataphobia just got released recently, and as its come into my radar, it should be on yours too.

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