ATX Weekend Show Preview

While most weekends/weeks offer you a plethora of local and non local shows to choose from here in the Live Music Capital of The World, this weekend in particular has got a high volume of great local shows to fill your nights for a few bucks. Looking to make things a bit less complicated for you, we’ve included our picks and highlights of the busy weekend ahead, but don’t forget to see all of your options over at the ever helpful Showlist Austin.

Friday February 5th (tonight)

The Zoltars, Faux Ferocious, Soda, Major Major Major – Hotel Vegas – 9pm

Julia Lucille, Megabog, AMA, Ponyboy & the Horsegirls –Cheer Up Charlie’s

Major Grizz, Yuma, Marcus Brown – Stubb’s (inside) – 9pm

Tele Novella, Lowin, Devin Jake – The ABGB – 6:30pm

Saturday February 6th

Rikroshi(album release), Zettajoule, Ellis Redon, Artificial Earth Machine – Cheer Up’s – 8pm

Cross Record (album release), Adam Torres, Nadia – The Mohawk(inside)- 9pm

P.T. Banks (album release), Tinnarose, Lomelda – Stubb’s(inside) – 9pm

The Sour Notes, Borrisokane – Indian Roller Boutique Roadhouse – 8pm

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Funky Dream Pop From Tiny Deaths

unnamed-21Tiny Deaths consists of Claire de Lune and Grant Cutler, and together as vocalist and producer they are making some interesting pop of the dream variety. They’ve gained some attention after their debut EP and the following tour, and now they’re back with another EP called Night Flowers, which will be out February 19th. It will feature the sleek little number below, called “The Gardener,” which is a groovy tune that relies heavily on minimalism and the warmth of de Lune’s vocals. Synth and groovy riffs flesh out the rest of the mix, and make for a catchy number. Take a listen below.


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Proto Punk from Puff Pieces

puffOff kilter chords matched with a propulsive rhythm section capture your ear almost immediately on this new tune from Puff Pieces. The vocals almost set the whole song off the rails, seeming to work in an odd way against the song’s structure. But, soon the song’s over, and you’re left thinking “what the fuck was that,” and “was it as good as I thought?” It was my friends, which is why the group’s new album, Bland in DC should be on your radar, not only for it’s musicality, but also for the political bent it’s proposing in both album and song titles; it’s out via Lovitt Records on March 25th.

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Another New Elephant Stone Tune

elephantsCan’t really tell how many times I’ve offered up my thoughts on an Elephant Stone tune, but one can be assured that I’m definitely a fan of the band. They’re still holding onto elements of their psychedelic start, but you can also hear that the band’s been building their sound for some time, fusing more pop elements into the mixture. But, just because you throw in a little pop, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little psychedelic freak out in the middle. Just enjoy the warmth of the vocals here, then prepare yourself for their new album, Ship of Fools.

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ATX Single: Sharks in the Deep End

unnamed (2)We have somehow failed in the past by not mentioning Austin band Sharks in the Deep End and their infectious pop tunes. Today I remedy this error by posting their new wave sounding tune called “Shadows in the Sunset”. I’m loving the heavy, driving bass line and the overall catchy feel to the song. Seriously, how could one not love this?

Sharks in the Deep End will release Killin’ Machine on April 16th

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Brand Spanking New Deardarkhead

deardarkheadYou should already be aware of Deardarkhead, the long-running act of warm noise makers (Captured Tracks) even threw out a retrospective a few years back). They’ve been going strong for the last several years, despite nixing their long-time singer and moving forward as an instrumental act. Oddly, they haven’t seemed to miss a beat, if anything growing stronger as a unit. On this brand new single, I’m a huge fan of the rhythm section, particularly the bass chords that seem to bubble up beneath cascading distorted guitars. There’s movement within the song too, which isn’t always present in instrumental pieces, changing tones and power behind the mix. Their new album Strange Weather will be filled with tunes both startling and soothing; it will be released by the super reliable (and Texas based!) Saint Marie Records on March 25th.

Honduras Ready Gathering Rust EP

hondurasWe’ve backed the Brooklyn band Honduras since they first came to our attention, and we’re really looking forward to their new Gathering Rust EP. They just offered up another glimpse of what it might sound like, landing in the same arena as fellow NYC acts Parquet Courts. But, don’t think that makes them mere copycats, rather they take it tossing out their own spin; the guitar chords are warmer (less angular) and the vocals are less spastic. In fact, I think I prefer this better (sacrilege you say!). Oh well, I’ll hand my hat on this set of tunes for sure. The EP hits on March 4th.

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Twangy Psych Pop From Golden Haze

10420143_848088801878972_3062569001595793912_nHave you heard about Golden Haze yet? If you haven’t, it’s probably time you take a listen, as they’re about to release their self titled debut quite soon on February 19th. This latest single, “Never Comin’ Back” is quite distorted and lo-fi, but in all the right ways. The guitars warble through the mix and synths fill the empty space in the song with long, atmospheric sounds. The chorus is catchy and ready for you to sing along with the band. Short, sweet, and twangy, this track is a small gem to get you through the day. Get ready for their full length coming soon fromAutumn ToneRecords.


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GIVERS Return!

unnamed (14)Man it seems like it’s been years since we’ve heard any noise from Louisiana based pop band Givers. Just running a quick search here…. and yeah I last posted on the band way back in 2010. So you can probably imagine my excitement today when I received this new tune entitled “Growls” in my inbox. It seems as though the time away has allowed the band to really mature and flesh out their sound from their bright pop days of old. Now the band resemble more of a mixture of Dirty Projectors and older Yeasayer. Count me in for that.

New Kingdom will come out on April 8th via Glassnote Records.

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Carey Sign to Old Flame Records

careyNashville’s been picking up a lot of national credibility (though we all know it’s been there for years) as of late, and it looks like Carey could be another one of the acts to burst forth from that scene. They’ve just signed on with the reliable Old Flame Records, bringing a crunchy bit of guitar pop to your ears. Like only the best of the genre, they fill the distorted riffs with catchy hooks and anthemic lyrics that you can sing over and over. Look for their EP to come your way on March 11th.

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