Crisp Indie Rock From Decorations

10371487_858375374237169_1733730842081193402_nEveryone needs a little bit of breezy indie rock every once and a while to keep things light and jamming. Today, that source of lightness comes from the radio-ready, anthemic track called “Promise” from LA’s Decorations. It’s got everything you need for a sunny spring day; clean electric guitar sounds that flood the mix with brightness, while a bit of piano balances out the furious guitar and driving percussion. This song is fun and free, with catchy chorus’ to keep your Thursday light. Take a listen.


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Song Premiere: Apartment 3

Apartment3stooppicbetterJust the other day, Burlington, VT based Apartment 3 reached out to me in hopes we’d premiere their latest single here on ATH. After you hit play on this new track “Winter is Over”, I’m sure you’ll immediately see why I jumped at the chance. At its core, this is a garage rock tune with some elements of psych rock and penetrating vocals unlike other typical bands from the genre. I’m sure many of you out there can agree that this is clearly a talented band that we all need to start paying attention to. Better start now before they hit it big.

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Get a Little Dark With MOURN

12814617_1052562401433141_4702661731628891328_nMOURN is a group of four youngsters who hail from Catalonia, and are on the way to releasing their sophomore effort. They’ve got a new single for you to jam and find out why you should be in love with their sound if you haven’t already been. “Storyteller” is a fine example of a guitar-driven grower– the sound is pretty big from the start, which may have you wondering how it could possibly get much bigger. But it does– those guitars seem to get louder and the drums more explosive and present in the mix. What finally escalates the song into a bit more punk than rock is the raw way that the vocals evolve into a scream near the end. Make sure you listen and get excited for Ha, Ha, He. which is out June 3rd via Captured Tracksand that you can preorder here.

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Hard Left Has a New EP

hardleftYe with timid ears should look the other way, as Hard Left isn’t here to play any games. They open their brand new Economy EP with the pummeling title track, offering up stuttering licks while Comrade M growls atop; a little emphatic backing vocals doesn’t hurt the tune either. They follow it up with a slightly gentler call-and-response piece of catchy mod rock. You can flip the 7″ over and get to hear the band backing their friend and poet Tim Wells. Oh, and every song has a message, so you’ll likely leave your listening feeling smarter, angrier and focused on the world.

Pop Weirdness from Gregor

gregorThe sad truth of my life is that sometimes I take everything to seriously. And I mean everything. I forget to give in to emotion and silliness and let go…and then I hear something like Gregor. Oddly, I hear hints of Orange Juice, but mostly I just hear a pop musician willing to forgo modern cliches in order to make music that’s as weird as it is infectious. It’s just a reminder to let go and enjoy what’s coming through the speakers, and I definitely am digging the deep tones of Gregor’s voice. This track will appear on Thoughts and Faults, a collection of home recordings he’s releasing via Chapter Music on April 8th.

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Striking New Song from Emily Rodgers

emilyrogersBe forewarned. Listening to this Emily Rodgers track takes some time. Not because you’ll not be immediately struck by Rodgers’ voice, but because the song sprawls over 7 minutes. In order for you to fully capture the emotion within, you’ll need to stay tuned til the end. Clearly, the voice is the star here, but I don’t think it could really shine as brightly without the various touches placed here and there; you’ll hear a slide guitar shifting towards the sunset, but a guitar with a different tone hits just after the 3.5 minute mark, building yet another layer. Oh, and Kramer (who recorded Low and Galaxie 500) did the recording of this new record, so you know it’s going to be great. The album is titled 2 years and will be released by Misra on June 10th.

New Music from Honey Radar

honeyradarLook who’s back with a brand new full length for those ears? Honey Radar. I only recently (as in the last year or so) got into the band, but I’m definitely ready for the vibes I’m hearing in this new single from the group. You’d be an idiot to ignore the psychedelic influences, yet the recording of the vocals seems to have a different effect than many of the other like-minded acts. Looks like the band are readying their brand new album, Blank Cartoon, via Whats Your Rupture on May 20th.

Fashionably Late To The Party: Citizen Helene

266642_10150252568214940_3986796_oI can’t take credit for this find; Nathan really knows how to pick some winners. Citizen Helene is a solo artist with a touring band that encompasses a psych sound with layers of jazz and indie pop. Based out of London, her sound is perfect ambiance for gloomy days like today. This song below is called “Bridges” and it’s taken from her upcoming 7″ release with Wiaiwya. Once you hit play on the song, you’ll immediately notice the same sort of melancholy indie pop that bands like Camera Obscura and Belle and Sebastian pioneered. But as the song progresses, you start to pick on more of the jazzy elements of the sound. It’s a damn good track, which you should take a listen to and get excited for the release of the 7″ How Can You Find Someone To Love/Bridges which will be out June 7th.

Nice Bit of Pop From The Hazy Seas

12795335_951492121602660_8656031474738553721_nYeah so you know the story by now right? I know very little about (insert band name here), but I love them after hearing their music today. Sound familiar? Well I’m yet again discovering new things today with a new single called “Evergreen” from Michigan based pop group The Hazy Seas. A lot is going on in the song but all blends beautifully with jangly guitars, some hushed vocals, and a somewhat frantic pace all coming together nicely. After winning my ears today, I’ll be sure to share more from The Hazy Seas once I get the info.

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Told Slant Has Something

Told Slant - Going By | Press picI’m going to go out on a limb here, Told Slant (the project of Felix Walworth) is the new Modest Mouse. I don’t mean this in terms of the over-produced, oft-dimsissable, current MM, but the old stuff we all love and adore. Even with that, there’s something accomplished, almost polished that makes it even more appealing. It’s only one song, but it already seems perfectly suited for one of those late night drives under the stars, letting the music sink into your soul as you drive to an endless horizon. Look for the new effort, Going By, via Double Double Wammy on June 17th.

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