Benjamin Cissner Record Release @ Barracuda + End of an Ear

12241698_907663649310191_6124699712053618704_nWhile we cover music from all over, we definitely like to give Austin acts a special focus. But, in covering the scene, you come across a lot of the same genres, same sounds; it’s this way in every city, so I’m always looking for that voice to rise above the rest. For me, the last few months it’s been consumed by this Benjamin Cissner LP, Birds in the Night. Lucky for you, you’ll have two chances to catch him tomorrow night to celebrate the release with him. He’ll be playing for free at 6 PM at End of an Ear, then later in the night he’ll be playing with Rattlesnake Milk and Kill County at the Barracuda. Like I said, this is the one artist around, at the moment, that I feel like is unparalleled in the local scene…he’ll be touring with Scott Yoder in May too, so the rest of you folks should keep an eye out!

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Big Thief Are (Gonna Be) Huge

12747536_1154935807850468_5823245791877167118_oI first had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with Big Thief a few months back when they stopped into town and opened for Here We Go Magic. Instantly, their live act caught my attention– the striking and unique vocals of front lady,Adrianne Lenker creating a distinct impression from the start. I’m pleased to share with you a single from their upcoming album,Masterpiece, with you today. “Real Love” plays with the start/stop format of a track, and combines folk and rock aspects. My favorite aspect of the song is the way the vocals mirrorand play with the guitar parts, making the track come across as simultaneously soft and jagged. Take a listen and get ready for this band to be all the rage in internet land… and check them out at SXSW!

Masterpiece will be out May 27th via Saddle Creek Records.


Synthpop Jam From Dinner

12733419_1119320051420631_232698997424339021_nWe know you love the weirdo synth pop that Dinner brings to the table, and so we know you’ll love the latest single from the gentleman. “Cool As Ice” is premiering today via the format of this odd video below, on which you’ll see some quality lip syncing and the finest of video editing. More importantly, you’ll hear the great new track, which is synthy and poppy as promised, but in a grainy lo-fi fashion and the vocals are impossibly deep. Take a listen below and get ready to catch Dinner at SXSW as well as his upcoming album,Psychic Lovers, which is out April 1st viaCaptured Tracks.


Check Out Sunshine Gun Club

11990382_542581705911131_681168539957449137_nI think most of our readers interested in a little throwback action today will be down for this new song by Sunshine Gun Club. I’m hearing elements of bands like Wavves in this new song “Heaven”, mixed in with some fun and pop like sounds similar toThe Get Up Kids. Heavier, distorted guitars, but with a fun and catchy vibe if ya catch my drift? It’s an easy song to like and one I’m sure all of us can get on board with.

Debut albumHeavenwill come out on May 6th via Wiener Records.

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Sucker For Pop: Digging This Single From HaeLOS

unnamed-31HaeLOS have graced our website quite a bit recently, but I’m super stoked to share this new single, “Separate Lives” with you. It’s a big number, dwelling in the electro pop realm, with vocals that soar through the mix. What’s really wonderful about this single is the way the track builds to its climactic ending, all while giving you a catchy chorus to sing along to. This is one of those songs that you can bet will be huge live, and will put the band even more on the radar of those who take a listen. Look out for their album, Full Circle, which is out March 18th via Matador Records. Be sure to also check out our interview with them for SXSW and catch them while they’re in town for thatchaos.


Explorative Pop Music from Say No! to Architecture

allenNot too long ago we brought you news that Say No! to Architecture was going to make a musical return with their first single, “Wieder’s Floor.” But, songwriter Allen Roizman is really out to take you on a journey through this track. There’s a pulsating force that pushes the song forward, filling in some of that empty space with layered vocals…they serve almost entirely as an instrumental force in the song. It’s not your run of the mill tune, reaching over five minutes to allow you maximize enjoyment…if you happen to be into it. Look for the new self-titled LP on March 18th!

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Even More Lust for Youth

lustIf there’s a record that B.Gray and I are pretty excited about hearing, it has to be this upcoming Lust for Youth LP. The band has continued to grow their sound, creating some of the darkest, yet most accessible, electronic pop music around. They’ve also got a pretty intoxicating live show, which doesn’t always happen for the genre. They tossed out another single today from Compassion, so seems fitting that we stay in line with our obsession and post this new tune as well. You can hear the record when it’s released on March 18th via Sacred Bones Records. Also…check the band touring the States, including SXSW.

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Electronic Hit from Howard

dudesThis brand new track from Howard has some interesting history, as does the construction of their Please Recycle EP. They’ve taken bits and pieces of their debut album, and spun them into completely new tracks. I love some of the work in this newest tune, particularly some of the beats that hit hard and nod towards earlier electronic music. Vocals are sparse, but they serve as another layer, rather than a key focal point to the band’s song. Look for their new EP on March 25th via Fashion People…then go back and revisit their album Religion to see if you can hear where it all comes from.

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